using CtrEditor.Simulacion; using LibS7Adv; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Media; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using CtrEditor.FuncionesBase; using Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.PropertyGrid.Attributes; using JsonIgnoreAttribute = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonIgnoreAttribute; using System.ComponentModel; namespace CtrEditor.ObjetosSim { /// /// Interaction logic for ucPhotocell.xaml /// public partial class osPhotocell : osBase, IosBase { private simBarrera Simulation_Photocell; Stopwatch timer; double timer_lastPositive; double timer_lastNegative; public static string NombreClase() { return "Photocell"; } private string nombre = NombreClase(); public override string Nombre { get => nombre; set => SetProperty(ref nombre, value); } [ObservableProperty] [property: Description("Color")] [property: Category("Layout:")] Brush color; [ObservableProperty] [property: Description("Light cut")] [property: Category("Debug:")] bool luzCortada; partial void OnLuzCortadaChanged(bool value) { if (LuzCortada) Color = Brushes.Blue; else Color = Brushes.Green; if (Tipo_NC) EscribirBitTag(TagPhotocell_OUT, !LuzCortada); else EscribirBitTag(TagPhotocell_OUT, LuzCortada); if (Filter_Frecuency < 1) { Filter_Frecuency = 1; Frecuency = 0; } if (!value) { Lenght_positive_pulse = (float) (timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds - timer_lastPositive); timer_lastNegative = timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds; } else { Lenght_negative_pulse = (float)(timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds - timer_lastNegative); timer_lastPositive = timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds; Lenght_FP_to_FP = Lenght_positive_pulse + Lenght_negative_pulse; Frecuency = (Frecuency * (filter_Frecuency - 1) + (1000 / Lenght_FP_to_FP)) / filter_Frecuency; } } [ObservableProperty] [property: Description("Size of the Light.")] [property: Category("Setup:")] float ancho_Haz_De_Luz; [ObservableProperty] [property: Description("Distance to the neck.")] [property: Category("Debug:")] float distancia_cuello; [ObservableProperty] [property: Description("Type of detection: Neck of the bottle or Complete bottle.")] [property: Category("Setup:")] bool detectarCuello; partial void OnDetectarCuelloChanged(bool value) { if (Simulation_Photocell == null) return; Simulation_Photocell.DetectNeck = value; } [ObservableProperty] [property: Description("Filter signal.")] [property: Category("Setup:")] float filter_Frecuency; partial void OnFilter_FrecuencyChanged(float value) { if (value<=0) Filter_Frecuency = 10; } [ObservableProperty] [property: Category("Debug:")] float frecuency; [ObservableProperty] [property: Category("Debug:")] float lenght_positive_pulse; [ObservableProperty] [property: Category("Debug:")] float lenght_negative_pulse; [ObservableProperty] [property: Category("Debug:")] float lenght_FP_to_FP; [ObservableProperty] [property: Description("Type Filter signal.")] [property: Category("Setup:")] public bool tipo_NC; partial void OnTipo_NCChanged(bool value) { OnLuzCortadaChanged(LuzCortada); } [ObservableProperty] public string tagPhotocell_OUT; public override void LeftChanged(float value) { ActualizarGeometrias(); } public override void TopChanged(float value) { ActualizarGeometrias(); } public override void AnguloChanged(float value) { ActualizarGeometrias(); } public override void AltoChanged(float value) { ActualizarGeometrias(); } public override void AnchoChanged(float value) { ActualizarGeometrias(); } private void ActualizarGeometrias() { if (_visualRepresentation is ucPhotocell uc) UpdateRectangle(Simulation_Photocell, uc.Photocell, Ancho_Haz_De_Luz, Ancho, Angulo); } public osPhotocell() { Ancho = 1; Alto = 0.03f; Ancho_Haz_De_Luz = 0.01f; Frecuency = 0; timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); } public override void UpdateGeometryStart() { // Se llama antes de la simulacion ActualizarGeometrias(); } public override void UpdateControl(int elapsedMilliseconds) { Distancia_cuello = Simulation_Photocell.Distancia; if (DetectarCuello) LuzCortada = Simulation_Photocell.LuzCortadaNeck; else LuzCortada = Simulation_Photocell.LuzCortada > 0; } public override void UpdatePLCPrimerCiclo() { // Escribimos el valor actual al iniciar la conexion // Esto es util para NC principalmente OnLuzCortadaChanged(LuzCortada); } public override void UpdatePLC(PLCViewModel plc, int elapsedMilliseconds) { } public override void ucLoaded() { // El UserControl ya se ha cargado y podemos obtener las coordenadas para // crear el objeto de simulacion base.ucLoaded(); if (_visualRepresentation is ucPhotocell uc) Simulation_Photocell = AddBarrera(simulationManager, uc.Photocell, Alto, Ancho, Angulo, DetectarCuello); } public override void ucUnLoaded() { // El UserControl se esta eliminando // eliminar el objeto de simulacion simulationManager.Remove(Simulation_Photocell); } } public partial class ucPhotocell : UserControl, IDataContainer { public osBase? Datos { get; set; } public int zIndex_fromFrames { get; set; } public ucPhotocell() { InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += OnLoaded; this.Unloaded += OnUnloaded; } private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Datos?.ucLoaded(); } private void OnUnloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Datos?.ucUnLoaded(); } public void Highlight(bool State) { } public ZIndexEnum ZIndex_Base() { return ZIndexEnum.Fotocelula; } } }