using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Shapes; using System.Windows; using System.Diagnostics; using nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Dynamics; using nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Common; using nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Collision.Shapes; using nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Dynamics.Contacts; using nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Dynamics.Joints; namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion { public class simBase { public Body Body { get; protected set; } public World _world; public void RemoverBody() { if (Body != null && _world.BodyList.Count>0 && _world.BodyList.Contains(Body)) { _world.Remove(Body); } } public static float Min(float Value, float Min = 0.01f) { return Value < Min ? Min : Value; } public static float GradosARadianes(float grados) { return (float)(grados * (Math.PI / 180)); } public static float RadianesAGrados(float radianes) { return (float)(radianes * (180 / Math.PI)); } public void SetPosition(float x, float y) { Body.SetTransform(new Vector2(x, y), Body.Rotation); } public void SetPosition(Vector2 centro) { try { Body.SetTransform(centro, Body.Rotation); } catch { } } } public class simCurve : simBase { private float _innerRadius; private float _outerRadius; private float _startAngle; private float _endAngle; public float Speed { get; set; } // Velocidad para efectos de cinta transportadora private List _deferredActions; public simCurve(World world, List deferredActions, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float startAngle, float endAngle, Vector2 position) { _world = world; _deferredActions = deferredActions; _innerRadius = innerRadius; _outerRadius = outerRadius; _startAngle = GradosARadianes(startAngle); _endAngle = GradosARadianes(endAngle); Create(position); } public void Create(float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float startAngle, float endAngle, Vector2 position) { if (_world == null) return; _innerRadius = innerRadius; _outerRadius = outerRadius; _startAngle = GradosARadianes(startAngle); _endAngle = GradosARadianes(endAngle); Create(position); } public void Create(Vector2 position) { RemoverBody(); // Crear la geometría del sensor de curva List segments = CreateCurveVertices(_innerRadius, _outerRadius, _startAngle, _endAngle); Body = _world.CreateBody(); foreach (var segment in segments) { var shape = new PolygonShape(segment, 1f); var fixture = Body.CreateFixture(shape); fixture.IsSensor = true; } Body.Position = position; Body.BodyType = BodyType.Static; Body.Tag = this; } public void SetSpeed(float speed) { Speed = speed; } private List CreateCurveVertices(float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float startAngle, float endAngle) { List verticesList = new List(); int segments = 32; float angleStep = (endAngle - startAngle) / segments; Vertices innerVertices = new Vertices(); Vertices outerVertices = new Vertices(); for (int i = 0; i <= segments; i++) { float angle = startAngle + i * angleStep; innerVertices.Add(new Vector2(innerRadius * (float)Math.Cos(angle), innerRadius * (float)Math.Sin(angle))); outerVertices.Add(new Vector2(outerRadius * (float)Math.Cos(angle), outerRadius * (float)Math.Sin(angle))); } outerVertices.Reverse(); innerVertices.AddRange(outerVertices); verticesList.Add(innerVertices); return verticesList; } private float CalculateAngleOverlap(Fixture bottle) { // Get bottle position relative to curve center Vector2 centerToBottle = bottle.Body.Position - Body.Position; // Calculate angle of bottle relative to curve center (in radians) float bottleAngle = (float)Math.Atan2(centerToBottle.Y, centerToBottle.X); // Normalize angle to be positive if (bottleAngle < 0) bottleAngle += 2 * (float)Math.PI; // If bottle is outside