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2025-02-18 05:37:27 -03:00
# Índice de Mensajes
- 10-02-2025 - Osswald Ulrich (ASG) - [[cronologia#AW: *EXT* RE: *EXT* Next + 1 - HENKEL - ALPLA - AUTEFA|AW-EXT-RE-EXT-Next-1---HENKEL---ALPLA---AUTEFA]]
- 04-02-2025 - Ureda Sudheesh (ASG-Extern) - [[cronologia#Re: *EXT* Next + 1 - HENKEL - ALPLA - AUTEFA|Re-EXT-Next-1---HENKEL---ALPLA---AUTEFA]]
- 04-02-2025 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#I: R: I: [EXT] R: Vetro Conveyor 9.3674|I-R-I-EXT-R-Vetro-Conveyor-93674]]
- 04-02-2025 - Miguel Angel Vera - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#RE: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2 9.3040-3074|RE-OPC-UA-interface-Vetro---Bowling-Green-2-93040-3074]]
- 04-02-2025 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#I: IDH_BTL|I-IDH_BTL]]
- 04-02-2025 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#I: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2 9.3040-3074|I-OPC-UA-interface-Vetro---Bowling-Green-2-93040-3074]]
- 04-02-2025 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#I: Alpla BOW2 - Line emptying button 6168|I-Alpla-BOW2---Line-emptying-button-6168]]
- 04-02-2025 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#I: 9.3040-3074 ALPLA BG open points|I-93040-3074-ALPLA-BG-open-points]]
- 04-02-2025 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#I: 9.3061-TLO26-L42 automatic change over test|I-93061-TLO26-L42-automatic-change-over-test]]
- 04-02-2025 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#R: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification 9.3060-3067|R-EXT-RE-VetroALPLA-information-verification-93060-3067]]
- 04-02-2025 - Lenin Vera - [[cronologia#RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification|RE-EXT-RE-VetroALPLA-information-verification]]
- 03-02-2025 - Shannon.Johnson - [[cronologia#RE: Automatic changeover trial|RE-Automatic-changeover-trial]]
- 03-02-2025 - Miguel Angel Vera - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#NEXT2 - Data - ALPLA information verification|NEXT2---Data---ALPLA-information-verification]]
- 18-12-2024 - Miguel Angel Vera - [[cronologia#RV: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification|RV-RE-EXT-RE-VetroALPLA-information-verification]]
- 04-01-2024 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#I: 9.3061-TLO26-L42 automatic change over test|I-93061-TLO26-L42-automatic-change-over-test]]
- 04-01-2024 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#I: Alpla BOW: Batch handling 9.3040-3074 ALPLA BG |I-Alpla-BOW-Batch-handling-93040-3074-ALPLA-BG]]
- 04-01-2024 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#I: Alpla BOW: Batch Handling Issue for TG10 & TG20|I-Alpla-BOW-Batch-Handling-Issue-for-TG10-TG20]]
- 04-01-2024 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#I: Bottle counters / Batch handling |I-Bottle-counters-Batch-handling]]
- 04-01-2024 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#I: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2|I-OPC-UA-interface-Vetro---Bowling-Green-2]]
- 29-10-2020 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#R: 9.3040-3074 ALPLA data exchange with HENKEL - line commisioning|R-93040-3074-ALPLA-data-exchange-with-HENKEL---line-commisioning]]
- 28-10-2020 - Sam.Colley@alpla.com - [[cronologia#FW: Post Operations Meeting Logistics Update - 10/28/2020|FW-Post-Operations-Meeting-Logistics-Update---10282020]]
- 21-05-2020 - Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. - [[cronologia#R: Alpla - Vetro SKU via OPC 9.3040-3074|R-Alpla---Vetro-SKU-via-OPC-93040-3074]]
- 24-02-2020 - Osswald Ulrich (ASG) (Ulrich.Osswald@autefa.com) - [[cronologia#Alpla BG: updated telegram description|Alpla-BG-updated-telegram-description]]
+ 9cb403542551cd1b195487fbc01bcd9f
### AW: *EXT* RE: *EXT* Next + 1 - HENKEL - ALPLA - AUTEFA
- 10-02-2025
Hi Miguel,
according to our last interface communication specification (copy attached), following is specified for TG010:
| # | Byte | Data | Format | Comment |
| --- | ---- | ------------------------------ | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 0 | 40 | HEADER | Message_header | See: definition “message header” |
| 40 | 2 | Filling line | INT 1 | selected filling line number<br>list will be provided by Vetro until 06/08/29 |
| 42 | 12 | BatchID | ARRAY[1..12] OF CHAR | active Batch ID |
| 54 | 2 | Active_Batch_Target_1000 | INT 1 | active batch target - 1000's<br>Target number of bottles for actual batch (thousands)<br>0 for option to end batch |
| 56 | 2 | Active_Batch_Target_Units | INT 1 | active batch target - Units<br>Target number of bottles for actual batch (units)<br>0 for option to end batch |
| 58 | 4 | Active_Batch_ArticleVariantID | DINT 1 | active batch bottle variant ID:<br>0 for option to end batch |
| 62 | 12 | Next_Batch_BatchID | ARRAY[1..12] OF CHAR | next Batch Batch ID |
| 74 | 2 | Next_Batch_Target_1000 | INT 1 | next batch target - 1000's<br>Target number of bottles for next batch (thousands) |
| 76 | 2 | Next_Batch_Target_Units | INT 1 | next batch target - Units<br>Target number of bottles for next batch (units) |
| 78 | 4 | Next_Batch_ArticleVariantID | DINT 1 | next batch bottle variant ID: |
| 82 | 12 | Next_Batch+1_Batch_ID | ARRAY[1..12] OF CHAR | Next batch+1 batch ID |
| 94 | 2 | Next_Batch+ 1_ Target_1000 | INT 1 | next batch+1 target - 1000's<br>Target number of bottles for next batch (thousands) |
| 96 | 2 | Next_Batch+1 _Target_Units | INT 1 | next batch +1 target - Units<br>Target number of bottles for next batch (units) |
| 98 | 4 | Next_Batch+1_ ArticleVariantID | DINT 1 | next batch + 1 bottle variant ID: |
| 102 | | | | telegram length in bytes |
If you are not sending data for Next_Batch+1, our MHS cannot prepare storage for Next_Batch+1 correctly.
Our MHS can only trigger relocation orders for the next batch then.
Colley Sam <sam.colley@alpla.com>; Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>; Ureda Sudheesh (ASG-Extern) <Sudheesh.Ureda@autefa.com>; Rhotert Martin (ASG) <Martin.Rhotert@autefa.com>; Buehler Stephen (ASG) <Stephen.Buehler@autefa.com>
Betreff: *EXT* RE: *EXT* Next + 1 - HENKEL - ALPLA - AUTEFA
| | Algunos contactos que recibieron este mensaje no suelen recibir correos electrónicos de<br>m.vera@vetromeccanica.it. <br>Por qué es esto importante | |
Hello Ulrich,
We are implementing the NEXT2 data processing for batch handling as requested. Based on the TG10 telegram structure, we will provide:
- Next_Batch_+1_Article_Variant_ID (derived from HENKEL's IDH_BTL_NEXT2 using the lookup table from ALPLA)
- Next_Batch_+1_Target_1000 (set to 0) : we don't receive this from Henkel.
- Next_Batch_+1_Target_Units (set to 0): we don't receive this from Henkel.
Could you please confirm if this is sufficient for AUTEFA's requirements?
Note that we are not sending the Next_Batch_+1_Batch_ID since this is not currently used in the Next batch communication, only in the Actual we are sending.
Best Regards,
Miguel Angel Vera
External Automation Design Engineer
Vetromeccanica srl Smart Moving Solutions
Isolanda 26, 43024 Provazzano, Parma - Italy
Rhotert Martin (ASG) <Martin.Rhotert@autefa.com>
Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <a.bhrahmbhatt@vmeccanica.com>; Alex Biasini - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <a.biasini@vetromeccanica.it>; Colley Sam <sam.colley@alpla.com>;
Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
Asunto: Re: *EXT* Next + 1 - HENKEL - ALPLA - AUTEFA
Hello Miguel,
Currently we are getting data from Vetro for Current batch & next batch (batch id, target quantity, article variant ID). For Next+1 batch also we are looking for
the same data, same format.
I am adding Autefa software team
@Osswald Ulrich (ASG) to the email who can give you more details and whether or not Next+1 batch data are needed for Autefa
system to execute batch control.
Thank you,
Sudheesh | Commissioning
From: Miguel Angel Vera - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <m.vera@vetromeccanica.it>
Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2025 10:05:35 AM
Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <a.bhrahmbhatt@vmeccanica.com>; Alex Biasini - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <a.biasini@vetromeccanica.it>; Colley Sam <sam.colley@alpla.com>;
Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
Subject: *EXT* Next + 1 - HENKEL - ALPLA - AUTEFA
| | Algunos contactos que recibieron este mensaje no suelen recibir correos electrónicos de<br>m.vera@vetromeccanica.it. <br>Por qué es esto importante | |
Good morning,
I need to confirm my understanding of the NEXT + 1 data requirements from ALPLA/AUTEFA. HENKEL sends this data through the Malisko -> Prosoft system to the Vetromeccanica
Q1 PLCs/Lines as three 12-character strings (PO_NUMBER, IDH_BTL, IDH_CON), which we label as d1-d9 in our software. This data is word-swapped on the Q1 but not further processed on the Supervisor.
The Supervisor PLC manages batch communication with Autefa using AUTEFA's 'Autefa Standard Function Block AS_FB_TG_GENERAL'. The TG10 telegram includes Batch_ID,
Next_Batch_Batch_ID, and Next_Batch_+1_Batch_ID, but only Batch_ID is processed on the PLC.
Please specify which data you need from PO_NUMBER_NEXT + 1, IDH_BTL_NEXT + 1, and IDH_CON_NEXT + 1 for the batch, and in what format.
Best regards,
Miguel Angel Vera
External Automation Design Engineer
Vetromeccanica srl Smart Moving Solutions
Isolanda 26, 43024 Provazzano, Parma - Italy
### Adjuntos
- [[Vetro_communication_v0.3.pdf]]
+ f16613aa821ad3592233b693fe1bc690
### Re: *EXT* Next + 1 - HENKEL - ALPLA - AUTEFA
- 04-02-2025
Hello Miguel,
Currently we are getting data from Vetro for Current batch & next batch (batch id, target quantity, article variant ID). For Next+1 batch also we are looking for the same data, same format.
I am adding Autefa software team
@Osswald Ulrich (ASG) to the email who can give you more details and whether or not Next+1 batch data are needed for Autefa system to execute batch control.
Thank you,
Sudheesh | Commissioning
From: Miguel Angel Vera - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <m.vera@vetromeccanica.it>
Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2025 10:05:35 AM
Colley Sam <sam.colley@alpla.com>; Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
Subject: *EXT* Next + 1 - HENKEL - ALPLA - AUTEFA
| | Algunos contactos que recibieron este mensaje no suelen recibir correos electrónicos de m.vera@vetromeccanica.it.<br>Por qué es esto importante | |
Good morning,
I need to confirm my understanding of the NEXT + 1 data requirements from ALPLA/AUTEFA. HENKEL sends this data through the Malisko -> Prosoft system to the Vetromeccanica Q1 PLCs/Lines as three 12-character strings (PO_NUMBER, IDH_BTL, IDH_CON), which we label
as d1-d9 in our software. This data is word-swapped on the Q1 but not further processed on the Supervisor.
The Supervisor PLC manages batch communication with Autefa using AUTEFA's 'Autefa Standard Function Block AS_FB_TG_GENERAL'. The TG10 telegram includes Batch_ID, Next_Batch_Batch_ID, and Next_Batch_+1_Batch_ID, but only Batch_ID is processed on the PLC.
Please specify which data you need from PO_NUMBER_NEXT + 1, IDH_BTL_NEXT + 1, and IDH_CON_NEXT + 1 for the batch, and in what format.
Best regards,
Miguel Angel Vera
External Automation Design Engineer
Vetromeccanica srl Smart Moving Solutions
Isolanda 26, 43024 Provazzano, Parma - Italy
+ f7839fe276db0145a7423cdb3263dda7
### I: R: I: [EXT] R: Vetro Conveyor 9.3674
- 04-02-2025
Hi Max,
please find enclosed updated documents for batch handling.
Following was updated
bottle code definitions (see chapter /
export line added (line 24)
Export line will be handled as production machine.
Vetro to send batches similar to filling lines.
In case export is active, TLO24 cannot be assigned to filling line 1-3.
Feel free to get in contact with me, if you have any questions.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
i.V. Ulrich Osswald
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Head of Control Systems & Service
Business Unit Automation
T: +49 (0)821 2608267
F: +49 (0)821 2608299
M: +49 (0)170 795 0983
Managing Director
Christian Egger (CEO)
Yanwu Liu
Amtsgericht Augsburg HRB 26374
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### Adjuntos
- [[AlplaProd_Articles - VM.xlsx]]
- [[Changeover process map v1.xlsx]]
- [[Vetro AUTEFA Communication Alpla BG IBSS_V3.pptx]]
- [[Vetro_communication_v0.2.docx]]
+ 4d52504b6fa7c9aa51e4d929cd3231aa
### RE: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2 9.3040-3074
- 04-02-2025
Ciao Max,
Ho letto le email e c'è qualche informazione utile riguardo ad AUTEFA, ma non ho trovato la richiesta per NEXT + 1. Immagino che non ci sia un PDF con le informazioni riassunte. Aspetto la risposta di AUTEFA per avere dettagli più tecnici e non lavorare a vuoto.
Da quanto vedo, AUTEFA non può fare molto con lo SKU e lavora solo con l'ArticleVariantID (AV). Il Next_Batch_Article_Variant_ID viene inviato, ma è possibile che abbiano bisogno anche del Next2_Batch_Article_Variant_ID. Per preparare questo dato, dobbiamo
cercare nella lista di ALPLA che trasforma lo SKU in Variant_ID. Quindi non e solo un simple passaggio di dati.
Lo strano e che su AUTEFA e stato creato un NEXT + 1
De: Maximilian Rossi - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>
Enviado: martes, 4 de febrero de 2025 17:26
Para: Miguel Angel Vera - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <m.vera@vetromeccanica.it>
Asunto: I: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2 9.3040-3074
Da: Maximilian Rossi <m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>
Inviato: martedì 23 novembre 2021 17:17
Oggetto: I: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2 9.3040-3074
Da: Maximilian Rossi
Inviato: sabato 13 marzo 2021 19:17
Andrea Attolini <a.attolini@vetromeccanica.it>;
Massimiliano Petrosino <m.petrosino@vetromeccanica.it>
Oggetto: R: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2 9.3040-3074
Hi Wilbert,
I share with you below agreements with ALPLA from the beginning of the project in OCtober 2019 in terms of automation-supervision to prepare for SAT on line 40 (date SAT still TBD due to production losses we caused this week). Our priority is to get line 40
ready ASAP. We can go through the list together since there are some deviations with reality and ask for Andrea and Luca support if needed. We should focus next week on assesing status of below points for line 40 in order to be able to tell ALPLA if we arent
ready yet for SAT.
FYI information it is likely we will do a first SAT on line 40 even if Vetromeccanica is currently causing more than 86sec downtime per day at laber infeed (point of contractual efficiency measurement for ALPLA) since HENKEL wants to measure real status of
efficiency of the equipment on line 40.
Data supervision :
ALPLA to control production plant through SCADA PC with OPC-UA and inspection cameras:
Request change over on the equipment
Receive confirmation of:
change over started
Alarm of change over not possible/completed
Change over done on each device (list visible on SCADA PC shows which machines are ready and which are not, only then operator can start another product production)
Line clear (operator press the button on the HMI that line clear)
Receive information about countdown to next maintenance operation planned (the operators reset the countdown after doing maintenance)
Its not possible to have two recipes for the same format but possible to create manually temporary recipes for trials
The name of the recipes is provided by ALPLA and name/key remains the same for everybody involved
OPC-UA should be capable to read:
Operation mode (running or not)
Pending alerts with translation as well
All set ups live
Change over status
Efficiency status (bottles ejected)
Information exchange with filler, labeler and AUTEFA for batch control
Batch control :
ALPLA HENKEL tells to Vetro how many bottles can still be filled
Vetromeccanica takes off how many bottles are on the conveyor and give the amount to AUTEFA:
TG mechanism as proposed by Autefa agreed as communication mechanism
ALPLA HENKEL tells in advance the next batch of bottles so Vetromeccanica knows if they have or not have to empty the conveyors
General information :
Each HMI of each Vetromeccanica conveyor line shows through a pop-up on the HMI the alarms of all other control cabinets on the line in case of a fault to make operator trouble shooting faster
Vetromeccanica control cabinet in the ALPLA area doesnt allow modifications on control cabinets in the HENKEL area and vice versa
Recipes for conveyors can be saved from HMI on HD connected thorugh IP address to ALPLA network directly
AUTEFA sends feedback format change over has been completed and Vetromeccancia sends signal to AUTEFA to start bottles depalletizing
Conveyors control cabinet HMI on ALPLA side shows all alarms of LENZE Merger
Whenever we will receive SKU for new batch from one of 6 HENKEL line supervision PLC we will forward AV to AUTEFA and show on all Vetromeccanica HMI of that line a pop-up request for new batch. At that point operator will have to confirm manually on
all HMIs of that line:
Checked line is clear from bottles - confirm
Change over is started confirm (when operator confirms change over is started the PLC automatically loads recipe corresponding to SKU, shows AV and AV Desc on that precise HMI and changes guide width)
Change over is completed confirm
Data points status sensors, speed of motors, etc. to be shared on
Data points from filling lines
Batch size
Batch format
OEE datas (ejected bottles per ejector)
Ejected bottles of each ejector
Bottle counter on each positions where bottles are counted (counter on HITW, outfeed labeler, infeed filler)
Preventive maintenance datas:
Maintenance message will be available
Are hours meters per motor available?
