Obsidean_VM/04-InLavoro/HENKEL/93040 - HENKEL - BowlingGreen/Description/01 - HENKEL - General Descr...

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2025-02-18 05:37:27 -03:00
# HENKEL Project
### Backups history: [[HENKEL Backup Versions]]
This project is on Bowling Green, USA. It is a set of transport lines from #AUTEFA Depals to the Henkel labelers and fillers. On the lines are #Mergers made by Lenze PLC , Rotations and Motor driven guides from #Micromecanica
Lxx = HENKEL==
#### Line numbers and corresponding to both factory's #ALPLA - #HENKEL
Vetromeccanica uses ALPLA numbers for the projects
| TL21 | L23/24 - From 2024 only L24 |
| --------- | --------------------------- |
| TL22 | L25 |
| TL23(NEW) | L43 or L20 |
| TL24 | |
| TL25 | L41 |
| TL26 | L42 |
| TL27 | L40 |
| TL28 | |
## Notes:
VETRO = VM = Vetromecanica
#### IP Network
![[INDIRIZZI IP Rev1.3.xlsx]]
#### Layout L23 [Layout](file:///C:%5CTrabajo%5CVM%5C03%20-%2093040%20-%20HENKEL%5CReporte%5CLayout)
[2024 - 21024152000 93674 Mecanico.dwg](file:///C:%5CTrabajo%5CVM%5C03%20-%2093040%20-%20HENKEL%5CReporte%5CLayout%5C2024%20-%2021024152000%2093674%20Mecanico.dwg)
[2024 - 22002652100 93566 Eletrico.dwg](file:///C:%5CTrabajo%5CVM%5C03%20-%2093040%20-%20HENKEL%5CReporte%5CLayout%5C2024%20-%2022002652100%2093566%20Eletrico.dwg)
[2024 - 22002652100 Max.dwg](file:///C:%5CTrabajo%5CVM%5C03%20-%2093040%20-%20HENKEL%5CReporte%5CLayout%5C2024%20-%2022002652100%20Max.dwg)
[22002650900 TLO conveyors from Depalletziers to fillers.dwg](file:///C:%5CTrabajo%5CVM%5C03%20-%2093040%20-%20HENKEL%5CReporte%5CLayout%5C22002650900%20TLO%20conveyors%20from%20Depalletziers%20to%20fillers.dwg)
#### Layout L23 - AUTEFA Depals
![[22002650900 TLO conveyors from Depalletziers to fillers.dwg]]
L23 <- TLO21
L24 <- TLO21
L20 <- TLO21 E TLO23
Inserimento Etichetatiche
93062 - TLO27-L40
93065 - TLO22-L25
## Problems found on [[02 - 9.3674 - New Line - Changes to be made on Supervisor]]
Many possible problems were found that must be controlled on startup.
### [[MALISKO Communication]]:
The communication is made via Gateways to the Rockwell software.
### ALPLA Communication for SKU -> Recipe Family number
From HENKEL / #Malisko sent the SKU to be used as NB_IDH_BTL data. This info is sent to #AUTEFA to be converted to #RecipeFamilynumber This is done on the Supervisor PLC and returned as "ComSV".TLxx_ReadFromSv.FromAlpla.NextSku.
### [[Changeover Manual-Remote]] STEPs
### Formats:
Designs: [Henkel Formats.dwg](file:///C:%5CTrabajo%5CVM%5C26%20-%209.3944%20Orientatore%20L20-TLO23%5CReporte%5CHenkel%20Formats.dwg)
| Number | Name | Bottle mm | TLO21 | TLO22 | TLO23 | TLO24 | TLO25 | TLO26 | TLO27 | TLO28 |
|:---------:| -------------- |:---------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|
| Recipe 03 | SP5 | 190 | | | | x | | | x | x |
| Recipe 04 | SP17 | 211 | | | | x | | | x | x |
| Recipe 05 | SP1 | 163 | | x | | x | | | | |
| Recipe 06 | Harmony 40 oz | 162 | | x | | x | | | | |
| Recipe 07 | Harmony 100 oz | 191 | | | | x | | | x | x |
| Recipe 08 | Beluga | 226 | | | | x | x | | | x |
| Recipe 09 | H13 | 188 | | | | x | x | | | x |
| Recipe 13 | SP12 | 232 | x | | x | x | | | | |
| Recipe 14 | SP2 | 213 | | | | x | | x | | x |
| Recipe 15 | SP14 | 191 | | | | x | | x | | x |
| Recipe 16 | SP26 | 211 | | | | x | | x | | x |
| Recipe 17 | H14 | 127 | | | | x | | x | | x |
| Recipe 18 | H96 | 154 | | | | x | | x | | x |
| Recipe 20 | LD04 | 235 | x | | x | x | x | | | x |
| Recipe 22 | LD02 | 235 | x | | x | x | | | | x |
| Recipe 23 | LD01 | 235 | x | | x | x | | | | x |
| Recipe 25 | LF02 | 162 | | x | | x | | x | | x |
| Recipe 26 | LF03 | 162 | | x | | x | | | | |
| Recipe 27 | LF05 | 162 | | | | x | | x | | x |
| Recipe 28 | LF07 | 180 | | | | x | | | x | x |
| Recipe 29 | LF08 | 180 | | | | x | | x | | x |
| Recipe 30 | LF09 | 180 | | | | x | | x | x | x |
| Recipe 31 | LF11 | 191 | | | | x | | | x | x |
| Recipe 32 | LD06 | 260 | x | | x | x | | | | x |
| Recipe 33 | LD05 | 260 | | | x | x | x | | | x |
| Recipe 34 | LD03 | 235 | | | x | x | x | | | x |
### Passwords:
[Password Alpla Rev0.3.xlsx](file:///C:%5CTrabajo%5CVM%5C03%20-%2093040%20-%20HENKEL%5CReporte%5CPassword%20Alpla%20Rev0.3.xlsx)
From Lenin Last Guides software: ( 18-07-2024 )
![[Pasted image 20240718144530.png]]