the angle range, return 0 if (bottleAngle < _startAngle || bottleAngle > _endAngle) return 0; // Calculate distance from center float distanceToCenter = centerToBottle.Length(); // If bottle is outside radius range, return 0 if (distanceToCenter < _innerRadius || distanceToCenter > _outerRadius) return 0; // Calculate how far the bottle is from the edges float angleFromStart = bottleAngle - _startAngle; float angleToEnd = _endAngle - bottleAngle; // Use the minimum distance to either edge to calculate overlap float minAngleDistance = Math.Min(angleFromStart, angleToEnd); float totalAngle = _endAngle - _startAngle; // Calculate overlap percentage based on angle proximity to edges float overlapPercentage = Math.Min(minAngleDistance / (totalAngle * 0.1f), 1.0f); return overlapPercentage; } public void ApplyCurveEffect(Fixture bottle) { Vector2 centerToBottle = bottle.Body.Position - Body.Position; float distanceToCenter = centerToBottle.Length(); if (distanceToCenter >= _innerRadius && distanceToCenter <= _outerRadius) { // Calculate overlap percentage float overlapPercentage = CalculateAngleOverlap(bottle); // Only apply effect if there's overlap if (overlapPercentage > 0) { // Calculate the tangential velocity float speedMetersPerSecond = Speed / 60.0f; // Vector tangent (perpendicular to radius) Vector2 tangent = new Vector2(-centerToBottle.Y, centerToBottle.X); tangent.Normalize(); // Adjust tangent direction based on speed sign if (speedMetersPerSecond < 0) tangent = -tangent; // Current velocity magnitude float currentSpeed = bottle.Body.LinearVelocity.Length(); // Desired conveyor speed float conveyorSpeed = Math.Abs(speedMetersPerSecond); // Use the larger of the two speeds as base speed float targetSpeed = Math.Max(currentSpeed, conveyorSpeed); // Lerp between current direction and curve direction Vector2 currentDir = bottle.Body.LinearVelocity; if (currentDir.LengthSquared() > 0) currentDir.Normalize(); else currentDir = tangent; // Interpolate between current direction and curve direction Vector2 newDirection = currentDir * (1 - overlapPercentage) + tangent * overlapPercentage; newDirection.Normalize(); // Apply new velocity with combined speed bottle.Body.LinearVelocity = newDirection * targetSpeed; } } } } public class simDescarte : simBase { private float _radius; private List _deferredActions; public simDescarte(World world, List deferredActions, float diameter, Vector2 position) { _world = world; _deferredActions = deferredActions; _radius = diameter / 2; Create(position); } public void SetDiameter(float diameter) { if (diameter <= 0) diameter = 0.01f; _radius = diameter / 2; Create(Body.Position); // Recrear el círculo con el nuevo tamaño } public void Create(Vector2 position) { RemoverBody(); Body = _world.CreateCircle(_radius, 1f, position); Body.FixtureList[0].IsSensor = true; Body.BodyType = BodyType.Static; Body.Tag = this; // Importante para la identificación durante la colisión } } public class simTransporte : simBase { public float Speed { get; set; } // Velocidad para efectos de cinta transportadora public float Friction { get; set; } // Friccion para efectos de cinta transportadora public float DistanceGuide2Guide { get; set; } public bool isBrake { get; set; } public bool TransportWithGuides = false; private List _deferredActions; public float Width { get; set; } public float Height { get; set; } public simTransporte(World world, List deferredActions, float width, float height, Vector2 position, float angle = 0) { _world = world; _deferredActions = deferredActions; Create(width, height, position, angle); } public float Angle { get { return RadianesAGrados(Body.Rotation); } set { Body.Rotation = GradosARadianes(value); } } public new void SetPosition(float x, float y) { Body.Position = new Vector2(x, y); } public void SetSpeed(float speed) { Speed = speed; } public void SetDimensions(float width, float height) { Body.Remove(Body.FixtureList[0]); var newShape = new PolygonShape(PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(width / 2, height / 2), 1f); Body.CreateFixture(newShape); Width = width; Height = height; } public void Create(float width, float height, Vector2 position, float angle = 0) { RemoverBody(); Width = width; Height = height; Friction = 0.1f; Body = _world.CreateRectangle( width, height, 1f, position); Body.FixtureList[0].IsSensor = true; Body.BodyType = BodyType.Static; Body.Rotation = GradosARadianes(angle); Body.Tag = this; // Importante para la identificación durante la colisión } } public class simBarrera : simBase { public float Distancia; public int LuzCortada; public bool LuzCortadaNeck; public bool DetectNeck; public List ListSimBotellaContact; float _height; private List _deferredActions; public simBarrera(World world, List deferredActions, float width, float height, Vector2 position, float angle = 0, bool detectectNeck = false) { _world = world; _height = Min(height); DetectNeck = detectectNeck; _deferredActions = deferredActions; ListSimBotellaContact = new List(); Create(Min(width), _height, position, angle); } public float Angle { get { return RadianesAGrados(Body.Rotation); } set { Body.Rotation = GradosARadianes(value); } } public new void SetPosition(float x, float y) { Body.Position = new Vector2(x, y); } public void SetDimensions(float width, float height) { Body.Remove(Body.FixtureList[0]); var newShape = new PolygonShape(PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(Min(width) / 2, Min(height) / 2), 1f); Body.CreateFixture(newShape); } public void Create(float width, float height, Vector2 position, float angle = 0, bool detectectNeck = false) { RemoverBody(); _height = Min(height); DetectNeck = detectectNeck; Body = _world.CreateRectangle( Min(width), _height, 1f, position); Body.FixtureList[0].IsSensor = true; Body.BodyType = BodyType.Static; Body.Rotation = GradosARadianes(angle); Body.Tag = this; // Importante para la identificación durante la colisión LuzCortada = 0; } public void CheckIfNecksIsTouching() { if (LuzCortada == 0) return; foreach (var botella in ListSimBotellaContact) { // Obtener el centro de la barrera Vector2 sensorCenter = Body.Position; // Calcular el vector de la línea horizontal centrada de la barrera float halfHeight = _height / 2; float cos = (float)Math.Cos(Body.Rotation); float sin = (float)Math.Sin(Body.Rotation); // Calcular los puntos inicial y final de la línea horizontal centrada y rotada Vector2 lineStart = sensorCenter + new Vector2(-halfHeight * cos, halfHeight * sin); Vector2 lineEnd = sensorCenter + new Vector2(halfHeight * cos, -halfHeight * sin); // Proyectar el centro de la botella sobre la línea horizontal Vector2 fixtureCenter = botella.Body.Position; Vector2 closestPoint = ProjectPointOntoLine(fixtureCenter, lineStart, lineEnd); // Calcular la distancia entre el punto más cercano y el centro del cuello de la botella float distance; Vector2.Distance(ref closestPoint,ref fixtureCenter, out distance); Distancia = distance; if (distance <= botella._neckRadius) { LuzCortadaNeck = true; return; } } LuzCortadaNeck = false; } private Vector2 ProjectPointOntoLine(Vector2 point, Vector2 lineStart, Vector2 lineEnd) { Vector2 lineDirection = lineEnd - lineStart; lineDirection.Normalize(); Vector2 pointToLineStart = point - lineStart; float projectionLength; Vector2.Dot(ref pointToLineStart, ref lineDirection, out projectionLength); return lineStart + projectionLength * lineDirection; } } public class simGuia : simBase { private List _deferredActions; public simGuia(World world, List deferredActions, Vector2 start, Vector2 end) { _world = world; _deferredActions = deferredActions; Create(start, end); } public void Create(Vector2 start, Vector2 