SKU code to be generated by Alpla
à Alpla/Andre
List with all currently known Article Variant numbers will be submit to Vetro Sigi Bereuter
Received and feedback given on 21.05
Communication from Henkel to Autefa: Vetro will receive an order for an article from the Henkel filling line
à Vetro will convert this Henkel article number to the Alpla articlevariantID and send the request further to Autefa. Autefa only
can handle the articlevariantID in their system
Confirmed on 21.05
Procedure to add an SKU to the PLC to be explained by Vetro (e.g. new colour)
à adding of a new SKU can be done on the HMI
Can Vetro receive a list of SKUs through OPC-UA see example list of SKUs attached
Yes confirmed on 21.05
Can Vetro store the list inside the PLC so the list is available also without SCADA system
Yes confirmed on 21.05
How would this list be shown on the HMI
Image will be shared asap.
How to bring the list of SKUs in relation to the parameter recipe
Vetro recipe selection will change auomtatically according to bottle format (Product family)SKU (color not relevant) only by operator confirmation on HMI when change over on HMI is automatically proposed during batch change
Vetro to submit a proposal how to administrate the SKUs as requested
Vetro to provide a description of how to update the controls with an additional article variant
New bottle format(Product family) has to be commissioned and recipe loaded manually on each HMI but new SKUs where only color is changed are automatically loaded from SKU list
REMOTE HMI functions next to filler for line 40,43,45,41:
Operator can switch from manual to automatic mode and vice versa
Operator can change speeds or even stop and start the motors when in manual mode
Operator can change motor speeds and time of reaction of photocelles which affect logic of motors when in automatic mode
Operator cannot stop or start conveyors from running when in automatic mode since there are no physical stop/start/reset buttons
(we will add only motors/sensors alarms reset button)
Operator can reset the control cabinet after a motor/sensor alarm (e-stops alarms still not possible)
Operator can change the recipe bottle parameters only of the bottle which is currently running but when saving he needs to go to the control cabinet close to labeler
Operator cannot change recipes
ALPLA SKU conversion list: ALPLA should write in our supervision PLC a list where customer article is associated to AV, AV Desc, Product Family as agreed.
This list will be constantly editable by ALPLA on a persistent memory as agreed in order for Vetromeccanica to handle new customer articles except for new formats (new bottle shapes) which will require new recipes and commissioning first.
As per now we only have an excel list dated May 2020 which we cannot use for batch handling.
| ALPLA AV | Blank Bottle P/N |
| 184 | 2638879 |
| 253 | 2688129 |
| 102 | 2638876 |
AV (must be forwared to Autefa, must be shown on your HMIs)
AV Desc (must be shown on you HMIs)
Product Family (must be used by Vetro to select right Recipe)
Customer article Number (used by Vetro to find matching AV)
E-stops when pressed block all motors either on HENKEL or ALPLA area depending if these belong to the HENKEL/ALPLA area but obviously the chain which crosses ALPLA and HENKEL area will be stopped due to safety reasons.
We propose to block motors belonging to the same control cabinet of the e-stop pressed which means you would still have ALPLA and HENKEL area divided but for line 3L23 and line 3L25 you would have 3 additional areas on HENKEL side since you have 3 control
cabinets on HENKEL side each for line 3L23 and line 3L25.
HMI sharing between panels of same line:
Control cabinet ALPLA side sees all HMI of cabinets of same line on HENKEL side
Control cabinet HENKEL side sees all HMI of cabinets of same line on HENKEL side only, not on ALPLA side
Supervision cabinet on ALPLA side sees all HMI of all cabinets on all lines
except for merger and screw merger which will share only alarms on supervision HMI
Alarms with description of requested operator intevention visible in the ALPLA OPCUA supervision as per attached excel
BOTTLES AT LABELER INFEED AVAILABILITY SIGNAL : il segnale ad ALPLA di bottiglie disponibili allingresso etichettatrice :Questo segnale sarà dato dalla combinazione di varie condizioni:
Nastro in marcia
Assenza allarme di intasamento
Presenza bottiglie con fotocellula selezionabile a HMI
Thank you,
Da: Maximilian Rossi
Inviato: sabato 13 marzo 2021 16:57
Andrea Attolini <a.attolini@vetromeccanica.it>
Oggetto: I: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2 9.3040-3074
Priorità: Alta
Hello Wilbert,
It is important to start veirfynig automatic change over procedure on our side and with AUTEFA. Line 40 is the priority since HENKEL wants to start measuring line efficency in a week time without Vetromeccanica technicians intervention.
In the e-mail of January 11th you can find a description of how the automatic change over should be done when we receive a new batch ID from HENKEL.
For any question please ask for support from Luca and Andrea.
I remain available for any question you might have.
Thank you,
Da: Maximilian Rossi
Inviato: venerdì 15 gennaio 2021 19:00
Oggetto: R: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
Dear Christoph,
Thank you for describing step by step change of batch procedure.
We are modifyiing the software to follow exactly below procedure.
As agreed with Federico today the min accumulated bottles at the infeed of labeler and filler necessary for labeler and filler to work will not be take into account in the Vetromeccanica automatic batch handling and change over procedure but AUTEFA will have
to consideri t and sen additional bottles.
Siegrfied hope you are doing well. As per today ALPLA is still not writing the list fo SKU and AV in our supervision PLC memory therefore we are able to process HENKEL SKU in automatic.
Attached email for reference. This is quite urgent in order to start processing SKU.
Thank you and kind regards,
Inviato: lunedì 11 gennaio 2021 15:31
Oggetto: RE: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
Dear Max,
For the batch change and reset of the counters the process should be following:
Same bottle at next batch:
We will not purge the line from the bottles.
Manual confirmation ready for next batch -> set counter to 0
If we have a new bottle for the next batch:
Run until batch end
Line clearance
Manual confirmation that line is clear -> set counter to 0
Change over starts
Manual acknowledgement that changeover is completed, and line is ready for new bottles -> start of bottle count and start to send new bottle from TLO
As already agreed, the physically counter will not be reset to 0 it will keep counting up until. For example, if counter is 232,323,232 it stays at this number at the batch end and start of the new batch.
From: Maximilian Rossi <m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 9:53 AM
Subject: R: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
Importance: High
** INFO: External Email ** ALPLA Corp-IT Systems
Dear Christoph,
Thank you for your prompt respone!
I sincerely hope you enjoyed Christmas holidays and had a great start of 2021!
Going back to change over and counter reset topics we prepared attached excel sheet, this may help clarify each single step with HENKEL as well.
Furthermore take the chance to bring to your attention the need of completion of 3 important steps before we can proceed with automatic batch handling on the lines:
Confirmation of change over procedure and counters reset as per attached
ALPLA sharing fully updated chart with SKU relating to article variant number and article variant description in the Vetromeccanica supervision data structure
Testing thoroughly on site communication with AUTEFA for automatic batch handling
I will be back from vacation on Monday January 11th but will forward your answer to my colleagues on this point. Tomorrow we will be closed due to national holiday.
Thank you and kind regards,
Inviato: martedì 22 dicembre 2020 16:10
Oggetto: RE: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
Dear Max.
We are not planning to rest the counter until we have the max accumulated numbers reached.
The other two points are not needed since we have a counter from Henkel what indicated the still needed bottles before we can change over.
You will use this number to let Autefa know when we will push the last tray since you know the total amount of bottes on the conveyors.
We always will have some bottles left on the conveyor since we need to ensure that Henkel can empty the tank.
Best regards
From: Kempter Christoph
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 6:09 PM
Subject: RE: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
Dear Max,
Let me check these points. Hope to have an answer still this week.
Best regards
From: Maximilian Rossi <m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 12:27 PM
Subject: R: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
Importance: High
** INFO: External Email ** ALPLA Corp-IT Systems
Good afternoon Christoph,
I would need a confirmation about when to reset counter in automatic mode for batch handling.
Based on your previous experience perhaps you can answer easily.
Automatic mode signal counter reset from Henkel when switching to new batch
à pop up on Vetro HMI to ackwnoledge new batch (reset counter when operator press okay)
Furthermore we suggest to agree on procedure to empty the line when running last bottles on HENKEL side to avoid manual take out of bottles from conveyors:
Labeler operator presses button on labeler HMI to by pass minimum bottles accumulation
Filler operator presses button on labeler HMI to by pass minimum bottles accumulation
Could we have a call tomorrow to go through these points? Perhaps you may answer all our questions or bring up furhter questions on these points.
Apologies for the late notice but since I am back in the office I am finally able to discuss face to face some openstanding points from our automation department.
Thank you and kind regards,
Inviato: mercoledì 25 novembre 2020 13:32
Oggetto: RE: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
Hi Carlo !
We are now daily reporting the Countervalues of TL27.
I recognized that counter SideGripDosingbelt was resetted suddenly on Monday from 443606 to 114.
Now since then counter SideGripDosingbelt does not really count anymore but FillerCount does count.
Can you explain this obsvervations ?
Sigi Bereuter
Corporate IT
Head of Software Development
Mockenstraße 34, A-6971 Hard
T: +43 / 5574 / 602-436
F: +43 / 5574 / 62017-139
M: +43 / 664 / 88931443
Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG Allmendstraße 81 A-6971 Hard
Firmenbuchgericht LG Feldkirch, Firmenbuchnummer FN 13422 p
From: Carlo Felici <c.felici@vetromeccanica.it>
Sent: Dienstag, 24. November 2020 09:25
Subject: R: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
** INFO: External Email ** ALPLA Corp-IT Systems
Good morning,
no for the moment the "BatchLast" is not updated by the lines, as soon as it is implemented I will inform you.
Best regards,
Carlo Felici
Automation Development Manager
Vetromeccanica srl
Glass Packaging Solutions
P Please take care of the environment, print only if necessary...
Inviato: lunedì 23 novembre 2020 19:46
Oggetto: RE: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
Hi Carlo !
Thanks for the update we can see the new structure in usbow2, we already did the necessary changes on our Scada System.
Will the BatchLast already be update with data from BatchActual once Batch changes happens and what is the trigger
for updating BatchLast ?
Sigi Bereuter
Corporate IT
Head of Software Development
Mockenstraße 34, A-6971 Hard
T: +43 / 5574 / 602-436
F: +43 / 5574 / 62017-139
M: +43 / 664 / 88931443
Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG Allmendstraße 81 A-6971 Hard
Firmenbuchgericht LG Feldkirch, Firmenbuchnummer FN 13422 p
From: Carlo Felici <c.felici@vetromeccanica.it>
Sent: Montag, 23. November 2020 16:07
Alber Andre <Andre.Alber@alpla.com>;
Maximilian Rossi <m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>;
Platt Federico <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
Subject: [WARNING: ATTACHMENT UNSCANNED]OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
** INFO: External Email ** ALPLA Corp-IT Systems
Good morning,
attached an update of the OPC structures in which I have:
added as per your request the "batchLast" structure with the same data of the "Actual" plus the two values of the "DosignBelt" and "InfeedFiller" counters.
I removed the useless "Istance" "St" from the "ToAlplaStatusLine" structure.
added information for backup lines and TL26.
in addition these are not 2 "mergers" but the two inputs of the same merger
there are 4 "QE" structures which represent the maximum number of electrical panels present for each line,
for example in the TL28 which has only one electrical panel only the "QE1" structure will be considered,
for the TL22 which has 4 they will be considered all structures,
this is the "divider" present only on the TL22
"Combiner" present only on the TL22
"BottlesTurner" managed by Vetromeccanica present only on the TL21
Best regards,
Carlo Felici
Automation Development Manager
Vetromeccanica srl
Glass Packaging Solutions
P Please take care of the environment, print only if necessary...
This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be
liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays and the like.
We deliver and order solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in
which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply.
Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den Adressaten bestimmt. Falls Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, verständigen Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie diese Nachricht und alle Anhänge. Danke. Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, schließt ALPLA
jede Haftung für Schäden aus Übertragungsfehlern, Viren, fremden Einflüssen, Verzögerungen und dergleichen aus.
Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf
www.alpla.com/de/gtc-listing/agb zu
finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen nicht zur Anwendung.
+ 506102c975458c1dcc3f0458621e4406
### I: IDH_BTL
- 04-02-2025
Daniela Rinaldi <d.rinaldi@vetromeccanica.it>
Dear Christoph,
Hereby the updated quote for
Inhouse software modification € 4.750Traveling on site of dedicated technician for 2 days to download software on cabinets € 5.700
Premises for IDH_BTL modification:
Completion of automatic batch handling on site depends of course on information processing and testing by all parties therefore eventually
additional information or modifications on site may request extension or return of technician and purchase of additional flights, traveling and working days at a daily rate of € 950Structure of the new ALPLA chart will remain the (below screenshto may 2020)
Customer article number from HENKEL will be 3 DINT
Customer article number from HENKEL will be of 23 charachters and AV description length as per below
Association between product family and actual bottle formats will remain the same
Techncian currently available in September.
Thank you and kind regards,
Good morning Federico,
Hereby the quote for:
Inhouse software modification € 4.750Traveling on site dedicated technician for 42 days to download software on cabinets, daily change over trials and meetings, final commissioning
of automatic batch handling variables on all lines with HENKEL, ALPLA and AUTEFA € 45.700
Completion of automatic batch handling on site depends of course on information requested by all parties therefore eventually additional information may request extension or return of technician
and purchase of additional days.
Techncian currently available in September.
Kind regards,
Have you been able to check this request? We need a quote from you.
Federico Platt
Project Manager - Engineering
+1 (678) 545-5565
Luca Brarda <l.brarda@vetromeccanica.it>
Subject: IDH_BTL
As we have previously discussed, due to the complications of same bottles with different spot/spigot/dosing cup combination, we will be receiving from Henkel 4 more data lines, in addition to IDH_BTL (2 for current and
2 for next). Then we will need you to get these 3 strings into a single line to compare to a new SKU list. Once compared on Alpla SKU list, you can send the AVID to Autefa.
Please give us your comments on this new configuration. We understand it is some extra work, but need to know the capabilities of the program in place and what is needed to make this happen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Federico Platt
Project Manager - Engineering
Alpla Inc.
377 Southwood Court
Bowling Green, KY 42101
M: +1 (678) 545-5565
This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be
liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays and the like.
We deliver and order solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in
which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply.
Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den Adressaten bestimmt. Falls Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, verständigen Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie diese Nachricht und alle Anhänge. Danke. Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, schließt ALPLA
jede Haftung für Schäden aus Übertragungsfehlern, Viren, fremden Einflüssen, Verzögerungen und dergleichen aus.
Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf
zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen
kommen nicht zur Anwendung.
### Adjuntos
- [[image001_7.jpg]]
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+ 39ed48777770d0773924b02d2d3cb686
### I: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2 9.3040-3074
- 04-02-2025
Hi Wilbert,
I share with you below agreements with ALPLA from the beginning of the project in OCtober 2019 in terms of automation-supervision to prepare for SAT on line 40 (date SAT still TBD due to production
losses we caused this week). Our priority is to get line 40 ready ASAP. We can go through the list together since there are some deviations with reality and ask for Andrea and Luca support if needed. We should focus next week on assesing status of below points
for line 40 in order to be able to tell ALPLA if we arent ready yet for SAT.
FYI information it is likely we will do a first SAT on line 40 even if Vetromeccanica is currently causing more than 86sec downtime per day at laber infeed (point of contractual efficiency measurement
for ALPLA) since HENKEL wants to measure real status of efficiency of the equipment on line 40.
