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import re
import json
import pandas as pd
def expand_udt_references(db_struct, udts):
Recursively expand UDT references in the given DB structure using the UDT definitions.
This function specifically expands fields designated as 'type' which reference UDTs.
if isinstance(db_struct, dict):
for key, value in list(db_struct.items()):
if isinstance(value, dict):
# Recurse into dictionaries
expand_udt_references(value, udts)
elif isinstance(value, str) and key == "type": # Only expand 'type' fields
type_name = value.strip(
) # Remove quotes which may wrap UDT names with spaces
if type_name in udts:
# Replace the UDT reference with its definition, if it exists
db_struct["fields"] = udts[
].copy() # Assume structure to insert is under 'fields'
print(f"Expanded UDT '{type_name}' at field '{key}' ")
elif isinstance(db_struct, list):
for item in db_struct:
expand_udt_references(item, udts)
def handle_array_types(db_struct):
Handle array types once all UDTs are expanded.
This function modifies the structure in place.
if isinstance(db_struct, dict):
for key, value in list(db_struct.items()):
if isinstance(value, dict):
elif isinstance(value, str):
# Parsing array definitions, e.g., "Array[1..3] of Real"
match = re.match(r"Array\[(\d+)\.\.(\d+)\] of (\w+)", value)
if match:
lower_bound, upper_bound, base_type = (
# Expand this field into multiple fields
db_struct.pop(key) # Remove the original field
for i in range(lower_bound, upper_bound + 1):
db_struct[f"{key}_{i}"] = {"type": base_type, 'is_array_element': True}
f"Expanded field '{key}' into array fields: {key}_{lower_bound} to {key}_{upper_bound} of type {base_type}"
type_sizes = {
"Int": 2,
"DInt": 4,
"Word": 2,
"Real": 4,
"Bool": 2, # We'll adjust this dynamically based on context (1 byte if alone, 1 bit if grouped)
"String": 1, # This will be multiplied by the specified size in brackets [n]
def calculate_offsets(db_struct, current_offset=0, parent=None):
Recursively calculate byte offsets for each field in the DB structure considering special types.
last_key_was_bool = False
if isinstance(db_struct, dict):
for key, value in list(db_struct.items()):
if isinstance(value, dict):
if "type" in value:
type_name = value["type"]
is_array_element = value.get('is_array_element', False)
size = type_sizes.get(
type_name, 0
) # Default to 1 byte if type is not recognized
if not is_array_element and current_offset % 2 != 0:
current_offset += 1 # Align to the next even offset if it's not an array element
# Special handling for String types
if "String" in type_name:
match = re.match(r"String\[(\d+)\]", type_name)
if match:
length = int(match.group(1))
size = length + 2 # Account for null-termination and string length prefix
size = type_sizes.get(type_name, 1) # Default to generic size if not an array
# Adjusting Bool sizes based on grouping
if type_name == "Bool":
if last_key_was_bool: # This is a grouped bool
size = 0.125 # One bit per Bool if grouped
size = 2 # Bools use a full byte if not grouped
last_key_was_bool = True
last_key_was_bool = False
value["offset"] = current_offset
current_offset += size
current_offset = calculate_offsets(
value, current_offset, value
) # Recurse into nested structs
elif isinstance(db_struct, list):
for item in db_struct:
current_offset = calculate_offsets(item, current_offset, parent)
return current_offset
def expand_dbs(udts, dbs):
Expand all UDT references in all DBs and then handle array types.
for db_name, db_content in dbs.items():
print(f"Expanding DB: {db_name}")
expand_udt_references(db_content, udts)
print(f"Completed expansion for DB: {db_name}")