end) { RemoverBody(); Body = _world.CreateEdge( start, end); Body.BodyType = BodyType.Static; Body.Tag = this; // Importante para la identificación durante la colisión } public void UpdateVertices(Vector2 newStart, Vector2 newEnd) { Create(newStart, newEnd); // Recrear la línea con nuevos vértices } } public class simBotella : simBase { public float Radius; private float _mass; public bool Descartar = false; public int isOnTransports; public List ListOnTransports; public bool isRestricted; public bool isNoMoreRestricted; public float OriginalMass; public simTransporte ConveyorRestrictedTo; public Fixture axisRestrictedBy; public float OverlapPercentage; public float _neckRadius; PrismaticJoint _activeJoint; private List _deferredActions; public simBotella(World world, List deferredActions, float diameter, Vector2 position, float mass,float neckRadius = 0) { _world = world; ListOnTransports = new List(); _deferredActions = deferredActions; Radius = diameter / 2; _mass = mass; _activeJoint = null; if (neckRadius<=0) neckRadius = diameter / 4; _neckRadius = neckRadius; Create(position); } public float CenterX { get { return Body.Position.X; } set { } } public float CenterY { get { return Body.Position.Y; } set { } } public Vector2 Center { get { return Body.Position; } } public float Mass { get { if (_mass <= 0) _mass = 1; return _mass; } set { _mass = value; } } private void Create(Vector2 position) { RemoverBody(); isOnTransports = 0; _activeJoint = null; Body = _world.CreateCircle( Radius, 1f, position); Body.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic; // Restablecer manejador de eventos de colisión Body.OnCollision += HandleCollision; Body.OnSeparation += HandleOnSeparation; Body.Tag = this; // Importante para la identificación durante la colisión // Configurar la fricción Body.SetFriction(0.2f); // Configurar amortiguamiento Body.LinearDamping = 3f; // Ajustar para controlar la reducción de la velocidad lineal Body.AngularDamping = 1f; // Ajustar para controlar la reducción de la velocidad angular Body.SetRestitution(0f); // Baja restitución para menos rebote Body.SleepingAllowed = false; Body.IsBullet = true; } public void SetDiameter(float diameter) { Radius = diameter / 2; Create(Body.Position); // Recrear el círculo con el nuevo tamaño } public void SetMass(float mass) { Mass = mass; } private bool HandleCollision(Fixture fixtureA, Fixture fixtureB, Contact contact) { if (fixtureB.Body.Tag is simBarrera Sensor) { Sensor.LuzCortada += 1; Sensor.ListSimBotellaContact.Add(this); return true; } else if (fixtureB.Body.Tag is simCurve curve) { isOnTransports += 1; ListOnTransports.Add(curve); return true; // No aplicar respuestas físicas } else if (fixtureB.Body.Tag is simDescarte) { Descartar = true; return true; } else if (fixtureB.Body.Tag is simTransporte) { simTransporte conveyor = fixtureB.Body.Tag as simTransporte; isOnTransports += 1; ListOnTransports.Add(conveyor); // Aplicar el efecto del transportador usando el porcentaje calculado if (conveyor.TransportWithGuides && conveyor.isBrake) { ConveyorRestrictedTo = conveyor; axisRestrictedBy = fixtureB; OriginalMass = Body.Mass; isRestricted = true; isNoMoreRestricted = false; } return true; // No aplicar respuestas físicas } return true; // No aplicar respuestas físicas } private float CalculateOverlapPercentage(simTransporte conveyor) { CircleShape circleShape = Body.FixtureList[0].Shape as CircleShape; PolygonShape polygonShape = conveyor.Body.FixtureList[0].Shape as PolygonShape; // Obtener centro y radio del círculo Vector2 centroCirculo = Body.Position; float radio = circleShape.Radius; // Obtener los vértices del polígono (rectángulo) Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[polygonShape.Vertices.Count]; float cos = (float)Math.Cos(conveyor.Body.Rotation); float sin = (float)Math.Sin(conveyor.Body.Rotation); for (int i = 0; i < polygonShape.Vertices.Count; i++) { Vector2 vertex = polygonShape.Vertices[i]; float rotatedX = vertex.X * cos - vertex.Y * sin + conveyor.Body.Position.X; float rotatedY = vertex.X * sin + vertex.Y * cos + conveyor.Body.Position.Y; vertices[i] = new Vector2(rotatedX, rotatedY); } // Calcular el porcentaje de la superficie compartida return InterseccionCirculoRectangulo.CalcularSuperficieCompartida(vertices, centroCirculo, radio); } private void HandleOnSeparation(Fixture sender, Fixture fixtureB, Contact contact) { if (isOnTransports > 0 && fixtureB.Body.Tag is simTransporte) { if (fixtureB.Body.Tag is simTransporte transport) ListOnTransports.Remove(transport); isOnTransports -= 1; } if (isOnTransports > 0 && fixtureB.Body.Tag is simCurve) { if (fixtureB.Body.Tag is simCurve transport) ListOnTransports.Remove(transport); isOnTransports -= 1; } if (isRestricted && fixtureB == axisRestrictedBy) { isRestricted = false; isNoMoreRestricted = true; } if (fixtureB.Body.Tag is simBarrera Sensor) { Sensor.LuzCortada -= 1; Sensor.ListSimBotellaContact.Remove(this); } } /// /// Aplica la fuerza de traccion a la botellas segun los /// transportes sobre los que se encuentra /// /// public void ApplyConveyorSpeed(float deltaTime_s) { foreach (var transporte in ListOnTransports) { if (transporte is simTransporte conveyorRect) ApplyConveyorEffect(deltaTime_s, conveyorRect); // if (ApplyConveyorEffect(deltaTime_s, conveyorRect)) // break; if (transporte is simCurve conveyorCurve) conveyorCurve.ApplyCurveEffect(Body.FixtureList[0]); } } private bool ApplyConveyorEffect(float deltaTime_s, simTransporte conveyor) { // Calcular el porcentaje de superficie sobrepuesta float overlapPercentage = CalculateOverlapedArea(this, conveyor); // CalculateOverlapPercentage(conveyor); OverlapPercentage = overlapPercentage; // Calcular la velocidad deseada del transporte float speedMetersPerSecond = conveyor.Speed / 60.0f; Vector2 desiredVelocity = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(conveyor.Body.Rotation), (float)Math.Sin(conveyor.Body.Rotation)) * speedMetersPerSecond; // Obtener la velocidad actual de la botella Vector2 currentVelocity = Body.LinearVelocity; // Calcular la diferencia de velocidad deseada Vector2 velocityDifference = desiredVelocity - currentVelocity; // Calcular la fuerza de fricción necesaria - 0 : ya esta en velocidad - 1 : esta detenido float proporcionalVelocityNeeded = 1-CalculateProportion(currentVelocity, desiredVelocity); float frictionCoefficient; switch (proporcionalVelocityNeeded) { case > 0.3f: frictionCoefficient = conveyor.Friction * overlapPercentage; break; default: frictionCoefficient = proporcionalVelocityNeeded * overlapPercentage; break; } if (isRestricted && conveyor == ConveyorRestrictedTo && overlapPercentage > 0.5f) { Body.LinearVelocity = desiredVelocity; return true; } // Aplicar la fuerza de fricción en función del porcentaje de superficie sobrepuesta Body.LinearVelocity += frictionCoefficient * desiredVelocity; //Body.ApplyForce(frictionForce * overlapPercentage); return false; } public float CalculateOverlapedArea(simBotella botella, simTransporte conveyor) { //float areaBotella = (float) ((botella.Radius * botella.Radius * Math.PI) / (Math.PI / 4)); // Math.PI/4 porque es un cuadrado en vez de un circulo //float area = OverlapedArea.CalculateOverlapedArea(botella.Body, conveyor.Body); //if (areaBotella == 0) return 0; //return area/areaBotella; return OverlapedAreaFast.CalculateOverlapedArea(botella, conveyor); } public static float CalculateProportion(Vector2 currentVelocity, Vector2 desiredVelocity) { // Calcular la proyección escalar de v2 sobre v1 float dotProduct; Vector2.Dot(ref desiredVelocity, ref currentVelocity, out dotProduct); float magnitudeV1Squared = desiredVelocity.LengthSquared(); // Si