Data supervision :
ALPLA to control production plant through SCADA PC with OPC-UA and inspection cameras:
Request change over on the equipment
Receive confirmation of:
change over started
Alarm of change over not possible/completed
Change over done on each device (list visible on SCADA PC shows which machines are ready and which are not, only then operator can start another product production)
Line clear (operator press the button on the HMI that line clear)
Receive information about countdown to next maintenance operation planned (the operators reset the countdown after doing maintenance)
Its not possible to have two recipes for the same format but possible to create manually temporary recipes for trials
The name of the recipes is provided by ALPLA and name/key remains the same for everybody involved
OPC-UA should be capable to read:
Operation mode (running or not)
Pending alerts with translation as well
All set ups live
Change over status
Efficiency status (bottles ejected)
Information exchange with filler, labeler and AUTEFA for batch control
Batch control :
ALPLA HENKEL tells to Vetro how many bottles can still be filled
Vetromeccanica takes off how many bottles are on the conveyor and give the amount to AUTEFA:
TG mechanism as proposed by Autefa agreed as communication mechanism
ALPLA HENKEL tells in advance the next batch of bottles so Vetromeccanica knows if they have or not have to empty the conveyors
General information :
Each HMI of each Vetromeccanica conveyor line shows through a pop-up on the HMI the alarms of all other control cabinets on the line in case of a fault to make operator trouble shooting faster
Vetromeccanica control cabinet in the ALPLA area doesnt allow modifications on control cabinets in the HENKEL area and vice versa
Recipes for conveyors can be saved from HMI on HD connected thorugh IP address to ALPLA network directly
AUTEFA sends feedback format change over has been completed and Vetromeccancia sends signal to AUTEFA to start bottles depalletizing
Conveyors control cabinet HMI on ALPLA side shows all alarms of LENZE Merger
Whenever we will receive SKU for new batch from one of 6 HENKEL line supervision PLC
we will forward AV to AUTEFA and show on all Vetromeccanica HMI of that line a pop-up request for new batch. At that point operator will have to confirm manually on all HMIs of that line:
Checked line is clear from bottles - confirm
Change over is started confirm (when operator confirms change over is started the PLC automatically loads recipe corresponding to SKU,
shows AV and AV Desc on that precise HMI and changes guide width) Change over is completed confirm
Data points status sensors, speed of motors, etc. to be shared on
Data points from filling lines
SpeedBatch sizeBatch formatEtc.
OEE datas (ejected bottles per ejector)
Ejected bottles of each ejectorBottle counter on each positions where bottles are counted (counter on HITW, outfeed labeler, infeed filler)
Preventive maintenance datas:
Maintenance message will be availableAre hours meters per motor available?
SKU code to be generated by
Alpla à Alpla/Andre
List with all currently known Article Variant numbers will be submit to Vetro Sigi Bereuter
Received and feedback given on 21.05
Communication from Henkel to Autefa: Vetro will receive an order for an article from the Henkel filling line
à Vetro will convert this Henkel article number to the Alpla articlevariantID and send the request further to Autefa. Autefa
only can handle the articlevariantID in their system
Confirmed on 21.05
Procedure to add an SKU to the PLC to be explained by Vetro (e.g. new colour)
à adding of a new SKU can be done on the HMI
Can Vetro receive a list of SKUs through OPC-UA see example list of SKUs attached
Yes confirmed on 21.05
Can Vetro store the list inside the PLC so the list is available also without SCADA system
Yes confirmed on 21.05
How would this list be shown on the HMI
Image will be shared asap.
How to bring the list of SKUs in relation to the parameter recipe
Vetro recipe selection will change auomtatically according to bottle format (Product family)SKU (color not relevant) only by operator confirmation on HMI when change over on HMI is automatically proposed during batch change
Vetro to submit a proposal how to administrate the SKUs as requested
Vetro to provide a description of how to update the controls with an additional article variant
New bottle format(Product family) has to be commissioned and recipe loaded manually on each HMI but new SKUs where only color is changed are automatically loaded from SKU list
REMOTE HMI functions next to filler for line 40,43,45,41:
Operator can switch from manual to automatic mode and vice versa
Operator can change speeds or even stop and start the motors when in manual mode
Operator can change motor speeds and time of reaction of photocelles which affect logic of motors when in automatic mode
Operator cannot stop or start conveyors from running when in automatic mode since there are no physical stop/start/reset buttons
(we will add only motors/sensors alarms reset button)
Operator can reset the control cabinet after a motor/sensor alarm (e-stops alarms still not possible)
Operator can change the recipe bottle parameters only of the bottle which is currently running but when saving he needs to go to the control cabinet close to labeler
Operator cannot change recipes
ALPLA SKU conversion list: ALPLA should write in our supervision PLC a list where customer article is associated to AV, AV Desc, Product Family as agreed.
This list will be constantly editable by ALPLA on a persistent memory as agreed in order for Vetromeccanica to handle new customer articles except for new formats (new
bottle shapes) which will require new recipes and commissioning first.
As per now we only have an excel list dated May 2020 which we cannot use for batch handling.
| ALPLA AV | Blank Bottle P/N |
| 184 | 2638879 |
| 253 | 2688129 |
| 102 | 2638876 |
(must be forwared to Autefa, must be shown on your HMIs)
AV Desc
(must be shown on you HMIs)
Product Family
(must be used by Vetro to select right Recipe)
Customer article Number
(used by Vetro to find matching AV)
E-stops when pressed block all motors either on HENKEL or ALPLA area depending if these belong to the HENKEL/ALPLA area but obviously the chain which crosses ALPLA and HENKEL area will
be stopped due to safety reasons. We propose to block motors belonging to the same control cabinet of the e-stop pressed which means you would still have ALPLA and HENKEL area divided but for line 3L23 and line 3L25 you would have 3 additional areas
on HENKEL side since you have 3 control cabinets on HENKEL side each for line 3L23 and line 3L25.
HMI sharing between panels of same line:
Control cabinet ALPLA side sees all HMI of cabinets of same line on HENKEL side
Control cabinet HENKEL side sees all HMI of cabinets of same line on HENKEL side only, not on ALPLA side
Supervision cabinet on ALPLA side sees all HMI of all cabinets on all lines
except for merger and screw merger which will share only alarms on supervision HMI
Alarms with description of requested operator intevention visible in the ALPLA OPCUA
supervision as per attached excel
BOTTLES AT LABELER INFEED AVAILABILITY SIGNAL : il segnale ad ALPLA di bottiglie disponibili allingresso etichettatrice :Questo segnale sarà dato dalla combinazione di varie condizioni:
Nastro in marcia
Assenza allarme di intasamento
Presenza bottiglie con fotocellula selezionabile a HMI
Thank you,
Priorità: Alta
Hello Wilbert,
It is important to start veirfynig automatic change over procedure on our side and with AUTEFA. Line 40 is the priority since HENKEL wants to start measuring line efficency in a week time without
Vetromeccanica technicians intervention.
In the e-mail of January 11th you can find a description of how the automatic change over should be done when we receive a new batch ID from HENKEL.
For any question please ask for support from Luca and Andrea.
I remain available for any question you might have.
Thank you,
Dear Christoph,
Thank you for describing step by step change of batch procedure.
We are modifyiing the software to follow exactly below procedure.
As agreed with Federico today the min accumulated bottles at the infeed of labeler and filler necessary for labeler and filler to work will not be take into account in the Vetromeccanica automatic
batch handling and change over procedure but AUTEFA will have to consideri t and sen additional bottles.
Siegrfied hope you are doing well. As per today ALPLA is still not writing the list fo SKU and AV in our supervision PLC memory therefore we are able to process HENKEL SKU in automatic.
Attached email for reference. This is quite urgent in order to start processing SKU.
Thank you and kind regards,
Dear Max,
For the batch change and reset of the counters the process should be following:
Same bottle at next batch:
We will not purge the line from the bottles.
Manual confirmation ready for next batch -> set counter to 0
If we have a new bottle for the next batch:
Run until batch end
Line clearance
Manual confirmation that line is clear -> set counter to 0
Change over starts
Manual acknowledgement that changeover is completed, and line is ready for new bottles -> start of bottle count and start to send new bottle from TLO
As already agreed, the physically counter will not be reset to 0 it will keep counting up until. For example, if counter is 232,323,232 it stays at this number at the batch end and start of the new
Subject: R: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
Importance: High
** INFO: External Email ** ALPLA
Corp-IT Systems
Dear Christoph,
Thank you for your prompt respone!
I sincerely hope you enjoyed Christmas holidays and had a great start of 2021!
Going back to change over and counter reset topics we prepared attached excel sheet, this may help clarify each single step with HENKEL as well.
Furthermore take the chance to bring to your attention the need of completion of 3 important steps before we can proceed with automatic batch handling on the lines:
Confirmation of change over procedure and counters reset as per attachedALPLA sharing fully updated chart with SKU relating to article variant number and article variant description in the Vetromeccanica supervision data structure
Testing thoroughly on site communication with AUTEFA for automatic batch handling
I will be back from vacation on Monday January 11th but will forward your answer to my colleagues on this point. Tomorrow we will be closed due to national holiday.
Thank you and kind regards,
Dear Max.
We are not planning to rest the counter until we have the max accumulated numbers reached.
The other two points are not needed since we have a counter from Henkel what indicated the still needed bottles before we can change over.
You will use this number to let Autefa know when we will push the last tray since you know the total amount of bottes on the conveyors.
We always will have some bottles left on the conveyor since we need to ensure that Henkel can empty the tank.
Best regards
Subject: RE: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
Dear Max,
Let me check these points. Hope to have an answer still this week.
Best regards
Subject: R: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
Importance: High
** INFO: External Email ** ALPLA
Corp-IT Systems
Good afternoon Christoph,
I would need a confirmation about when to reset counter in automatic mode for batch handling.
Based on your previous experience perhaps you can answer easily.
Automatic mode signal counter reset from Henkel when switching to new batch
à pop up on Vetro HMI to ackwnoledge new batch (reset counter when operator press okay)
Furthermore we suggest to agree on procedure to empty the line when running last bottles on HENKEL side to avoid manual take out of bottles from conveyors:
Labeler operator presses button on labeler HMI to by pass minimum bottles accumulationFiller operator presses button on labeler HMI to by pass minimum bottles accumulation
Could we have a call tomorrow to go through these points? Perhaps you may answer all our questions or bring up furhter questions on these points.
Apologies for the late notice but since I am back in the office I am finally able to discuss face to face some openstanding points from our automation department.
Thank you and kind regards,
Hi Carlo !
We are now daily reporting the Countervalues of TL27.
I recognized that counter SideGripDosingbelt was resetted suddenly on Monday from 443606 to 114.
Now since then counter SideGripDosingbelt does not really count anymore but FillerCount does count.
Can you explain this obsvervations ?
Sigi Bereuter
Corporate IT
Head of Software Development
Mockenstraße 34, A-6971 Hard
T: +43 / 5574 / 602-436
F: +43 / 5574 / 62017-139
M: +43 / 664 / 88931443
Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG Allmendstraße 81 A-6971 Hard
Firmenbuchgericht LG Feldkirch, Firmenbuchnummer FN 13422 p
Subject: R: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
** INFO: External Email ** ALPLA
Corp-IT Systems
Good morning,
no for the moment the "BatchLast" is not updated by the lines, as soon as it is implemented I will inform you.
Best regards,
Carlo Felici
Automation Development Manager
Vetromeccanica srl
Glass Packaging Solutions
Hi Carlo !
Thanks for the update we can see the new structure in usbow2, we already did the necessary changes on our Scada System.
Will the BatchLast already be update with data from BatchActual once Batch changes happens and what is the trigger
for updating BatchLast ?
Sigi Bereuter
Corporate IT
Head of Software Development
Mockenstraße 34, A-6971 Hard
T: +43 / 5574 / 602-436
F: +43 / 5574 / 62017-139
M: +43 / 664 / 88931443
Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG Allmendstraße 81 A-6971 Hard
Firmenbuchgericht LG Feldkirch, Firmenbuchnummer FN 13422 p
Platt Federico <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
Subject: [WARNING: ATTACHMENT UNSCANNED]OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
** INFO: External Email ** ALPLA
Corp-IT Systems
Good morning,
attached an update of the OPC structures in which I have:
added as per your request the "batchLast" structure with the same data of the "Actual" plus the two values of the "DosignBelt" and "InfeedFiller" counters.
I removed the useless "Istance" "St" from the "ToAlplaStatusLine" structure.
added information for backup lines and TL26.
in addition these are not 2 "mergers" but the two inputs of the same merger
there are 4 "QE" structures which represent the maximum number of electrical panels present for each line,
for example in the TL28 which has only one electrical panel only the "QE1" structure will be considered,
for the TL22 which has 4 they will be considered all structures,
this is the "divider" present only on the TL22
"Combiner" present only on the TL22
"BottlesTurner" managed by Vetromeccanica present only on the TL21
Best regards,
Carlo Felici
Automation Development Manager
Vetromeccanica srl
Glass Packaging Solutions
This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be
liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays and the like.
We deliver and order solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in
www.alpla.com/en/gtc-listing/gtc, which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply.
Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den Adressaten bestimmt. Falls Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, verständigen Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie diese Nachricht und alle Anhänge. Danke. Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, schließt ALPLA
jede Haftung für Schäden aus Übertragungsfehlern, Viren, fremden Einflüssen, Verzögerungen und dergleichen aus.
Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf
www.alpla.com/de/gtc-listing/agb zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen
nicht zur Anwendung.
### Adjuntos
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+ 3b3fe8ad2bddbf3d1baec9fb14e908ab
### I: Alpla BOW2 - Line emptying button 6168
- 04-02-2025
Thanks Max
S.r.l <m.magri@vetromeccanica.it>
Subject: R: Alpla BOW2 - Line emptying button 6168
| ** INFO: External Email ** ALPLA Corp-IT Systems |
Hi Sam,
I confirm we received your request and we will get back to you within 2 weeks if possible.
Let me know if that would be too late.
Thank you and kind regards,
Hi both,
Hope youre doing well.
Ive been asked if it is possible to add a button for emptying the lines when we are changing over/finishing a batch.
Im pretty sure this would probably have been part of the automatic changeover system but Henkel dont seem to have made any progress with that so were looking for another solution.
Currently when we go to change over we get some bottles staying in the merger/bottle turners.
Were looking for a button to send a signal to completely empty the line, basically run the conveyors in manual until theyre empty.
Please let me know if it is possible.
Best regards
Samuel Colley
Supply Maintenance Supervisor
377 Southwood Ct
42101 Bowling Green, KY USA
M: +1 / 270 / 392 9932
### Adjuntos
- [[image001_4.png]]
+ 9b56367e3956b9ccf6b77285582d901c
### I: 9.3040-3074 ALPLA BG open points
- 04-02-2025
I attached the file with the matrix request, for the other points here are my comments:
1.- The SW modification for the changeover was did in TLO25, 26 and 27 still pending test with Henkel signals to see if works or need another modification for an specific detail, in the last 2 weeks
Henkel move the changeover to another shift so at this moment is not tested yet, so in this point I can´t list missing information points without the test, and depend this and the next changeover available to try the changeover is the time to fish and let
working the automatic changeover.
2.- We test the extensions in TLO27 before labeler, but in 3 hrs later we remove them by 2 faults with the sensors that lose the configuration again,
the extension doesn´t work to solve this problem.
3.- Robson is testing the lines to record the speeds when the line is working with the labeler and filler in normal condition and when create a big gab and need fill again the conveyor before
labeler and filler.
4.- We test today the last modification for the Merger, but when this modification work we created a lot of gaps in the line during the hour that we test it, Freddy report a lot of stops for the
labeler, so I bypass this signals and adjust the speed of BT-FTS from 114 BPM to 96 BPM (have to be 97 BPM have to be at 130%) and now the BT turner don´t stop too much and the merger work more time with more flow of bottles to the labeler, today we didn´t
saw any jam, since the last week when did the change in the merger is working much better, other point that we saw is that when we stop the merger for downstream signal the bottles stops in a good position, less than 1 meter after ejector, enough distance
to don´t create a jam in the ejector, the problem is that when we start again take too much time and create a big gab of bottles and this gap arrive to the labeler, so the labeler stop for this many times, to reduce it we adjust the speed of the first conveyor
in Q2 and all conveyors in Q1 to 100Hz the high speed but still happen sometimes, we need to increase the accumulation but conveyors are at limit of speed so in this case we are going to continue check during production to see if is possible modify another
thing in the conveyors logic for this issue.
Attached link for videos:
5.- In bottle counter still pending copy the modification from TLO25 to the others line to stop the bottles before cover the counters sensors and don´t stop the counter belts by the alarms of these
sensors and avoid missing counting, after this we have to test them with all format as request Max in this email.
6.- same than 5?
7.- Matrix created, we have to start to test all lines with all formats, till today we only check if we saw a jam during the monitoring of production but didn´t focus on this point in specific.
8.- I know Alex Brazadio did it before, but we don´t have the file from him so we need start taking the data from all BT to compare with the original values, Please share with us the original values
that have to be to go forward with this point.
9.- UPS are not installed in any merger, still pending the rail DIN to fix the terminal blocks and also the cover for the terminal block, attached some pictures in the matrix file.
10.- Completed, according to Gianluca comments.
11.- Line 25 mechanical electrical modifications:
divider axis should be installed - READY
merger UPS should be installed PENDING
ejectors should be installed only ready in Q3 and missing test lifters ejectors is in high and need use the lifter.
screw merger motor 101 should be included in the alarm - READY
lane switch with TLO26 including guides area limit should be checked (ask Brazadio) still missing electrical modification for this in TLO22 need the electrician for work in high, in TLO26
is ready.
elevators lubrication system should be completed with right nozzle parts today afternoon arrived the spare part for this, pending.
divider and screw merger automatic guide adjustment should be enabled READY, today Carlos and Luca finish to solve the problems with this.
