171 lines
7.3 KiB
171 lines
7.3 KiB
import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import re
class ClaudeProjectOrganizer:
def __init__(self):
self.source_dir = Path.cwd()
self.claude_dir = self.source_dir / 'claude'
self.file_mapping = {}
def should_skip_directory(self, dir_name):
skip_dirs = {'.git', '__pycache__', 'venv', 'env', '.pytest_cache', '.vscode', 'claude'}
return dir_name in skip_dirs
def get_comment_prefix(self, file_extension):
"""Determina el prefijo de comentario según la extensión del archivo"""
comment_styles = {
'.py': '#',
'.js': '//',
'.css': '/*',
'.html': '<!--',
'.scss': '//',
'.less': '//',
'.tsx': '//',
'.ts': '//',
'.jsx': '//',
return comment_styles.get(file_extension.lower(), None)
def get_comment_suffix(self, file_extension):
"""Determina el sufijo de comentario si es necesario"""
comment_suffixes = {
'.css': ' */',
'.html': ' -->',
return comment_suffixes.get(file_extension.lower(), '')
def normalize_path(self, path_str: str) -> str:
"""Normaliza la ruta usando forward slashes"""
return str(path_str).replace('\\', '/')
def check_existing_path_comment(self, content: str, normalized_path: str, comment_prefix: str) -> bool:
"""Verifica si ya existe un comentario con la ruta en el archivo"""
# Escapar caracteres especiales en el prefijo de comentario para regex
escaped_prefix = re.escape(comment_prefix)
# Crear patrones para buscar tanto forward como backward slashes
forward_pattern = f"{escaped_prefix}\\s*{re.escape(normalized_path)}\\b"
backward_path = normalized_path.replace('/', '\\\\') # Doble backslash para el patrón
backward_pattern = f"{escaped_prefix}\\s*{re.escape(backward_path)}"
# Buscar en las primeras líneas del archivo
first_lines = content.split('\n')[:5]
for line in first_lines:
if (re.search(forward_pattern, line) or
re.search(backward_pattern, line)):
return True
return False
def add_path_comment(self, file_path: Path, content: str) -> str:
"""Agrega un comentario con la ruta al inicio del archivo si no existe"""
relative_path = file_path.relative_to(self.source_dir)
normalized_path = self.normalize_path(relative_path)
comment_prefix = self.get_comment_prefix(file_path.suffix)
if comment_prefix is None:
return content
comment_suffix = self.get_comment_suffix(file_path.suffix)
# Verificar si ya existe el comentario
if self.check_existing_path_comment(content, normalized_path, comment_prefix):
print(f" - Comentario de ruta ya existe en {file_path}")
return content
path_comment = f"{comment_prefix} {normalized_path}{comment_suffix}\n"
# Para archivos HTML, insertar después del doctype si existe
if file_path.suffix.lower() == '.html':
if content.lower().startswith('<!doctype'):
doctype_end = content.find('>') + 1
return content[:doctype_end] + '\n' + path_comment + content[doctype_end:]
return path_comment + content
def clean_claude_directory(self):
if self.claude_dir.exists():
print(f"Directorio claude limpiado: {self.claude_dir}")
def copy_files(self):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.source_dir):
dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if not self.should_skip_directory(d)]
current_path = Path(root)
for file in files:
file_path = current_path / file
if file.endswith(('.py', '.js', '.css', '.html', '.json', '.yml', '.yaml',
'.tsx', '.ts', '.jsx', '.scss', '.less')):
target_path = self.claude_dir / file
# Si el archivo ya existe en el directorio claude, agregar un sufijo numérico
if target_path.exists():
base = target_path.stem
ext = target_path.suffix
counter = 1
while target_path.exists():
target_path = self.claude_dir / f"{base}_{counter}{ext}"
counter += 1
# Leer el contenido del archivo
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
content = f.read()
# Agregar el comentario con la ruta si no existe
modified_content = self.add_path_comment(file_path, content)
# Escribir el nuevo contenido
with open(target_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') as f:
self.file_mapping[str(file_path)] = target_path.name
print(f"Copiado: {file_path} -> {target_path}")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
print(f"Advertencia: No se pudo procesar {file_path} como texto. Copiando sin modificar...")
shutil.copy2(file_path, target_path)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error procesando {file_path}: {str(e)}")
def generate_tree_report(self):
"""Genera el reporte en formato árbol visual"""
report = ["Estructura del proyecto original:\n"]
def add_to_report(path, prefix="", is_last=True):
report.append(prefix + ("└── " if is_last else "├── ") + path.name)
if path.is_dir() and not self.should_skip_directory(path.name):
children = sorted(path.iterdir(), key=lambda x: (x.is_file(), x.name))
children = [c for c in children if not (c.is_dir() and self.should_skip_directory(c.name))]
for i, child in enumerate(children):
is_last_child = i == len(children) - 1
new_prefix = prefix + (" " if is_last else "│ ")
add_to_report(child, new_prefix, is_last_child)
report_path = self.claude_dir / "project_structure.txt"
with open(report_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
print(f"\nReporte generado en: {report_path}")
def main():
print("Iniciando organización de archivos para Claude...")
organizer = ClaudeProjectOrganizer()
print("\n¡Proceso completado exitosamente!")
except Exception as e:
print(f"\nError durante la ejecución: {str(e)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() |