la magnitud de v1 es 0, la proporción no está definida if (magnitudeV1Squared == 0) { return 0; } // Calcular la proporción float proportion = dotProduct / magnitudeV1Squared; return proportion; } public void CenterFixtureOnConveyor() { if (!isRestricted || ConveyorRestrictedTo == null) return; // Obtener el centro del conveyor Vector2 conveyorCenter = ConveyorRestrictedTo.Body.Position; // Calcular el vector de la línea horizontal centrada de conveyor float halfDistance = ConveyorRestrictedTo.DistanceGuide2Guide / 2; float cos = (float)Math.Cos(ConveyorRestrictedTo.Body.Rotation); float sin = (float)Math.Sin(ConveyorRestrictedTo.Body.Rotation); Vector2 offset = new Vector2(halfDistance * cos, halfDistance * sin); // Línea horizontal centrada de conveyor en el espacio del mundo Vector2 lineStart = conveyorCenter - offset; Vector2 lineEnd = conveyorCenter + offset; // Proyectar el centro de fixtureA sobre la línea horizontal Vector2 fixtureCenter = Body.Position; Vector2 closestPoint = ProjectPointOntoLine(fixtureCenter, lineStart, lineEnd); // Mover fixtureA al punto más cercano en la línea horizontal Body.Position = closestPoint; } private Vector2 ProjectPointOntoLine(Vector2 point, Vector2 lineStart, Vector2 lineEnd) { Vector2 lineDirection = lineEnd - lineStart; lineDirection.Normalize(); Vector2 pointToLineStart = point - lineStart; Vector2.Dot(ref pointToLineStart,ref lineDirection, out float projectionLength); return lineStart + projectionLength * lineDirection; } public bool IsOnAnyTransport() { return isOnTransports > 0; } } public class SimulationManagerFP { private World world; private Canvas simulationCanvas; public List Cuerpos; public List _deferredActions; SolverIterations Iterations; private Stopwatch stopwatch; private double stopwatch_last; public Canvas DebugCanvas { get => simulationCanvas; set => simulationCanvas = value; } public SimulationManagerFP() { world = new World(new Vector2(0, 0)); // Vector2.Zero SolverIterations Iterations = new SolverIterations(); Iterations.PositionIterations = 1; Iterations.VelocityIterations = 1; Cuerpos = new List(); _deferredActions = new List(); stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); } public void Clear() { if (world.BodyList.Count > 0) world.Clear(); if (Cuerpos.Count > 0) Cuerpos.Clear(); } // ****************************************************************************************************************************************** // ****************************************************************************************************************************************** public void Start() { stopwatch.Start(); stopwatch_last = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds; } public void Step() { // Detener el cronómetro y obtener el tiempo transcurrido en milisegundos float elapsedMilliseconds = (float)(stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds - stopwatch_last); stopwatch_last = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds; // Pasar el tiempo transcurrido al método Step world.Step(elapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f); foreach (var cuerpo in Cuerpos) { if (cuerpo is simBotella botella) { botella.ApplyConveyorSpeed(elapsedMilliseconds/1000); if (botella.isRestricted) { botella.CenterFixtureOnConveyor(); botella.Body.Inertia = 0; botella.Body.Mass = 100; } else if (botella.isNoMoreRestricted) { botella.isNoMoreRestricted = false; botella.Body.Mass = botella.OriginalMass; } } else if (cuerpo is simBarrera barrera) barrera.CheckIfNecksIsTouching(); } // Procesa las acciones diferidas foreach (var action in _deferredActions) { action(); } _deferredActions.Clear(); } public void Remove(simBase Objeto) { if (Objeto != null) { Objeto.RemoverBody(); Cuerpos.Remove(Objeto); } } public simCurve AddCurve(float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float