12.- Now all panels are tested with operator user, they have to be able to do the changeover, the last problem reported was for pneumatic issues in TLO25 and in TLO28 the operator report that the
user doesn´t work but today I show him that work and they can do the changeover and select the line to feed with the backup line.
13.- matrix attached, the ejectors are adjusted to the bottles that have to run in the line, and we have to do mechanical modification to let it working properly so take more time adjust them for
many formats.
14.- same than point 13?
15.- pending spare parts.
Please let me know if you thing that the file need some modification or add something more.
Wilbert Dzul
Enviado el: martes, 6 de julio de 2021 12:32 p. m.
CC: Massimiliano Petrosino <m.petrosino@vetromeccanica.it>; Luca Brarda <l.brarda@vetromeccanica.it>; Matteo Canetti <m.canetti@vetromeccanica.it>
Asunto: R: 9.3040-3074 ALPLA BG open points
Importancia: Alta
Dear all,
Please provide a feedback within today with a MATRIX for each of below activities and when you plan to complete these. TAKE THE REST OF THE DAY to create detailed
and reliable matrix with dates of completion and assign technician to complete the task. All these dates will be merged in a file to define closure of all points and shared tomorrow with ALPLA CEO and HENKEL Vice president.
From tomorrow we will have a daily conference call with Gianluca, Wilbert (first calls then Gianluca only) and Michael Radl (deputy of Federico Platt) to talk about daily activities
and progress. Federico will be on vacation next 2 weeks.
You will receive an invitation for skype call from Michael Radl.
Automatic change over: trial today, please share feedback on outcome of trials (still a lot of open points
in the attached list which need to be adressed with AUTEFA and HENKEL in conference calls next week)
Wilbert please resume with a matrix the status of automatic change over of each line listing bullet points of missing information and how long you estimate it will take to finalize (system without errors) to allow ALPLA operators to
perform automatic change over.Sensors:
install before actual sensor today (during production)10 cables extensions on those sensors which are changing more frequently status (light mode and dark mode) to initiate 2 weeks trials,
if succesfull we will ship 600 sensors cable extentions to solve the issue on all lines
Please tell every programmer to put red labels (those given by ALPLA for daily safety forms we used to put on the helmet) on the sensors changing from dark to light mode and start filling a list. We are considering
to change cable of those sensors giving issues if these are not to many. Dont tell ALPLA we are performing this check!Speed test: line 25 which is down then in the weekend line 40,41,42,23
with a matrix of the chain measurement in terms of m/min in which points of the line and with which bottle recipe
Use attached file and make copy of it for each line to record results with each format so we can have an overview of the records for each line and align all softwares.Merger trials: pull 7wires cable from bottle turner to merger TLO26
within tomorrow (if possible within today 30.06) so we can start testing on Friday, target of next week trials is to have maximum 1 jam merger per day
Please put in an excel file date of test, which merger, period of time, number of jams, what time, cause (fallen bottle/left lane bottle/right lane bottle).Bottle counter: false jam alarm modification tested succesfully
on TLO25 should be put in place today on all others and counters should be validated by ALPLA-Vetromeccanica since these are very urgent to calculate the efficiency
Please update below matrix and put a date when validated on which line with which format by whom.
| | Alpla | | Labeler Room | | | | | Filler Room | | |
| | Lifter | Counter belts | Lowerator | Labeler North | Labeller South | Lifter North | Lifter South | Lowerator North | Loweraor south | Filler |
| TLO 21 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | NA | Yes | NA | Yes | NA | Yes |
| TLO 22 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | NO | NO | NO |
| TLO 23 | Yes | Yes | NO | NO | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NO |
| TLO 25 | Yes | Yes | NO | Yes | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NO |
| TLO 26 | Yes | Yes | NO | Yes | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NO |
| TLO 27 | Yes | Yes | NO | Yes | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NO |
Jam before and after bottle counter: should be validated 1 day
per line on all lines from today Please create a matrix and put a date when validated on which line with which format by whom.Bottle turners:
recipes should be the same on all bottle turner for all formats, optic fibers amplifier need to be repositioned and all infeed and outfeed protections should be installed (AUTEFA is performing
inspection in these days) plus remaining open points attached for which parts will arrive within July 16th
Please convert recipes of bottles formats in an excel file do double check formats recipes for the rest Gianluca you will receive all missing parts next week so be prepared to install these in the weekend of July
17th and 18th. Merger
UPS: all parts including wires are on site therefore please start immediately with at least TLO22 before Gianmario leaves and then appoint Freddy to install the rest in the next days on TLO 21,28,24,27,26,25,23
Please create a matrix and put a date when installed in red and when activated in green on which line.Merger
vacuum valves: 8 arrived Friday 25.06 and have to be installed in the same position as TLO 28 but on TLO24,23,22,21 Confirmed installed on all so we can close this point.Line 25 mechanical electrical modifications:
while down divider axis should be installed, merger UPS should be installed, all ejectors should be installed, screw merger motor 101 should be included in the alarm and
lane switch with TLO26 including guides area limit should be checked (ask Brazadio), elevators lubrication system should be completed with right nozzle parts,
divider and screw merger automatic guide adjustment should be enabled
Please confirm which activities have been completed fully in a matrix and if not what is the issue..Change over on Vetromeccanica equipment: should be without surprises
for ALPLA/HENKEL operators so every bug in the change over software on the entire line must be eliminated by testing constantly all lines and reporting issues to the gorup and Vetromeccanica so we can solve it
Please share a matrix of change over test on each line with appointed formats to that line listing also each control cabinet and mark if validated and if not what is the
error. We need to start keeping track of this to be fully confident in defending ourselves against ALPLA complains.Ejectors: all ejectors should be installed and commissioned (compatible
with all 13 formats on all lines) within July in order to start SAT on all lines within July
Please update the matrix by marking on top if installed mechanically (red), electricaaly(blue).
| | TLO21Q1-Lifter | TLO21Q3-Lowerator | TLO21Q3-Lifter | TLO21Q4-Lowerator | TLO22Q1-Lifter | TLO22Q3-Lowerator | TLO22Q3-Lifter North | TLO22Q3-Lifter South | TLO22Q4-Lowerator North | TLO22Q4-Lowerator South | TLO23Q1-Lifter | TLO23Q2-Lowerator | TLO25Q1-Lifter | TLO25Q2-Lowerator | TLO26Q1-Lifter | TLO26Q2-Lowerator | TLO27Q1-Lifter | TLO27Q2-Lowerator |
| 3 - SP5 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | NA | NA | | | | |
| 4 - SP17 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | NA | NA | | | | |
| 5 - SP1 | NA | NA | NA | NA | | YES | | | | | | | NA | NA | | | | |
| 6 - Harmony 40 | NA | NA | NA | NA | | YES | | | | | | | NA | NA | | | | |
| 7 - Harmony 100 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | NA | NA | | | | |
| 8 - Beluga | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | YES | YES | | | | |
| 9 - H13 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | YES | YES | | | | |
| 13 - SP12 | YES | YES | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | NA | NA | | | | |
| 14 - SP2 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | NA | NA | | | | |
| 15 - SP14 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | NA | NA | | | | |
| 16 - SP26 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | NA | NA | | | | |
| 17 - H14 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | NA | NA | | | | |
| 18 - H96 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | NA | NA | | | | |
TLO23: all missing parts have been requested by Gianmario and will
be shipped next week in order to start line trials July 17th, please start turning on the equipment to check if anything is wrong, we cannot risk surprises.
You will receive all missing parts for TLO23 so please be ready to turn on the line 2 days after receiving the parts.
SAT: Vetromeccanica wants to perform SAT on all lines ASAP with Robson as night shift to verify issues. We will start with line 40 with Harmony 100 so will share excel file with all points which will have to be completed first on
line 40 then on other lines before we can start SAT. Pneumatic guides guides still reporting issues on line 40 therefore need to be reset and aligned mechanically next weekend, next reset will be line 25 whenever we will have free weeekend again.
Please share a matrix with pneumatic guides commissioning status for each line reporting any error as Q2 TLo25 missing air, or TLO26 actuator to be replaced, or hoses to be connected from HENKEL compressors.
Call me or text me on whatsapp if you have any request.
Thank you and kind regards,
Priorità: Alta
Dear All,
Regarding pripority No. 3 speed test it is clear we cannot pass it if we do not go in overspeed when there is a gap of bottles before labeler or filler as per attached video.
Please correct the logic ASAP on all lines with all recipes (line 25 should be good already). Before applying any modification please make a copy of the software.
Thank you and kind regards,
GianMario Savigliano <savigian@libero.it>
Priorità: Alta
Dear All,
Attached updated list of open points but I list hereby priorities we hihlighted in the call this morning which need action from
Automatic change over: trial today, please share feedback on outcome of trials (still a lot of open points
in the attached list which need to be adressed with AUTEFA and HENKEL in conference calls next week)Sensors:
install before actual sensor today (during production)10 cables extensions on those sensors which are changing more frequently status (light mode and dark mode) to initiate 2 weeks trials, if succesfull we
will ship 600 sensors cable extentions to solve the issue on all linesSpeed test: line 25 which is down then in the weekend line 40,41,42,23 with a matrix of the chain measurement
in terms of m/min in which points of the line and with which bottle recipeMerger trials: pull 7wires cable from bottle turner to merger TLO26 within tomorrow (if possible within today
30.06) so we can start testing on Friday, target of next week trials is to have maximum 1 jam merger per dayBottle counter: false jam alarm modification tested succesfully on TLO25 should be put in place today on all
others and counters should be validated by ALPLA-Vetromeccanica since these are very urgent to calculate the efficiencyJam before and after bottle counter: should be validated 1 day per line on all lines from todayBottle turners:
recipes should be the same on all bottle turner for all formats, optic fibers amplifier need to be repositioned and all infeed and outfeed protections should be installed (AUTEFA is performing inspection in
these days) plus remaining open points attached for which parts will arrive within July 16thMerger
UPS: all parts including wires are on site therefore please start immediately with at least TLO22 before Gianmario leaves and then appoint Freddy to install the rest in the next days on TLO 21,28,24,27,26,25,23Merger
vacuum valves: 8 arrived Friday 25.06 and have to be installed in the same position as TLO 28 but on TLO24,23,22,21
Line 25 mechanical electrical modifications: while down divider axis should be installed, merger UPS should
be installed, all ejectors should be installed, screw merger motor 101 should be included in the alarm and lane switch with TLO26 including guides area limit should be checked (ask Brazadio), elevators lubrication system should be completed with right nozzle
parts, divider and screw merger automatic guide adjustment should be enabledChange over on Vetromeccanica equipment: should be without surprises for ALPLA/HENKEL operators so every bug
in the change over software on the entire line must be eliminated by testing constantly all lines and reporting issues to the gorup and Vetromeccanica so we can solve itEjectors: all ejectors should be installed and commissioned (compatible with all 13 formats on all lines) within
July in order to start SAT on all lines within JulyTLO23: all missing parts have been requested by Gianmario and will be shipped next week in order to start line
trials July 17th, please start turning on the equipment to check if anything is wrong, we cannot risk surprises.
SAT: Vetromeccanica wants to perform SAT on all lines ASAP with Robson as night shift to verify issues. We will start with line 40 with Harmony 100 so will share excel file with all points which will have to be completed first on
line 40 then on other lines before we can start SAT. Pneumatic guides guides still reporting issues on line 40 therefore need to be reset and aligned mechanically next weekend, next reset will be line 25 whenever we will have free weeekend again.
Here under materials which will arrive on site within July 16th and which need to be mounted ALL within July to start SAT on all lines within July.
| Lunedì 16.06 | Cassa UPS L=720mm l=520 h=520 peso= 27 kg | | Spediti | Pronti | note | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.62437.00 | supporto bombolotto aria espulsore | 17 | 16.06 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 54.98010.10 | Adesivi PVC gialli cinghioli orientatori | 35 | 16.06 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.03.10280 | Lampallarm orientatori 3 luci | 6 | 16.06 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.03.10013<br>60.03.10014<br>60.03.00753<br>30.58262.00<br>30.58270.00 | Materiali riposizionamento fibra ottica | Qtà diverse e corrette | 16.06 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 54.00.00064 | Antivibranti merger | 100 | 16.06 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Martedì 22.06 | Cassa UPS <70Kg e 2L+2W+H < 4000 mm | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.03.00248 | Moduli UPS merger | 4 | | si | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.52370.03 | Staffe guide tavoli AUTEFA | 16 | | 18.06 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.03.01622 | Copri pulsanti finti orientatori | 20 | | si | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 20.02431.00.306049.8 | Gruppi valvole manuali regolazione aspirazione | 1 (8 pezzi) | | si | (altri 7 gruppi teniamo a casa per il momento tanto sono codici std per aspirazione tra cui 9.3277) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.63546.00 | Lamiere copertura cavi merger | 8 | | | Nuovo codice | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 52.70.00458 | RACCORDO DRITTO INTERM. Ø12 | 20 | | si | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 52.70.00492 | RACCORDO DRITTO INTERM. Ø10 | 30 | | 18.6 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Lunedì 28.06 | Cartone UPS <70Kg e 2L+2W+H < 4000 mm | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.08.00816<br><br><br>60.08.00671<br><br><br>60.08.00672<br><br><br>60.08.00635<br><br><br>60.08.00647<br><br><br>60.03.10182<br><br><br>60.03.00851<br><br><br>60.03.10136 | 60.08.00816 | 60.08.00671 | 60.08.00672 | 60.08.00635 | 60.08.00647 | 60.03.10182 | 60.03.00851 | 60.03.10136 | Gruppi cavi per UPS:<br><br><br>CAVO RESISTENZA SALDATA<br><br><br>FILO 1AWG12 BLU (1X3.31)<br><br><br>FILO 1AWG12 BIANCO/BLU (1X3.31)<br><br><br>FILO 1AWG16 BLU (1X1.31)<br><br><br>FILO 1AWG12 GIALLO/VERDE (1X3.31)<br><br><br>MORSETTO A MOLLA ST2.5 3PV<br><br><br>MORSETTO A MOLLA 2.5 PE<br><br><br>PONTI MORSETTI FBS 20 - 5 | CAVO RESISTENZA SALDATA | FILO 1AWG12 BLU (1X3.31) | FILO 1AWG12 BIANCO/BLU (1X3.31) | FILO 1AWG16 BLU (1X1.31) | FILO 1AWG12 GIALLO/VERDE (1X3.31) | MORSETTO A MOLLA ST2.5 3PV | MORSETTO A MOLLA 2.5 PE | PONTI MORSETTI FBS 20 - 5 | 8 | | | |
| 60.08.00816 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.08.00671 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.08.00672 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.08.00635 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.08.00647 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.03.10182 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.03.00851 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.03.10136 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| CAVO RESISTENZA SALDATA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| FILO 1AWG12 BLU (1X3.31) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| FILO 1AWG12 BIANCO/BLU (1X3.31) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| FILO 1AWG16 BLU (1X1.31) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| FILO 1AWG12 GIALLO/VERDE (1X3.31) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| MORSETTO A MOLLA ST2.5 3PV | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| MORSETTO A MOLLA 2.5 PE | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| PONTI MORSETTI FBS 20 - 5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Lunedì 28.06 | Cassa JAS 2000x1500xH1200 mm | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 54.47.01091 | Motoriduttore elevatore | 2 | | si | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 069810037306049.8 | Lattoneria modifica aspirazione merger | 8 | | si | Premontare per verifica | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 069810033306049.8 | Lattoneria modifica aspirazione motoventilatore AUTEFA | 14 | | si | Premontare per verifica | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.03.10056,7,8,9 | Coperchi canalina QE 40,60,80,100 | 30 | | 17.6 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.52488.00 | Tubolare di sostegno piastra morta TLI1 AUTEFA | 1 | | si | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 54.46.00289 | Motore motoventilatore AUTEFA | 2 | | si | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.63304.00<br>30.63310.00<br>30.63311.00<br>30.27656.00.05<br>30.61118.00.05 | Cassette ingresso cavi quadri | 17 | | si | Premontare per verifica | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 54.47.01085 | Motoriduttore TLI 1 | 1 | | si | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.50064.00<br><br><br>30.50067.00 | 30.50064.00 | 30.50067.00 | Guida bianca | 20 | | | Attesa quantità dal cantiere | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.50064.00 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.50067.00 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 54.31.00196<br><br><br>30.25871.00 | 54.31.00196 | 30.25871.00 | Guida a sfere | 4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 54.31.00196 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.25871.00 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Giovedì 01.07 | Cassa UPS <70Kg e 2L+2W+H < 4000 mm | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 57.79.00014 | Monocono lubrificazione | 250 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 57.79.00012 | Boccola lubrificazione | 250 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Produzione | Taglia tubi | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Martedì 05.07 | Cassa UPS <70Kg e 2L+2W+H < 4000 mm | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Da evadere UT 30.06 | Staffe colonna tubo aspirazione AUTEFA L=2000 | 14 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.64550.00 | Staffe sostegno chiavetta micro orientatori | 30 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.63966.00 | Staffe sostegno micro orientatori | 30 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Da evadere UT 30.06 | Guida espulsore orientatore | 14 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Da evadere UT 30.06 | Staffa con distanzieri espulsore | 14 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Da evadere UT 30.06 | giunzioni guide rettilinee | 20 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Da evadere UT 30.06 | giunzioni guide curve interne | 20 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Da evadere UT 30.06 | giunzioni guide curve esterne | 20 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| (54.99.02035) 30.62725.00 | Perni nuovi saldati e temprati orientatori | 14+1 | | | attendiamo data consegna fornitore | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 54.99.11527, 54.99.11528, 54.99.11529 | Giunto motore SIEMENS | 1 | | 30.06 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.03.01377 | Encoder orientatore TLO23 | 1 | | 23.6 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.50919.00 | Cinghie cinghioli orientatori | 2 | | 30.6 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.54598.01 + 30.55553.00 | Staffe ftc merger | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.55038.00(x2) + 30.53973.00 + 30.53974.00 | Gruppi staffe ftc conteggio uscita etichettatrice | 6 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30.53973.00 + 30.53974.00 | Gruppi staffe ftc conteggio cinghioli | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Da evadere UT 30.06 | Fibra ottica orientatore | 4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | FTC triggger merger | 5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 54.12.00153 | Canotti con cuscinetti per cinghioli orientatori | 14 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Mercoledì 06.07 | Tecnico Francesco Marciano | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Pacco etichette completamento ed eventuale minuteria | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60.08.11321 | Etichette motori | 259 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Da evadere UE | Etichetta wire and fuses orientatore | 14 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Da evadere UE | Etichetta dati potenza e numero linea orientatore | 14 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Venerdì 09.07 | Cassa DHL 1200x800xH600 mm o <br>se possibile UPS <70Kg e 2L+2W+H < 4000 mm | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 9.3209 | Modifica linea 23 (già spedito solo figurare per fattura) | 1 | | Si già spedito | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 9.3276 | Contropiastre etichette | 66 | | Si | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 9.3276 | Cavi motori | 80 | | Si | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 9.3276 | Lampade led divisore e riunitore a coclee | 3 | | 18.6 | Dovrebbero essere 3 in distinta e non 4 tra laltro non sono nella 9.3276 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 9.3276 | Lamiere fissaggio tunnel tela | 3 | | si | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 9.3276 | 30.63266.00 Coperture centraline di lubrificazione | 17 | | si | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Lunedì 30.07 | Cassa DHL 1200x800xH600 mm | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Schemi elettrici | 60 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Manuali stampati | 6+1+5+1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Pannello pubblicitario Vetromeccanica elevatori | 4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Herenunder points discussed every week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with ALPLA.
