
245 lines
8.4 KiB

import xmltodict
import pandas as pd
import re
import sys
def save_json_to_xml(json_data, filename="DB_Structure.xml"):
Convert JSON data to XML and save it to a file.
xml_data = xmltodict.unparse({"root": json_data}, pretty=True)
with open(filename, "w") as xml_file:
print(f"XML data saved to {filename}")
def save_dataframe_to_excel(df, filename="DB_Structure.xlsx"):
Save the provided DataFrame to an Excel file.
df.to_excel(filename, index=False)
print(f"Data saved to {filename}")
def save_dataframe_to_file(df, filename="DB_Structure.csv"):
Save the provided DataFrame to a CSV file.
df.to_csv(filename, index=False)
print(f"Data saved to {filename}")
type_sizes = {
"Byte": 1,
"Char": 1,
"Int": 2,
"DInt": 4,
"Word": 2,
"DWord": 4,
"Real": 4,
"Date": 2,
"Time": 4,
"Time_Of_Day": 4,
"S5Time": 2,
"Bool": 0.125, # Recuerda, esto significa 1 bit, pero es comúnmente agrupado en 8 bits = 1 Byte
"String": 256, # Especificar si es necesario como String[256] que serían 258 bytes (256 caracteres + 2 de longitud)
"WString": 512,
"LReal": 8, # Doble precisión de punto flotante
"UDInt": 4, # Entero sin signo de 32 bits
"USInt": 1, # Entero sin signo de 8 bits (Byte)
"UInt": 2, # Entero sin signo de 16 bits (Word)
"ULInt": 8, # Entero sin signo de 64 bits (Doble DWord)
"LWord": 8, # Entero sin signo de 64 bits (Doble DWord)
"LInt": 8, # Entero con signo de 64 bits
"Date_And_Time": 8, # Fecha y hora combinadas, 8 bytes
"DTL": 12, # Date and time long (fecha, hora y precisión a microsegundos, 12 bytes)
def calculate_plc_address(type_name, byte_offset):
Calculate the PLC address notation based on byte size, byte offset and bit offset.
byte_size = type_sizes.get(type_name, 0)
bit_offset = int((byte_offset - int(byte_offset)) * 8)
byte_offset = int(byte_offset)
if type_name == "Bool":
if bit_offset is not None:
return f"DBX{byte_offset}.{bit_offset}" # Address for single bits
return f"DBB{byte_offset}" # Address for single bytes
elif type_name == "Byte":
return f"DBB{byte_offset}" # Address for two-byte words
elif byte_size == 2:
return f"DBW{byte_offset}" # Address for two-byte words
elif byte_size == 4:
return f"DBD{byte_offset}" # Address for four-byte double words
return f"DBX{byte_offset}.0" # Default to bit address for types longer than 4 bytes (e.g., strings)
def calculate_plc_size(size):
byte_size = size
bit_offset = int((size - int(size)) * 8)
size = int(size)
if bit_offset > 0:
return f"{size}.{bit_offset}"
return f"{size}"
class OffsetState:
last_key_was_bool = False
last_bit_offset = 0 # To track bit offsets within a byte
current_offset = 0
def calculate_offsets(value, state):
type_name = value["type"]
is_array_element = value.get("is_array_element", False)
is_array_definition = value.get("array_definition", False)
is_udt_definition = value.get("is_udt_definition", False)
if state.last_key_was_bool:
is_array_element = True
size = 0
if not is_array_element:
if state.current_offset % 2 != 0:
state.current_offset += (
1 # Align to the next even offset if it's not an array element
# Adjusting Bool sizes based on grouping
if type_name == "Bool":
state.last_key_was_bool = True
size += 1 / 8
if state.last_key_was_bool: # After bools
state.last_key_was_bool = False ## Not Bool
if (
state.last_bit_offset > 0
or int(state.current_offset) != state.current_offset
state.last_bit_offset = 0
state.current_offset = int(state.current_offset) + 1
if state.current_offset % 2 != 0:
state.current_offset += (
1 # Align to the next even offset if it's not an array element
# Special handling for String types
if type_name.startswith("String"):
match = re.match(r"String\[(\d+)\]", type_name)
state.last_bit_offset = 0
if match:
length = int(match.group(1))
size = (
length + 2
) # Account for null-termination and string length prefix
size = type_sizes.get(type_name, 0) ## Standar size for strings
else: ## Other Data Types
if is_array_definition:
size = 0
if state.current_offset % 2 != 0:
state.current_offset += (
1 # Align to the next even offset if it's not an array element
size = type_sizes.get(
type_name, -1
) # Default to 1 byte if type is not recognized
if size == -1 and not is_udt_definition:
print(f"UDT o DataType '{type_name}' no encontrado. Abortando.")
plc_address = calculate_plc_address(type_name, state.current_offset)
value["offset"] = int(state.current_offset)
value["plc_address"] = plc_address # Store the calculated PLC address
value["size"] = calculate_plc_size(size)
# print(f"Offset '{state.current_offset}' at field '{key}' ")
state.current_offset += size
return state
def collect_data_for_table(
db_struct, offset_state, level=0, parent_prefix="", collected_data=[]
Recursively collect data from the DB structure to display in a tabular format,
omitting 'fields' and 'Struct' in the names.
is_array_element = False
increase_level = 0
if isinstance(db_struct, dict):
for key, value in db_struct.items():
# Skip 'fields' and 'Struct' keys in the name path
if key == "fields" or key == "Struct" or key == "Array":
next_prefix = parent_prefix # Continue with the current prefix
if isinstance(value, dict):
is_array_element = value.get("is_array_element", False)
if not is_array_element:
next_prefix = f"{parent_prefix}.{key}" if parent_prefix else key
next_prefix = f"{parent_prefix}{key}" if parent_prefix else key
if (
isinstance(value, dict) and "type" in value
): # Directly a field with 'type'
offset_state = calculate_offsets(value, offset_state)
field_data = {
"Nombre": next_prefix,
"Tipo": value.get("type", "N/A"),
"Offset": value.get("offset", "N/A"),
"Size": value.get("size", "N/A"),
"Level": level,
"Dirección PLC": value.get("plc_address", "N/A"),
"Comentario": value.get("comment", "N/A"),
increase_level = 1
# Recursively handle nested dictionaries and lists
if isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, list):
level + increase_level,
elif isinstance(db_struct, list):
for index, item in enumerate(db_struct):
item_prefix = f"{parent_prefix}[{index}]" if parent_prefix else f"[{index}]"
item, offset_state, level + increase_level, item_prefix, collected_data
return collected_data
def convert_to_table(db_struct):
offset_state = OffsetState()
return collect_data_for_table(db_struct, offset_state)
def display_as_table(dbs):
Convert collected DB data into a pandas DataFrame and display it.
all_data = []
for db_name, db_content in dbs.items():
print(f"Processing DB: {db_name}")
db_data = convert_to_table(db_content)
df = pd.DataFrame(all_data)
return df