startAngle, float endAngle, Vector2 position) { simCurve curva = new simCurve(world, _deferredActions, innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle, position); Cuerpos.Add(curva); return curva; } public simBotella AddCircle(float diameter, Vector2 position, float mass) { simBotella circle = new simBotella(world, _deferredActions, diameter, position, mass); Cuerpos.Add(circle); return circle; } public simTransporte AddRectangle(float width, float height, Vector2 position, float angle) { simTransporte rectangle = new simTransporte(world, _deferredActions, width, height, position, angle); Cuerpos.Add(rectangle); return rectangle; } public simBarrera AddBarrera(float width, float height, Vector2 position, float angle, bool detectarCuello) { simBarrera rectangle = new simBarrera(world, _deferredActions, width, height, position, angle, detectarCuello); Cuerpos.Add(rectangle); return rectangle; } public simGuia AddLine(Vector2 start, Vector2 end) { simGuia line = new simGuia(world, _deferredActions, start, end); Cuerpos.Add(line); return line; } public simDescarte AddDescarte(float diameter, Vector2 position) { simDescarte descarte = new simDescarte(world, _deferredActions, diameter, position); Cuerpos.Add(descarte); return descarte; } public void Debug_DrawInitialBodies() { Debug_ClearSimulationShapes(); world.Step(0.01f); // Para actualizar la BodyList foreach (Body body in world.BodyList) { foreach (Fixture fixture in body.FixtureList) { DrawShape(fixture); } } } public void Debug_ClearSimulationShapes() { var simulationShapes = simulationCanvas.Children.OfType().Where(s => s.Tag as string == "Simulation").ToList(); foreach (var shape in simulationShapes) { simulationCanvas.Children.Remove(shape); } } private void DrawShape(Fixture fixture) { System.Windows.Shapes.Shape shape; switch (fixture.Shape.ShapeType) { case ShapeType.Circle: shape = DrawCircle(fixture); break; case ShapeType.Polygon: shape = DrawPolygon(fixture); break; case ShapeType.Edge: shape = DrawEdge(fixture); break; default: return; } shape.Tag = "Simulation"; // Marcar para simulación Canvas.SetZIndex(shape, 20); simulationCanvas.Children.Add(shape); } private float p(float x) { float c = PixelToMeter.Instance.calc.MetersToPixels(x); return c; } private System.Windows.Shapes.Shape DrawEdge(Fixture fixture) { EdgeShape edge = fixture.Shape as EdgeShape; Line line = new Line { X1 = p(edge.Vertex1.X + fixture.Body.Position.X), // Aplicar escala y posición Y1 = p(edge.Vertex1.Y + fixture.Body.Position.Y), X2 = p(edge.Vertex2.X + fixture.Body.Position.X), Y2 = p(edge.Vertex2.Y + fixture.Body.Position.Y), Stroke = Brushes.Black, StrokeThickness = 2 }; return line; } private System.Windows.Shapes.Shape DrawCircle(Fixture fixture) { CircleShape circle = fixture.Shape as CircleShape; Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse { Width = p(circle.Radius * 2), // Escalado para visualización Height = p(circle.Radius * 2), // Escalado para visualización Stroke = Brushes.Black, StrokeThickness = 2 }; Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse, p(fixture.Body.Position.X - circle.Radius)); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse, p(fixture.Body.Position.Y - circle.Radius)); return ellipse; } private System.Windows.Shapes.Shape DrawPolygon(Fixture fixture) { Polygon polygon = new Polygon { Stroke = Brushes.Black, StrokeThickness = 2 }; PolygonShape polyShape = fixture.Shape as PolygonShape; float cos = (float)Math.Cos(fixture.Body.Rotation); float sin = (float)Math.Sin(fixture.Body.Rotation); foreach (Vector2 vertex in polyShape.Vertices) { float rotatedX = vertex.X * cos - vertex.Y * sin + fixture.Body.Position.X; float rotatedY = vertex.X * sin + vertex.Y * cos + fixture.Body.Position.Y; polygon.Points.Add(new Point(p(rotatedX), p(rotatedY))); } return polygon; } } }