Efficiency calculation
Vetro to send mathematical expression to be validated.
Vetro 6/30
Signals from Autefa amount of bottles in conveyor
Receiving signal from Autefa. To review data received from Henkel, Autefa doesnt send batch count if doesnt receive batch number.
Vetro to validate all counters on all lines 6/28
This signal is working, but this depend of the data that we send to Autefa, means that if Henkel don´t
send the data of the batch, Autefa don´t send this data to us.
Signal “JamBeforeBC” and “JamAfterBC”
Receiving signals from all devices, but triggering a lot. Filter installed, to validate data from 6/28.
Vetro to evaluate signal quality with filter 6/30
I think the jams came from bad readings of the sensors or jams alarm in sensors with different condition
as today in the sensor before counter belts, we have to check line by line in which condition happen this because the time for a jam is always 30 seconds in all the lines.
Merger trials
Software improvement in place for merger TLO25
-we try the modify of Diego and adjust to let the merger working better, now the bottles stop in phase with the trigger sensor.
Alpla requested the current trend on servomotors in merger to identify the problem seen yesterday that bottles are not always stopping in the exact same position.
-we try the modify of Diego and adjust to let the merger working better, now the bottles stop in phase
with the trigger sensor.
Vetro to validate 6/28
Bottle counters
Side grip belt counter is now more accurate. To continue validation. Line 25/23 pending.
Las week work properly, we didn´t have problems with this counter, we can validate this counter next
week in production.
Vetro to validate all counters on all lines 6/30
Speed tests
Vetro to run own trials and provide feedback
For this test we need stop for some minutes the production to empty the line before labeler and filler
to let it run in high speed to recover the line, we need talk this with Federico before start the test.
Vetro 6/30
| # | Related Line Control<br> Tag Address | Description | Owner | Date | Notes |
| 2. | Data_From_EbConvey[0].0<br>Data_To_EbConvey[0].0 | Automatic ChangeOver procedure | Federico P. / Daniel N. | 7/2 | Changeover process map validated. “CalculatedBottlesRemainingtoFill” to change to “0” to start changeover process.<br>Next test on 6/30 with full changeover on Line 40. |
| 8. | Data_From_EbConvey[40] | Amount of bottles currently in conveyors. | Andrea A. | 7/2 | Vetro receiving now signal from Autefa. Counters to be adjusted and math to be aligned. |
| 11. | Data_To_EbConvey[13] | Master Filler Speed Command to Merge Slave | Andrea A. | 7/11 | Line down for 2 weeks. Fine tuning on Vetro to be done once restarts. |
| 21. | NA | Line 25 downtime calculation | Christoph K. | 7/11 | Validate logic calculation of downtime considering 2 labelers once new logic is fully implemented. |
| 22. | Data_From_EbConvey[0].2 | IDH_BTL_NEXT Proper found / not found | Daniel N. | 7/2 | Define what will be done with this signal. Changeover cannot be done if this is not found. |
| 23. | Data_From_EbConvey[0].2 | IDH_BTL_NEXT Proper found / not found | Federico P. | 7/2 | Define what will be done with this signal. Changeover cannot be done if this is not found. |
| 24. | Data_To_EbConvey[47] | PO_NUMBER_NEXT | Daniel N. | 7/2 | Still no being pushed. Point under discussion with corporate SAP admins. |
| 25. | Data_To_EbConveyor[35] | IDH_BTL | Thomas J. | 7/2 | Include spout/spigot and dosing cap code on IDH_BTL to identify properly required bottle. Discussion has been escalated for leadership to define. No data being received up to this moment. |
| 27. | NA | Filler master speed | Daniel N. | 7/11 | To develop and test code to reduce filler speed when one labeler stops. |
| 28. | Data_From_EbConvey[1]<br>Data_From_EbConvey[2]<br>Data_From_EbConvey[3] | Divider speed, count and alarm. | Daniel N. | 7/11 | Validate quality of signals being shared. |
| 29. | Data_From_EbConvey[6]<br>Data_From_EbConvey[7]<br>Data_From_EbConvey[8] | Screw merger speed, count and alarm. | Max R. | 7/11 | Validate quality of signals being shared. Speed is negative to be verified.<br>Vetro to verify. |
Maximilian Rossi
Vetromeccanica srl
Conveying Solutions
Strada Isolanda 26, 43024
Provazzano, Parma, ITALY
Telephone: +39 0521 343011
Telefax: +39 0521 342182
Direct: +39 0521 3430222
Linkedin profile
YOUTUBE channel
### Adjuntos
- [[image001.jpg]]
- [[Pending Points Matrix.xlsx]]
+ e349c686b297f960a07d3fe1daa28d3f
### I: 9.3061-TLO26-L42 automatic change over test
- 04-02-2025
Matteo Canetti <m.canetti@vetromeccanica.it>; Massimiliano Petrosino <m.petrosino@vetromeccanica.it>;
Hi Federico,
We corrected the error on
IDH_BTL_NEXT, now it will only validate the signal when a match is found.
Regarding TL27-4L41 it was only a text error, supervision is pulling the alarms from TL27-4L40.
We remain available for further requests.
Thank you and kind regards,
Federico.Platt@alpla.com <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
Matteo Canetti <m.canetti@vetromeccanica.it>; Massimiliano Petrosino <m.petrosino@vetromeccanica.it>;
Subject: RE: 9.3061-TLO26-L42 automatic change over test
I do have 2 requests now that you have your automation team on copy. This list will grow as we keep checking your system bugs on detail.
Henkel is receiving a IDH_BTL_NEXT confirmation all the time. You are not really confirming if the number is valid, you just send the confirmation signal all the time, even when no
data is being sent.
On supervisor panel, we are not receiving data from TL27-L40. The actual legend says “TLO27 4L41” which is not right. It is not populating the alarms from the right HMI.
Federico Platt
Sr Project Manager - Engineering
+1 (678) 545-5565
-----Original Message-----
Massimiliano Petrosino <m.petrosino@vetromeccanica.it>
Subject: 9.3061-TLO26-L42 automatic change over test
** INFO: External Email ** ALPLA Corp-IT Systems
Good afternoon Federico,
We would like to test the automatic change over several times tomorrow while line 42 is down.
In order to test Henkel should simulate batch code signal and AUTEFA should as well complete the change over. Do you think it would be possible tomorrow from 8 till 11 AM?
Thank you for your cooperation,
### Adjuntos
- [[image001.png]]
- [[image002.jpg]]
+ a91a660e6e7bd9c30799a01a8b8caab7
### R: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification 9.3060-3067
- 04-02-2025
Hi Lenin,
Thanks for clarifying with Sam.
We are going to review initial project specifications and try to follow what was agreed at that time.
Nevertheless since it was not possible to commission automatic change over before commssioning final formats, early 2022, not because of Vetromeccanica but because automatic batch change over involves
several companies, everything on this topic will have to be quoted separately, for work in Vetromeccanica and on site. ALPLA is already paying for your stay until February 15th so modifications on site after this date will have to be covered by additional
PO. Also we are awaiting a first PO for inhouse software modification but seems to me that another PO will be necessary for inhouse software modification since more details need to be clarified.
Thank you for your good work as always!
Today I spoke with Sam about this topic, and he told me that the new variables are needed to execute the change automatically. This completely changes the way we should work on this project.
He also told me that we should contact AUTEFA, since they are the ones who need this information.
The contacts of the AUTEFA people assigned to this project are:
Lenin Vera
Filling & Process Machine Automation Engineer
+1 812 5602700
En lunes, 3 de febrero de 2025, 08:06:25 (-05:00), Miguel Angel Vera - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <m.vera@vetromeccanica.it> escribió:
Hello Lenin,
I reviewed the requirements for the NEXT2 data for ALPLA. I'm unsure if only changing the data type is necessary, as ALPLA might not read the raw data from FromHenkel d1-d9 directly. Instead, they might need
it on the OPC server similar to the Next Batch structure. You mentioned converting the data type, but I believe the issue is with the data swap at the Q1s. Removing the automatic swap could solve this, but then where will ALPLA read the data from? This wasn't
discussed in last week's emails or call. Do you have more information on how ALPLA plans to access the data from d1-d9?
Best Regards,
Miguel Angel Vera
External Automation Design Engineer
Vetromeccanica srl Smart Moving Solutions
Isolanda 26, 43024 Provazzano, Parma - Italy
Alok Bhrahmbhatt - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <a.bhrahmbhatt@vmeccanica.com>; Alex Biasini - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <a.biasini@vetromeccanica.it>; Miguel Angel Vera
- Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <m.vera@vetromeccanica.it>
sarah.harmon@alpla.com <sarah.harmon@alpla.com>;
Sam.Colley@alpla.com <sam.colley@alpla.com>
Asunto: Re: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Hello everyone
Alok, our friends at ALPLA are asking when the estimated date for this work will be.
Below I refresh our client's request:
Henkel is currently sending a new data package through the variables Data_From_EbConvey[1-9], in our DB (FromHenkelv2_U) these variables are as a DINT, we must change these variables to Array[0..11] of Char (equal to the variable
PO_Number). See image 1 of the attached PDF document
ALPLA wants to see the new variables sent from HENKEL in the same format as it is currently reading the variables PO_Number, AB_IDH_BTL and NB_IDH_BTL.
The names of the new variables must be:
Data_To_EbConvey[1].0 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[1].1 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[1].2 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[1].3 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[2].0 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[2].1 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[2].2 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[2].3 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[3].0 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[3].1 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[3].2 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[3].3 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[4].0 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[4].1 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[4].2 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[4].3 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[5].0 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[5].1 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[5].2 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[5].3 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[6].0 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[6].1 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[6].2 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[6].3 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[7].0 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[7].1 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[7].2 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[7].3 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[8].0 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[8].1 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[8].2 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[8].3 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[9].0 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[9].1 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[9].2 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[9].3 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Lenin Vera
Filling & Process Machine Automation Engineer
+1 812 5602700
En jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2024, 11:55:42 (-05:00), L&E <lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com> escribió:
Miguel, could you please let us know what the estimated time would be to complete this request?
Lenin Vera
+1 812 5602700
On Dec 19, 2024, at 10:08AM,
steve.mcevoy@alpla.com wrote:

Hi Lenin
If you could get Italy to offer a feedback on expected timing that would be appreciated.
This piece of work is being pushed by Senior Leadership in ALPLA and HENKEL and we need to manage their expectations
Thanks in advance.
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Hi Steve,
I don't have an estimated date; in Italy they are working on the changes that must be made in all the Q1 PLCs and in the supervisory system PLC. As a rule, when a change is to be made in the supervisory PLC,
this change must be made in Italy.
Lenin Vera
Filling & Process Machine Automation Engineer
+1 812 5602700
En miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2024, 13:42:51 (-05:00), <steve.mcevoy@alpla.com> escribió:
Hi Lenin
Thanks for the update
Can you give any indication on timings for the changes needed ?
Thanks. Steve
a.bhrahmbhatt@vmeccanica.com; Platt Federico <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>; Colley Sam <Sam.Colley@alpla.com>;
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
| | You don't often get email from<br>lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com.<br>Learn why this is important | |
Hi Steve,
I have been busy this week; I requested help from Italy to make the modification in the PLCs. We have to change the variables di1 - di9 from DINT to SINT.
Thank you and I am sorry for the delay.
Lenin Vera
Filling & Process Machine Automation Engineer
+1 812 5602700
En lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2024, 12:15:11 (-05:00), <steve.mcevoy@alpla.com> escribió:
Hello Lenin & Shannon
What is the status please on the validation of the PLC tags
Can you provide an update by end of today please?
As we have a meeting with Henkel Procurement tomorrow morning
Many thanks. Steve
a.bhrahmbhatt@vmeccanica.com; Colley Sam <Sam.Colley@alpla.com>;
<bmahanna@malisko.com>; Johnson Shannon <Shannon.Johnson@alpla.com>; McEvoy Steve <steve.mcevoy@alpla.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
All of the PLC tags in all of the PLCs have been updated and are ready to be validated by lenin and then alpla. They are the same structure as the
other next tags. Let me know if you have any questions
lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com; Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
It looks as if we are now receiving the next next IDH information now from SAP on our side.
@Robert Nation will begin making that data usable and updating our message maps per line. This will require help from Lenin to make sure that he is receiving them correctly and ultimately make sure
that Alpla is receiving the same values.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com; Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>
<mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
This is something were still working on. It has been added to line 40 from out end but were waiting to validate those tags with our global SAP/digital
team. Once we are getting those data points, we can update the message map and provide those data point locations.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Federico.Platt@alpla.com <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com; Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>
<mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Thanks Brandon.
Has the data for the next-next order been added already? This is the other critical piece of information we need for the automatic batch handling / changeover.
Federico Platt
Sr Project Engineering Manager
+1 (678) 545-5565
a.bhrahmbhatt@vmeccanica.com; Colley Sam <Sam.Colley@alpla.com>;
lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com; Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>
<mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Federico, Now that the signal exchange has been validated, next steps I believe would be to verify that the message map we sent is what Vetro is
using and that you are looking at the correct data type for the SAP data. Whenever Sam returns please verify these signals with Vetro. A bottles remaining is being sent from lines 40, 41 and 42 currently thanks to Daniel which is a DINT so it does not need
to be converted to a string like the SAP information. Once verified, this can be rolled out to the other 3 OSBB fed lines.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com; Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>
Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>;
Brent Page <brent.page@henkel.com>; Douglas Arnold <douglas.arnold@henkel.com>
Subject: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Yesterday, the data exchange on each OSBB-fed line was verified with Vetro.
During testing, we found that some values were being read correctly but in the wrong data type. Data from SAP goes through multiple conversions between
Henkel and Vetro, as outlined below. On the left side of the PLX communication module, Henkels data is in one format, and on the right side, its Alpla's. The process is as follows:
SAP sends data as a string.
Henkel converts that string into three DINTs for the PLX communication module.
The PLX then converts each DINT into two words.
Vetro must then convert this back to the original string value to match the exact data SAP initially sent.
During the testing, we observed that when comparing certain data points, Vetro was reading the correct DINT values. However, to retrieve the original
string value, an additional conversion is needed on their end.
On Line 41, all values were read back as string values, so every IDH, PO #, etc., matched exactly as Henkel receives them from SAP. On other lines,
like Line 40, they received the correct values, and the DINTs matched those being sent. However, some data points still need to be converted back into a string to be fully usable.
@Robert Nation, I think that the logic you created for line 40 with the new strapping
table can be implemented across the OSBB fed lines to give Alpla a more accurate running bottle count now. This is assuming the tank dimensions are the same across the lines. Once completed, Vetro will need to verify that their message map matches the one
provided to them and this should be resolved.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
I think that will be a second part once this is figured out.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Federico.Platt@alpla.com <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Thanks Brandon. All of these signals are what Henkel is sending to Vetro/Alpla. Are there any issues on what ALPLA/Vetro are sending to you? Or this will be the
2nd part of the exercise?
Federico Platt
Sr Project Engineering Manager
+1 (678) 545-5565
a.bhrahmbhatt@vmeccanica.com; Colley Sam <Sam.Colley@alpla.com>;
Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
This is what weve generated based on our PLCs. This needs to be compared to what Vetro has and corrected where there are discrepancies. Itd be
easy enough to rule out a conversion error at the same time. I could force a value into a DINT on all Alpla fed lines and if Vetro receives the same value on their end then at least that possibility has been ruled out.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Federico.Platt@alpla.com <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Do you have the latest message map that we should refer to? If you have seen issues already with Vetro, it is very likely that those issues have been transferred
to us.
Federico Platt
Sr Project Engineering Manager
+1 (678) 545-5565
a.bhrahmbhatt@vmeccanica.com; Colley Sam <Sam.Colley@alpla.com>;
Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
No changes on our end but thats what we need someone to tell us if every data point is inaccurate or if just certain data points. We need to understand
if this is an issue with the data map or if there is some dint/word conversion error taking place or even if there is something in between Alpla and Vetro that is incorrect. We are already seeing discrepancies between the the message maps we have versus
what Vetro has but firstly need to verify the conversion between data types is also not an issue.
From what I see on our end the data in our PLC is correct, so again that data may not be where Vetro is expecting it to be or there is something
else going on with the data type conversion.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Federico.Platt@alpla.com <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Hi Brandon,
This request will require some time on our end to evaluate. Sam is out of office for 2 more weeks and I will need to find time in the next days if the need is urgent.
Has anything been changed in your end for the last couple of months, since we discussed the topic?
Federico Platt
Sr Project Engineering Manager
+1 (678) 545-5565
Platt Federico <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>; Colley Sam <Sam.Colley@alpla.com>;
David Busch <david.busch@henkel.com>; Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com)
<mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com)
Subject: RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Hi Federico or Sam, can you provide any feedback on what exactly is not coming thru correctly? Is it everything or only certain data?
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Subject: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Good morning.
Brandon is trying to validate the information which has been re-mapped from the SAP and MES systems to ALPLA to verify the change overs and current
status of bottles is correct and what ALPLA needs to finish their side of inventory controls for staging.
This isnt really something we are willing to wait on until Lenin is onsite if he can check this remotely please schedule it.
It doesnt necessarily need to be Lenin… can be any one of the programmers on your side whom may be qualified and know what to look for.
We are at a standstill until the adjusted information has been validated and we dont need this to fall through the cracks again for another few
Currently it is to validate that we are now transmitting the requested information that ALPLA is looking for which Brandon can validate exactly what
is being transferred.
Respective to time spent on validating the information if we need to pay for the time to ensure its captured, I am cleared to cover the additional
cost within an existing project.
As this has been an open issue for a number of years, and that we have the potential to close this item finally, please help Brandon validate the
information quickly.
David Busch
Sr Project Manager
Henkel Bowling Green, Ky
(Cell) 270-282-3818
-----Original Message-----
mscott@malisko.com; Brett Mahanna
Subject: RE: [EXT] Re: Vetro Contact
Lenin, Attached is the evaluation we've completed on all of the Alpla fed lines. We need to understand where Alpla is not receiving the correct data. From my understanding it sounds like everything coming thru is incorrect.
@Federico.Platt@alpla.com, can you confirm what specific data is incorrect or is it everything? I understand that some lines are not sending a bottles remaining, that is being worked on but first need to make sure that data is being transferred
from Henkel to Vetro correctly. If I remember, even the SAP IDH # is not being received correctly.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: Vetro Contact
Yes, I can work with you on this issue, I can connect remotely. Alok told me about this situation. I will speak with him tomorrow to confirm my involvement.
Lenin Vera
+1 812 5602700
> On Oct 23, 2024, at 5:02PM, Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
> I'm not sure either. Is this something that we can work together on? Alok mentioned that I should reach out to you for this. I
do not know your ability to help verify remotely.
> ______________________________________
> Brandon Miller
> Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
> -----Original Message-----
> From: L&E <lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 3:58 PM
> To: Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
> Cc: Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>
> Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: Vetro Contact
> This message is from an EXTERNAL SENDER be CAUTIOUS, particularly
> with links and attachments ________________________________
> ALPLA has not commented anything to me, I am not sure if they have spoken to anyone in Italy.
> Lenin Vera
> +1 812 5602700
>> On Oct 23, 2024, at 2:30PM, Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
>> Thank you Lenin. This ask stems from Alpla saying that they are not receiving accurate data from us. When comparing what they are
seeing to what we are sending there is some mix up somewhere. Have you gotten word of this from Alpla?
>> Ultimately, we want to validate that you are receiving the same values as what we are sending again.
>> ______________________________________
>> Brandon Miller
>> Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: L&E <lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 12:02 PM
>> To: Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
>> Cc: Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>
>> Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: Vetro Contact
>> This message is from an EXTERNAL SENDER be CAUTIOUS, particularly
>> with links and attachments ________________________________
>> It is the same for all lines.
>> Lenin Vera
>> FSE
>> +1 812 5602700
>>>> On Oct 23, 2024, at 12:11PM, Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
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+ 1778aebccb688a6d35605ba2bedceb5b
### RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
- 04-02-2025
Today I spoke with Sam about this topic, and he told me that the new variables are needed to execute the change automatically. This completely changes the way we should work on this project.
He also told me that we should contact AUTEFA, since they are the ones who need this information.
The contacts of the AUTEFA people assigned to this project are:
Lenin Vera
Filling & Process Machine Automation Engineer
+1 812 5602700
En lunes, 3 de febrero de 2025, 08:06:25 (-05:00), Miguel Angel Vera - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <m.vera@vetromeccanica.it> escribió:
Hello Lenin,
I reviewed the requirements for the NEXT2 data for ALPLA. I'm unsure if only changing the data type is necessary, as ALPLA might not read the raw data from FromHenkel d1-d9 directly. Instead, they might need it on the OPC server similar to the Next Batch
structure. You mentioned converting the data type, but I believe the issue is with the data swap at the Q1s. Removing the automatic swap could solve this, but then where will ALPLA read the data from? This wasn't discussed in last week's emails or call. Do
you have more information on how ALPLA plans to access the data from d1-d9?
Best Regards,
Miguel Angel Vera
External Automation Design Engineer
Vetromeccanica srl Smart Moving Solutions
Isolanda 26, 43024 Provazzano, Parma - Italy
<a.biasini@vetromeccanica.it>; Miguel Angel Vera - Vetromeccanica S.r.l. <m.vera@vetromeccanica.it>
Asunto: Re: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Hello everyone
Alok, our friends at ALPLA are asking when the estimated date for this work will be.
Below I refresh our client's request:
Henkel is currently sending a new data package through the variables Data_From_EbConvey[1-9], in our DB (FromHenkelv2_U) these variables are as a DINT, we must change these variables to Array[0..11] of Char (equal to the variable PO_Number). See
image 1 of the attached PDF document
ALPLA wants to see the new variables sent from HENKEL in the same format as it is currently reading the variables PO_Number, AB_IDH_BTL and NB_IDH_BTL.
The names of the new variables must be:
Data_To_EbConvey[1].0 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[1].1 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[1].2 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[1].3 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[2].0 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[2].1 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[2].2 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[2].3 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[3].0 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[3].1 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[3].2 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[3].3 PO_Next2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[4].0 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[4].1 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[4].2 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[4].3 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[5].0 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[5].1 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[5].2 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[5].3 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[6].0 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[6].1 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[6].2 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[6].3 IDH_CON_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[7].0 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[7].1 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[7].2 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[7].3 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[8].0 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[8].1 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[8].2 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[8].3 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[9].0 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[9].1 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[9].2 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Data_To_EbConvey[9].3 IDH_BTL_NEXT2 SINT
Lenin Vera
& Process Machine Automation Engineer
+1 812 5602700
En jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2024, 11:55:42 (-05:00), L&E <lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com> escribió:
Miguel, could you please let us know what the estimated time would be to complete this request?
Lenin Vera
+1 812 5602700
On Dec 19, 2024, at 10:08AM, steve.mcevoy@alpla.com wrote:

Hi Lenin
If you could get Italy to offer a feedback on expected timing that would be appreciated.
This piece of work is being pushed by Senior Leadership in ALPLA and HENKEL and we need to manage their expectations
Thanks in advance.
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Hi Steve,
I don't have an estimated date; in Italy they are working on the changes that must be made in all the Q1 PLCs and in the supervisory system PLC. As a rule, when a change is to be made in the supervisory PLC, this change
must be made in Italy.
Lenin Vera
& Process Machine Automation Engineer
+1 812 5602700
En miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2024, 13:42:51 (-05:00), <steve.mcevoy@alpla.com> escribió:
Hi Lenin
Thanks for the update
Can you give any indication on timings for the changes needed ?
Thanks. Steve
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
| | You don't<br> often get email from lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com. Learn why this is important | |
Hi Steve,
I have been busy this week; I requested help from Italy to make the modification in the PLCs. We have to change the variables di1 - di9 from DINT to SINT.
Thank you and I am sorry for the delay.
Lenin Vera
& Process Machine Automation Engineer
+1 812 5602700
En lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2024, 12:15:11 (-05:00), <steve.mcevoy@alpla.com> escribió:
Hello Lenin & Shannon
What is the status please on the validation of the PLC tags
Can you provide an update by end of today please?
As we have a meeting with Henkel Procurement tomorrow morning
Many thanks. Steve
Johnson Shannon <Shannon.Johnson@alpla.com>; McEvoy Steve <steve.mcevoy@alpla.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
All of the PLC tags in all of the PLCs have been updated and are ready to be validated by lenin and
then alpla. They are the same structure as the other next tags. Let me know if you have any questions
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
It looks as if we are now receiving the next next IDH information now from SAP on our side. @Robert Nation will begin making that data usable and updating our message maps per line. This will require help from Lenin to make sure that he is receiving them correctly and ultimately make sure that Alpla is
receiving the same values.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
This is something were still working on. It has been added to line 40 from out end but were waiting
to validate those tags with our global SAP/digital team. Once we are getting those data points, we can update the message map and provide those data point locations.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Thanks Brandon.
Has the data for the next-next order been added already? This is the other critical piece of information we need for the automatic batch handling / changeover.
Project Engineering Manager
+1 (678) 545-5565
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Federico, Now that the signal exchange has been validated, next steps I believe would be to verify
that the message map we sent is what Vetro is using and that you are looking at the correct data type for the SAP data. Whenever Sam returns please verify these signals with Vetro. A bottles remaining is being sent from lines 40, 41 and 42 currently thanks
to Daniel which is a DINT so it does not need to be converted to a string like the SAP information. Once verified, this can be rolled out to the other 3 OSBB fed lines.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
<mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>; Brent Page <brent.page@henkel.com>;
Douglas Arnold <douglas.arnold@henkel.com>
Subject: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Yesterday, the data exchange on each OSBB-fed line was verified with Vetro.
During testing, we found that some values were being read correctly but in the wrong data type. Data
from SAP goes through multiple conversions between Henkel and Vetro, as outlined below. On the left side of the PLX communication module, Henkels data is in one format, and on the right side, its Alpla's. The process is as follows:
SAP sends data as a string.
Henkel converts that string into three DINTs for the PLX communication module.
The PLX then converts each DINT into two words.
Vetro must then convert this back to the original string value to match the exact data
SAP initially sent.
During the testing, we observed that when comparing certain data points, Vetro was reading the correct
DINT values. However, to retrieve the original string value, an additional conversion is needed on their end.
On Line 41, all values were read back as string values, so every IDH, PO #, etc., matched exactly
as Henkel receives them from SAP. On other lines, like Line 40, they received the correct values, and the DINTs matched those being sent. However, some data points still need to be converted back into a string to be fully usable.
@Robert Nation, I think that the logic you created
for line 40 with the new strapping table can be implemented across the OSBB fed lines to give Alpla a more accurate running bottle count now. This is assuming the tank dimensions are the same across the lines. Once completed, Vetro will need to verify that
their message map matches the one provided to them and this should be resolved.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
<mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
I think that will be a second part once this is figured out.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
<mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Thanks Brandon. All of these signals are what Henkel is sending to Vetro/Alpla. Are there any issues on what ALPLA/Vetro are sending to you? Or this will be the 2nd part of the exercise?
Project Engineering Manager
+1 (678) 545-5565
<mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
This is what weve generated based on our PLCs. This needs to be compared to what Vetro has and
corrected where there are discrepancies. Itd be easy enough to rule out a conversion error at the same time. I could force a value into a DINT on all Alpla fed lines and if Vetro receives the same value on their end then at least that possibility has been
ruled out.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
<mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Do you have the latest message map that we should refer to? If you have seen issues already with Vetro, it is very likely that those issues have been transferred to us.
Project Engineering Manager
+1 (678) 545-5565
<mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
No changes on our end but thats what we need someone to tell us if every data point is inaccurate
or if just certain data points. We need to understand if this is an issue with the data map or if there is some dint/word conversion error taking place or even if there is something in between Alpla and Vetro that is incorrect. We are already seeing discrepancies
between the the message maps we have versus what Vetro has but firstly need to verify the conversion between data types is also not an issue.
From what I see on our end the data in our PLC is correct, so again that data may not be where Vetro
is expecting it to be or there is something else going on with the data type conversion.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
<mscott@malisko.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Hi Brandon,
This request will require some time on our end to evaluate. Sam is out of office for 2 more weeks and I will need to find time in the next days if the need is urgent.
Has anything been changed in your end for the last couple of months, since we discussed the topic?
Project Engineering Manager
+1 (678) 545-5565
Platt Federico <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>;
Colley Sam <Sam.Colley@alpla.com>; lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com
David Busch <david.busch@henkel.com>;
Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com)
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com)
Subject: RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Hi Federico or Sam, can you provide any feedback on what exactly is not coming thru correctly?
Is it everything or only certain data?
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Subject: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Good morning.
Brandon is trying to validate the information which has been re-mapped from the SAP and MES systems
to ALPLA to verify the change overs and current status of bottles is correct and what ALPLA needs to finish their side of inventory controls for staging.
This isnt really something we are willing to wait on until Lenin is onsite if he can check this
remotely please schedule it.
It doesnt necessarily need to be Lenin… can be any one of the programmers on your side whom may
be qualified and know what to look for.
We are at a standstill until the adjusted information has been validated and we dont need this to
fall through the cracks again for another few years.
Currently it is to validate that we are now transmitting the requested information that ALPLA is
looking for which Brandon can validate exactly what is being transferred.
Respective to time spent on validating the information if we need to pay for the time to ensure its
captured, I am cleared to cover the additional cost within an existing project.
As this has been an open issue for a number of years, and that we have the potential to close this
item finally, please help Brandon validate the information quickly.
David Busch
Sr Project Manager
Henkel Bowling Green, Ky
(Cell) 270-282-3818
-----Original Message-----
Subject: RE: [EXT] Re: Vetro Contact
Lenin, Attached is the evaluation we've completed on all of the Alpla fed lines. We need to understand where Alpla is not receiving the correct data. From my understanding
it sounds like everything coming thru is incorrect.
@Federico.Platt@alpla.com, can you confirm what specific data is incorrect or is it everything? I understand that some lines are not sending a bottles remaining, that is
being worked on but first need to make sure that data is being transferred from Henkel to Vetro correctly. If I remember, even the SAP IDH # is not being received correctly.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: Vetro Contact
Yes, I can work with you on this issue, I can connect remotely. Alok told me about this situation. I will speak with him tomorrow to confirm my involvement.
Lenin Vera
+1 812 5602700
> On Oct 23, 2024, at 5:02PM, Brandon
B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure either. Is this something that we can work together on? Alok mentioned that I should reach out to you for this.
I do not know your ability to help verify remotely.
> ______________________________________
> Brandon Miller
> Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
> -----Original Message-----
> From: L&E <lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 3:58 PM
> To: Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
> Cc: Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>
> Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: Vetro Contact
> This message is from an EXTERNAL SENDER be CAUTIOUS, particularly
> with links and attachments ________________________________
> ALPLA has not commented anything to me, I am not sure if they have spoken to anyone in Italy.
> Lenin Vera
> +1 812 5602700
>> On Oct 23, 2024, at 2:30PM, Brandon
B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com> wrote:
>> Thank you Lenin. This ask stems from Alpla saying that they are not receiving accurate data from us. When comparing what
they are seeing to what we are sending there is some mix up somewhere. Have you gotten word of this from Alpla?
>> Ultimately, we want to validate that you are receiving the same values as what we are sending again.
>> ______________________________________
>> Brandon Miller
>> Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: L&E <lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 12:02 PM
>> To: Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
>> Cc: Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>
>> Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: Vetro Contact
>> This message is from an EXTERNAL SENDER be CAUTIOUS, particularly
>> with links and attachments ________________________________
>> It is the same for all lines.
>> Lenin Vera
>> FSE
>> +1 812 5602700
>>>> On Oct 23, 2024, at 12:11PM, Brandon
B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com> wrote:
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| To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising<br> out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays and the like. We deliver and order solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in alink.alpla.com/GTC,<br> which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply. |
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| To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays<br> and the like. We deliver and order solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in alink.alpla.com/GTC, which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply. |
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| Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf alink.alpla.com/GTC zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen<br> nicht zur Anwendung. |
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| Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf alink.alpla.com/GTC zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen<br> nicht zur Anwendung. |
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| To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays<br> and the like. We deliver and order solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in alink.alpla.com/GTC, which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply. |
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| Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf alink.alpla.com/GTC zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen<br> nicht zur Anwendung. |
| This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and delete the message and any attachments.<br> Thank you. |
| To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays<br> and the like. We deliver and order solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in alink.alpla.com/GTC, which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply. |
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| Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf alink.alpla.com/GTC zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen<br> nicht zur Anwendung. |
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+ af96c3a4060c5bcabb47789dc7bd370b
### RE: Automatic changeover trial
- 03-02-2025
Below is the list of people I currently have who would be invited/involved in moving the project forward. If there is anyone that needs to be added or removed, please advise. I will schedule a meeting Friday
to get the discussion moving forward.
B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>
Burak Usanmaz <burak.usanmaz@henkel.com>
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
'John Sledge' <john.sledge@henkel.com>
Platt Federico <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
Colley Sam <Sam.Colley@alpla.com>
Johnson Shannon <Shannon.Johnson@alpla.com>
McEvoy Steve <steve.mcevoy@alpla.com>
Harmon Sarah <Sarah.Harmon@alpla.com>
Bucklew William <William.Bucklew@alpla.com>
Buehler Stephen (ASG) <Stephen.Buehler@autefa.com>
Ureda Sudheesh (ASG-Extern) <Sudheesh.Ureda@autefa.com>
Mirco Magri <m.magri@vetromeccanica.it>
Miguel Angel Vera Vetromeccanica <m.vera@vetromeccanica.it>
Maximilian Rossi <m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Shannon Johnson
Plant Manager
Alpla Inc.
377 Southwood Ct
Bowling Green, KY 42102
M: +1 (270) 619-0452
Alex Biasini <a.biasini@vetromeccanica.it>; Miguel Angel Vera Vetromeccanica <m.vera@vetromeccanica.it>; Burak Usanmaz <burak.usanmaz@henkel.com>; Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: Automatic changeover trial
Hi Shannon,
Stephen Buehler, in cc, will be the contact for Autefa and will make the necessary arrangements for Sudheesh to support.
Having got with William this morning week 8 is our best opportunity to do this test.
There are 2, maybe 3 size changes as well as color changes on line 40 that week.
With Vetro and Autefa we can validate the data we are receiving and monitor it throughout week 7.
Then when we hit the first changeover of week 8 we can try the automatic changeover.
I agree we need a meeting as I believe there are still parts to this that need to be discussed and worked out.
Primarily an accurate calculated bottles remaining to trigger the change-over and the next +1 batch.
Thank you,
lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com; Maximilian Rossi <m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>; Mirco Magri <m.magri@vetromeccanica.it>; Alok Brahmbhatt <a.bhrahmbhatt@vmeccanica.com>;
Alex Biasini <a.biasini@vetromeccanica.it>; Miguel Angel Vera Vetromeccanica <m.vera@vetromeccanica.it>; Burak Usanmaz <burak.usanmaz@henkel.com>;
Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>; Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
William <William.Bucklew@alpla.com>; McEvoy Steve <steve.mcevoy@alpla.com>
Subject: Automatic changeover trial
There have been several emails with numerous people talking about the Vetro/Alpla/Henkel communications needed to perform the automatic batch changes. I would like to identify who needs to be included in this
project and/or on copy. If you have been included in this email and do not need to be on copy or invited to the meetings please let me know and I will remove your email address. Likewise if you see that I have missed someone that needs to be included, please
let me know.
Sam Does Autefa need to be involved and if so, who?
We had discussed a trial next week, however there are no changeovers during the Monday-Friday work week and we would prefer not to try out changes on Saturday.
So we need to coordinate the next good opportunity. I would also like to establish a core group who will be involved in the trials and changes.
I would like to set up a meeting early next week to discuss when we can actually align a trial with the Henkel production schedule.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Shannon Johnson
Plant Manager
Alpla Inc.
377 Southwood Ct
Bowling Green, KY 42102
M: +1 (270) 619-0452
| This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Thank you. |
| To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays and the like. We deliver and order solely on the<br> basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in<br>alink.alpla.com/GTC, which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply. |
| Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den Adressaten bestimmt. Falls Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, verständigen Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie diese Nachricht und alle Anhänge. Danke. Soweit gesetzlich<br> zulässig, schließt ALPLA jede Haftung für Schäden aus Übertragungsfehlern, Viren, fremden Einflüssen, Verzögerungen und dergleichen aus. |
| Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf<br>alink.alpla.com/GTC zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen nicht zur Anwendung. |
+ 4706f1c35374d5c975bbc706c32613cc
### NEXT2 - Data - ALPLA information verification
- 03-02-2025
Hello Sam,
I need to verify my understanding of the NEXT2 data requirements from ALPLA. HENKEL sends this data through the Malisko -> Prosoft system to the Q1 PLCs as three 12-character strings (PO_NUMBER, IDH_BTL, IDH_CON), which we label as d1-d9 in our software. This
data undergoes word-swapping on the Q1 but isn't further processed on the Supervisor. Therefore, on the supervisor, the data remains swapped and isn't reverted to its original form.
What does ALPLA need on the supervisor? Currently, there's no specific area for NEXT2 in the OPC served data, only in the Raw data section (marked as 3 in the attached image). Is the raw data from FromHenkel.STW.d1-d9 sufficient for your needs?
Lenin requested and was confirmed during last Monday's call that data integrity must be maintained from the HENKEL system to the Supervisor data. No changes to the OPC structure were discussed.
OPC Data served on the Supervisor PLC:
Best regards,
Miguel Angel Vera
External Automation Design Engineer
Vetromeccanica srl Smart Moving Solutions
Isolanda 26, 43024 Provazzano, Parma - Italy
+ 62f50b0de70918b3405c554e71ea1103
### RV: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
- 18-12-2024
Subject: Fwd: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Henkel/ALPLA are requesting to change the variables di1 - di9 from DINT to SINT (I attach the file, the variables to modify are marked in red), please could you make this modification?
I currently do not have the time to make this modification, we are testing the LF02 bottle on the TLO26 line and we have had some problems.
I attach the link with the latest PLC programs.
Thank you
Lenin Vera
& Process Machine Automation Engineer
+1 812 5602700
---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
Fecha: 16 de diciembre de 2024, 12:15:11 -05:00
Asunto: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Hello Lenin & Shannon
What is the status please on the validation of the PLC tags
Can you provide an update by end of today please?
As we have a meeting with Henkel Procurement tomorrow morning
Many thanks. Steve
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
All of the PLC tags in all of the PLCs have been updated and are ready to be validated by lenin and then alpla. They are the same structure as the other next tags. Let me know
if you have any questions
lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com; Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
It looks as if we are now receiving the next next IDH information now from SAP on our side.
@Robert Nation will begin making that data usable and updating our message maps per line. This will require help from Lenin to make sure that he is receiving them correctly and ultimately make sure that
Alpla is receiving the same values.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com; Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
This is something were still working on. It has been added to line 40 from out end but were waiting to validate those tags with our global SAP/digital team. Once we are getting
those data points, we can update the message map and provide those data point locations.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Federico.Platt@alpla.com <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com; Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>
Subject: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Thanks Brandon.
Has the data for the next-next order been added already? This is the other critical piece of information we need for the automatic batch handling / changeover.
Federico Platt
Sr Project Engineering Manager
+1 (678) 545-5565
a.bhrahmbhatt@vmeccanica.com; Colley Sam <Sam.Colley@alpla.com>;
lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com; Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>
Subject: RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Federico, Now that the signal exchange has been validated, next steps I believe would be to verify that the message map we sent is what Vetro is using and that you are looking
at the correct data type for the SAP data. Whenever Sam returns please verify these signals with Vetro. A bottles remaining is being sent from lines 40, 41 and 42 currently thanks to Daniel which is a DINT so it does not need to be converted to a string
like the SAP information. Once verified, this can be rolled out to the other 3 OSBB fed lines.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com; Robert Nation <robert.nation@henkel.com>
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>; Brent Page <brent.page@henkel.com>; Douglas Arnold <douglas.arnold@henkel.com>
Subject: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Yesterday, the data exchange on each OSBB-fed line was verified with Vetro.
During testing, we found that some values were being read correctly but in the wrong data type. Data from SAP goes through multiple conversions between Henkel and Vetro, as outlined
below. On the left side of the PLX communication module, Henkels data is in one format, and on the right side, its Alpla's. The process is as follows:
SAP sends data as a string.
Henkel converts that string into three DINTs for the PLX communication module.
The PLX then converts each DINT into two words.
Vetro must then convert this back to the original string value to match the exact data SAP initially sent.
During the testing, we observed that when comparing certain data points, Vetro was reading the correct DINT values. However, to retrieve the original string value, an additional
conversion is needed on their end.
On Line 41, all values were read back as string values, so every IDH, PO #, etc., matched exactly as Henkel receives them from SAP. On other lines, like Line 40, they received
the correct values, and the DINTs matched those being sent. However, some data points still need to be converted back into a string to be fully usable.
@Robert Nation, I think
that the logic you created for line 40 with the new strapping table can be implemented across the OSBB fed lines to give Alpla a more accurate running bottle count now. This is assuming the tank dimensions are the same across the lines. Once completed, Vetro
will need to verify that their message map matches the one provided to them and this should be resolved.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
I think that will be a second part once this is figured out.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Federico.Platt@alpla.com <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Thanks Brandon. All of these signals are what Henkel is sending to Vetro/Alpla. Are there any issues on what ALPLA/Vetro are sending to you? Or this will be the 2nd part of the exercise?
Federico Platt
Sr Project Engineering Manager
+1 (678) 545-5565
a.bhrahmbhatt@vmeccanica.com; Colley Sam <Sam.Colley@alpla.com>;
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
This is what weve generated based on our PLCs. This needs to be compared to what Vetro has and corrected where there are discrepancies. Itd be easy enough to rule out a conversion
error at the same time. I could force a value into a DINT on all Alpla fed lines and if Vetro receives the same value on their end then at least that possibility has been ruled out.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Federico.Platt@alpla.com <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Do you have the latest message map that we should refer to? If you have seen issues already with Vetro, it is very likely that those issues have been transferred to us.
Federico Platt
Sr Project Engineering Manager
+1 (678) 545-5565
a.bhrahmbhatt@vmeccanica.com; Colley Sam <Sam.Colley@alpla.com>;
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
No changes on our end but thats what we need someone to tell us if every data point is inaccurate or if just certain data points. We need to understand if this is an issue with
the data map or if there is some dint/word conversion error taking place or even if there is something in between Alpla and Vetro that is incorrect. We are already seeing discrepancies between the the message maps we have versus what Vetro has but firstly
need to verify the conversion between data types is also not an issue.
From what I see on our end the data in our PLC is correct, so again that data may not be where Vetro is expecting it to be or there is something else going on with the data type
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Federico.Platt@alpla.com <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: [EXT] RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Hi Brandon,
This request will require some time on our end to evaluate. Sam is out of office for 2 more weeks and I will need to find time in the next days if the need is urgent.
Has anything been changed in your end for the last couple of months, since we discussed the topic?
Federico Platt
Sr Project Engineering Manager
+1 (678) 545-5565
Platt Federico <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>; Colley Sam <Sam.Colley@alpla.com>;
Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>;
Brett Mahanna (Ext@malisko.com) <bmahanna@malisko.com>
Subject: RE: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Hi Federico or Sam, can you provide any feedback on what exactly is not coming thru correctly? Is it everything or only certain data?
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
Subject: Vetro/ALPLA information verification
Good morning.
Brandon is trying to validate the information which has been re-mapped from the SAP and MES systems to ALPLA to verify the change overs and current status of bottles is correct
and what ALPLA needs to finish their side of inventory controls for staging.
This isnt really something we are willing to wait on until Lenin is onsite if he can check this remotely please schedule it.
It doesnt necessarily need to be Lenin… can be any one of the programmers on your side whom may be qualified and know what to look for.
We are at a standstill until the adjusted information has been validated and we dont need this to fall through the cracks again for another few years.
Currently it is to validate that we are now transmitting the requested information that ALPLA is looking for which Brandon can validate exactly what is being transferred.
Respective to time spent on validating the information if we need to pay for the time to ensure its captured, I am cleared to cover the additional cost within an existing project.
As this has been an open issue for a number of years, and that we have the potential to close this item finally, please help Brandon validate the information quickly.
David Busch
Sr Project Manager
Henkel Bowling Green, Ky
(Cell) 270-282-3818
-----Original Message-----
mscott@malisko.com; Brett Mahanna bmahanna@malisko.com
Subject: RE: [EXT] Re: Vetro Contact
Lenin, Attached is the evaluation we've completed on all of the Alpla fed lines. We need to understand where Alpla is not receiving the correct data. From my understanding it sounds like everything
coming thru is incorrect.
@Federico.Platt@alpla.com, can you confirm what specific data is incorrect or is it everything? I understand that some lines are not sending a bottles remaining, that is being worked on but first need
to make sure that data is being transferred from Henkel to Vetro correctly. If I remember, even the SAP IDH # is not being received correctly.
Brandon Miller
Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: Vetro Contact
Yes, I can work with you on this issue, I can connect remotely. Alok told me about this situation. I will speak with him tomorrow to confirm my involvement.
Lenin Vera
+1 812 5602700
> On Oct 23, 2024, at 5:02PM, Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure either. Is this something that we can work together on? Alok mentioned that I should reach out to you for this. I do not know your ability to help verify remotely.
> ______________________________________
> Brandon Miller
> Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
> -----Original Message-----
> From: L&E <lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 3:58 PM
> To: Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
> Cc: Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>
> Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: Vetro Contact
> This message is from an EXTERNAL SENDER be CAUTIOUS, particularly
> with links and attachments ________________________________
> ALPLA has not commented anything to me, I am not sure if they have spoken to anyone in Italy.
> Lenin Vera
> +1 812 5602700
>> On Oct 23, 2024, at 2:30PM, Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com> wrote:
>> Thank you Lenin. This ask stems from Alpla saying that they are not receiving accurate data from us. When comparing what they are seeing to what we are sending there is some mix up somewhere.
Have you gotten word of this from Alpla?
>> Ultimately, we want to validate that you are receiving the same values as what we are sending again.
>> ______________________________________
>> Brandon Miller
>> Capital Automation & Digitalization - Engineering
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: L&E <lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 12:02 PM
>> To: Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com>
>> Cc: Matt Scott (Ext@malisko.com) <mscott@malisko.com>
>> Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: Vetro Contact
>> This message is from an EXTERNAL SENDER be CAUTIOUS, particularly
>> with links and attachments ________________________________
>> It is the same for all lines.
>> Lenin Vera
>> FSE
>> +1 812 5602700
>>>> On Oct 23, 2024, at 12:11PM, Brandon B Miller <brandon.b.miller@henkel.com> wrote:
| This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and<br> delete the message and any attachments. Thank you. |
| To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses,<br> external influence, delays and the like. We deliver and order solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in<br>alink.alpla.com/GTC, which both contain<br> a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply. |
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| Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf<br>alink.alpla.com/GTC zu finden sind. Sämtliche<br> Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen nicht zur Anwendung. |
| This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Thank you. |
| To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays and the like. We deliver and order<br> solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in<br>alink.alpla.com/GTC, which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply. |
| Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den Adressaten bestimmt. Falls Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, verständigen Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie diese Nachricht und alle Anhänge. Danke.<br> Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, schließt ALPLA jede Haftung für Schäden aus Übertragungsfehlern, Viren, fremden Einflüssen, Verzögerungen und dergleichen aus. |
| Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf<br>alink.alpla.com/GTC zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen<br> nicht zur Anwendung. |
| This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Thank you. |
| To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays and the like. We deliver and order<br> solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in<br>alink.alpla.com/GTC, which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply. |
| Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den Adressaten bestimmt. Falls Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, verständigen Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie diese Nachricht und alle Anhänge. Danke.<br> Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, schließt ALPLA jede Haftung für Schäden aus Übertragungsfehlern, Viren, fremden Einflüssen, Verzögerungen und dergleichen aus. |
| Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf<br>alink.alpla.com/GTC zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen<br> nicht zur Anwendung. |
| This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Thank you. |
| To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays and the like. We deliver and order<br> solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in<br>alink.alpla.com/GTC, which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply. |
| Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den Adressaten bestimmt. Falls Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, verständigen Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie diese Nachricht und alle Anhänge. Danke.<br> Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, schließt ALPLA jede Haftung für Schäden aus Übertragungsfehlern, Viren, fremden Einflüssen, Verzögerungen und dergleichen aus. |
| Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf<br>alink.alpla.com/GTC zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen<br> nicht zur Anwendung. |
| This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Thank you. |
| To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays and the like. We deliver and order<br> solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in<br>alink.alpla.com/GTC, which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply. |
| Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den Adressaten bestimmt. Falls Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, verständigen Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie diese Nachricht und alle Anhänge. Danke.<br> Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, schließt ALPLA jede Haftung für Schäden aus Übertragungsfehlern, Viren, fremden Einflüssen, Verzögerungen und dergleichen aus. |
| Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf<br>alink.alpla.com/GTC zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen<br> nicht zur Anwendung. |
### Adjuntos
- [[Eb_Convey OEM MES Messaging L20-L42.xlsx]]
+ b9d59f16c27a900b6817c67a271eab65
### I: 9.3061-TLO26-L42 automatic change over test
- 04-01-2024
Hi Federico,
We corrected the error on
IDH_BTL_NEXT, now it will only validate the signal when a match is found.
Regarding TL27-4L41 it was only a text error, supervision is pulling the alarms from TL27-4L40.
We remain available for further requests.
Thank you and kind regards,
Federico.Platt@alpla.com <Federico.Platt@alpla.com>
Matteo Canetti <m.canetti@vetromeccanica.it>; Massimiliano Petrosino <m.petrosino@vetromeccanica.it>;
Subject: RE: 9.3061-TLO26-L42 automatic change over test
I do have 2 requests now that you have your automation team on copy. This list will grow as we keep checking your system bugs on detail.
Henkel is receiving a IDH_BTL_NEXT confirmation all the time. You are not really confirming if the number is valid, you just send the confirmation signal all the time, even when no
data is being sent.
On supervisor panel, we are not receiving data from TL27-L40. The actual legend says “TLO27 4L41” which is not right. It is not populating the alarms from the right HMI.
Federico Platt
Sr Project Manager - Engineering
+1 (678) 545-5565
-----Original Message-----
Massimiliano Petrosino <m.petrosino@vetromeccanica.it>
Subject: 9.3061-TLO26-L42 automatic change over test
** INFO: External Email ** ALPLA Corp-IT Systems
Good afternoon Federico,
We would like to test the automatic change over several times tomorrow while line 42 is down.
In order to test Henkel should simulate batch code signal and AUTEFA should as well complete the change over. Do you think it would be possible tomorrow from 8 till 11 AM?
Thank you for your cooperation,
+ ca7612fd2fdf684c8f4c7a1aa57ec94c
### I: Alpla BOW: Batch handling 9.3040-3074 ALPLA BG
- 04-01-2024
Luca Brarda <l.brarda@vetromeccanica.it>; Obert Peter (ASG) <Peter.Obert@autefa.com>
Peter included now as well.
Ureda Sudheesh (ASG-Extern) <Sudheesh.Ureda@autefa.com>; Andrea Attolini <a.attolini@vetromeccanica.it>; Luca Brarda <l.brarda@vetromeccanica.it>
Priorità: Alta
Good afternoon,
ALPLA is pushing to use the number with amount of bottles passing through bottle turner to calculate amount of bottles passing on the line.
Since this signal has been agreed last year I believe you should prioritzie this on site and tell ALPLA directly if there is any issue sharing this value.
Thank you and kind regards,
Ureda Sudheesh (ASG-Extern) <Sudheesh.Ureda@autefa.com>; Andrea Attolini <a.attolini@vetromeccanica.it>; Luca Brarda <l.brarda@vetromeccanica.it>
Dear All,
I confirm that from Wednesday June 17th our programmer Wilbert will be available on site to follow up batch handling commissioning.
Kind regards,
Ureda Sudheesh (ASG-Extern) <Sudheesh.Ureda@autefa.com>; Andrea Attolini <a.attolini@vetromeccanica.it>
Dear All,
I believe the following points are not solved yet.
Furthermore we are not receiving a number of bottles produced by AUTEFA other than 0. ALPLA is pushing us to sort this point within this week, perhaps the type of variable is not correct.
Perhaps we could have a call on Wednesday to discuss these?
Thank you and kind regards,
Ureda Sudheesh (ASG-Extern) <Sudheesh.Ureda@autefa.com>
Hello Max,
Today while checking the information received from Supervision PLC,
We noticed 3 discrepancies from Vetro,( as per info from Wilbert and data received)
1: The Target count received by Autefa is remaining bottles... Where as we expect following a: Total target count and not remaining count....
b: And 0 target count as "batch finish" as a confirmation, when Henkel receives all required bottles count
2: No next batch+1 info received by Autefa (as per definition we need this data for organised supply)
3: The ejected bottles along line, after merger are not added in total target from time to time(???)
Right now we are receiving legitimate data for L25, L40, L42 (3 lines)
Best regards,
Sachin Dahane
+ eb5a1e77f81e83424bc27e56c735b094
### I: Alpla BOW: Batch Handling Issue for TG10 & TG20
- 04-01-2024
Fritzsche-Zoeschinger Martin (ASG) <Martin.Fritzsche-Zoeschinger@autefa.com>
Hello Max/ Willbert,
We are still not getting correct data in TG10 (Batch Data) and response to TG20 ( Accept is not received even if selected combination is correct).
That was the reason we had trouble yesterday delivering bottles on Line 43 from TLO24.
Also, now we cannot put TLO27 on line40 because we do not get "Accept" from your end, creating difficulty in "counting unloaded" bottles and supplying same to you. We observed that this TG20 Telegram sometimes work fine, but
sometimes its not accepted, as well as no error is given for rejection ...(error number remained 0)
Please look into this ASAP. Thanks.
The TG10 status is given below for your ready reference.
| Recorded at 22nd June 01:00 | L23 | L25 | L40 | L41 | L42 | L43 |
| | TLO 21 | TLO 22 | TLO 27 | TLO 28 | TLO 26 | TLO 24 |
| Last Telegram INFO Received on | 21st June<br>at 20:29 | 17th June<br>at 22:10 | 22nd June<br>at 15:08 | 21st June<br>at 17:10 | 21st June<br>at 23:17 | 10th April<br>at 10:18 |
| Actual_Batch_ID[1] | '0' | '0' | '0' | '0' | '0' | ' ' |
| Actual_Batch_ID[2] | '0' | '0' | '0' | '0' | '0' | ' ' |
| Actual_Batch_ID[3] | '2' | '2' | '2' | '2' | '2' | ' ' |
| Actual_Batch_ID[4] | '0' | '0' | '0' | '0' | '0' | ' ' |
| Actual_Batch_ID[5] | '0' | '0' | '0' | '0' | '0' | ' ' |
| Actual_Batch_ID[6] | '4' | '4' | '4' | '4' | '4' | ' ' |
| Actual_Batch_ID[7] | '2' | '2' | '2' | '2' | '2' | ' ' |
| Actual_Batch_ID[8] | '7' | '5' | '6' | '5' | '6' | ' ' |
| Actual_Batch_ID[9] | '5' | '2' | '4' | '3' | '4' | ' ' |
| Actual_Batch_ID[10] | '3' | '9' | '6' | '1' | '6' | ' ' |
| Actual_Batch_ID[11] | '8' | '7' | '2' | '5' | '3' | ' ' |
| Actual_Batch_ID[12] | '7' | '9' | '6' | '8' | '8' | ' ' |
| | | | | | | |
| Active Batch Target | 138 | -5639 | 71659 | 35129 | 55747 | 59912 |
| Active Batch AVID | 0 | 105 | 186 | 167 | 207 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Next_Batch_ID[1] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Batch_ID[2] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Batch_ID[3] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Batch_ID[4] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Batch_ID[5] | ' ' | ' ' | ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Batch_ID[6] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Batch_ID[7] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Batch_ID[8] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Batch_ID[9] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Batch_ID[10] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Batch_ID[11] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Batch_ID[12] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| | | | | | | |
| Next Batch Target | 25640 | 0 | 23660 | 0 | 65484 | 0 |
| Next Batch AVID | 197 | 105 | 186 | 109 | 216 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Next_Next+1_Batch_ID[1] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Next+1_Batch_ID[2] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Next+1_Batch_ID[3] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Next+1_Batch_ID[4] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Next+1_Batch_ID[5] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Next+1_Batch_ID[6] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Next+1_Batch_ID[7] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Next+1_Batch_ID[8] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Next+1_Batch_ID[9] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Next+1_Batch_ID[10] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Next+1_Batch_ID[11] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| Next_Next+1_Batch_ID[12] | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' | ' ' |
| | | | | | | |
| Next_Next+1_Batch Target | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Next_Next+1_Batch AVID | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
Best regards,
Sachin Dahane
+ ee8987f56d3cede3014be8e2568d331e
### I: Bottle counters / Batch handling
- 04-01-2024
Hi Max,
Replaying to your last message from this morning,
Bottle counters:
-still missing install the counter after lowerator line 40, 41 and 42.
-pending modification SW to add the new counters in line 40, 41 and 42 in Henkel side.
-only some counter have the new bracket, I think all of them have to be with the new bracket to avoid that the sensors move and do bad counting,
-still pending confirm how are going to work the counters, if we have to reset all of them to zero or not, I saw that the counter from filler till this moment is not reset, please confirm this to modify the software if
is necessary.
-still pending confirm TG61 with the right value of bottles load from Autefa in TLO22 and TLO21.
Changeover/batch handling:
-Now in logic we see if is a complete changeover (different family number) or same family product with a different color/spigot/dose cup (using Product ID when is different) or same bottle but different batch number,
that´s mean that we have to start the counters for a new batch, still pending check the last changes did for this.
-Add some signals to know when the EMD guides and lifter guides are in position before send changeover done to Henkel.
-still pending find a way to avoid that merger finish the empting before Bottle turner send all the bottles, we don´t know when the BT is and TLO is empty, now the emptying in merger start when we receive the remaining
bottle to fill in 0 from Henkel, so I think that is better have a signal that the BT is empty and in this point start the emptying in the merger.
-Last time when we did a test, Q2 didn´t start the changeover, now Q2 in 40, 41 and 42 has the same modification that Q1 and also in this case, Q2 have to wait that Q1 is empty to start the emptying in Q2 and in this
way avoid that conveyors before bottle counter stay with bottles.
-change signals of line empty and change over done to a SR memory, in this way the cycle machine have to complete all the steps in the same order in both panels and send this right signals to Henkel when have to be, before
the logic let that Q1 finish the changeover first and when finish by the conditions start again the empting and never send the signals to Henkel, this change is still pending to check.
I attached a file that with the step to follow for the changeover with Henkel as reference, the original version was send to me for Federico, I modify a little bit to let it according to the last changes did in SW.
Wilbert Dzul
### Adjuntos
- [[Changeover process map v1.xlsx]]
+ fd780ea0c4c8fdf479aa1069f49e89cb
### I: OPC-UA interface Vetro - Bowling Green 2
- 04-01-2024
Dear Siegfried,
Thank you for your prompt response.
Hereby our feedback:
We confirm we accept fully your SKU structure (see below image) but please specify the number of characters for AV description, we considered
for now 36 and needs to be defined. Waiting for your confirmation of structure and characters.The list as per your request will remain persistent, it means it will remain saved on our supervision PLC even after restart of our superivision
control cabinet or shut down of your SCADA. We underline we will not do any writing on this list, only ALPLA will edit this list through SCADA.Whenever we will receive SKU for new batch from one of 6 HENKEL line supervision PLC we will forward AV to AUTEFA and show on all Vetromeccanica
HMI of that line a pop-up request for new batch. At that point operator will have to confirm manually on all HMIs of that line:
Checked line is clear from bottles - confirm
Change over is started confirm (when operator confirms change over is started the PLC automatically loads recipe corresponding to SKU,
shows AV and AV Desc on that precise HMI and changes guide width) Change over is completed confirm
If you confirm the attached list(no changes from yours) including simplified association between AV Desc and Product family clearly visibile below just for sake of quick overview we will start shipping
control cabinets HMI with correct numbering of recipes avoiding extra work on site (20 control cabinets have been shipeed already with different numbering than below) plus enable visibility of AV and AV Desc on HMI. We have a shipping of 8 control cabinets
next week therefore your soonest confirmation is highly appreciated.
| Beluga | 8 |
| H13 | 9 |
| H14 | 17 |
| H96 | 18 |
| LF04B | 6 |
| LF10B | 7 |
| SP1 | 5 |
| Sp2 | 14 |
| Sp5 | 3 |
| Sp12 | 13 |
| Sp14 | 15 |
| Sp17 | 4 |
| Sp26 | 16 |
For any question please do not hesitate to call me.
Thank you for your cooperation and kind regards,
Maximilian Rossi
Hi Maximilian !
As mentioned, attached you can find the whole SKU List.
For only those Fields are relevant:
AV (must be forwared to Autefa, must be shown on your HMIs)
AV Desc
(must be shown on you HMIs)
Product Family
(must be used by Vetro to select right Recipe)
Customer article Number
(used by Vetro to find matching AV)
Via OPC Ua we would expect form you to provide a Variable with a structure like this:
AvDesc : STRING;
ProductFamily : DINT;
CustomerNumber: DINT;
Finally you define a DB with this Variabel inside:
AlplaSkuList Array[250] of ALPLA_SKU;
Sigi Bereuter
Corporate IT
Head of Software Development
Mockenstraße 34, A-6971 Hard
T: +43 / 5574 / 602-436
F: +43 / 5574 / 62017-139
M: +43 / 664 / 88931443
Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG Allmendstraße 81 A-6971 Hard
Firmenbuchgericht LG Feldkirch, Firmenbuchnummer FN 13422 p
Subject: R: minutes - update data points Vetromeccanica - Bowling Green 2 9.3040-3074
** INFO: External Email **
Do not click links, open attachments or reply, unless you recognize the sender's email address and know the content is safe!
ALPLA Corp-IT Network and Security.
Dear All,
following today short call with Christoph we await to know HENKEL SKUs proposal to evaluate the necessary work on all sides to get batch communication going.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Kind regards,
Maximilian Rossi
Hi CK and Maximilian,
Could you talk to Henkel if they could use the Alpla articlevariantId (double INT) for batch order communication from Henkel to Vetro?
This would make the communication much easier because we could use the same number in the entire system.
At the moment there are two Int numbers for type and colour in your list.
Also we additionally do need a unique batch number from Henkel to each order for traceability.
Best Regards,
Andre Alber
a.attolini@vetromeccanica.it; Bereuter Siegfried <Siegfried.Bereuter@alpla.com>; Greber Samuel <Samuel.Greber@alpla.com>;
Radl Michael <Michael.Radl@alpla.com>; Spathelf Uwe <Uwe.Spathelf@alpla.com>
Betreff: R: minutes - update data points Vetromeccanica - Bowling Green 2
Dear All,
thank you for your time yesterday.
As we all know Vetromeccanica needs to pin down details of data exchange for supervision as soon as possible for two reasons:
We are shipping control cabinets without havingt set up the same SKU you want to use. This is generating extra work on site which hasnt been foreseen.Our supervision cabinet exchanges batch format information with HENKEL, ALPLA and AUTEFA and considering production start on line 4L40 is planned
begin of July we have planned our software technician starting end of May with dry commissioning and signal exchnage testing with HENKEL and AUTEFA. This means we need to complete supervision software in the next weeks which is becoming impossible.
For the reasons above we need to continue the software development without including options you requested for now such as HMI recipes synchronization with SCADA and images for alarm pop up on operator
Iphone or other alternatives.
Underneath in red our answers.
Looking forward to your feedback. Perhaps we can have a conference call about SKUs on Monday to answer your questions?
Thank you and kind regards,
Maximilian Rossi
Hi All,
please find updated minutes below in green.
Best Regards,
Andre Alber
Maximilian Rossi (m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it) <m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>; Bereuter Siegfried <Siegfried.Bereuter@alpla.com>;
Greber Samuel <Samuel.Greber@alpla.com>; Radl Michael <Michael.Radl@alpla.com>; Spathelf Uwe <Uwe.Spathelf@alpla.com>
<a.biasini@vetromeccanica.it>; 'f.maggio@vetromeccanica.it' <f.maggio@vetromeccanica.it>
Betreff: AW: minutes - update data points Vetromeccanica - Bowling Green 2
Hi All,
see below the minutes of our review.
Best Regards,
Andre Alber
Kempter Christoph <Christoph.Kempter@alpla.com>;
a.attolini@vetromeccanica.it; Maximilian Rossi (m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it)
<m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>; Bereuter Siegfried (Siegfried.Bereuter@alpla.com)
<Siegfried.Bereuter@alpla.com>; Greber Samuel <Samuel.Greber@alpla.com>;
Radl Michael <Michael.Radl@alpla.com>; Spathelf Uwe (Uwe.Spathelf@alpla.com)
a.biasini@vetromeccanica.it; 'f.maggio@vetromeccanica.it' <f.maggio@vetromeccanica.it>
Betreff: minutes - update data points Vetromeccanica - Bowling Green 2
Hi All,
please find below the minutes of our review today:
Alarm Massage:
alarm message related to a certain picture with the highlighted part of the equipment
à Vetro to provide example and description
à relation of picture to the alarm is not possible. There is not enough information in the picture name. One possibility is an unique
alarm code for each motor with contains the picture name/number. Vetro to show an example for the motors, jamming B1, Jamming B2, etc. which show how to construct a relation of the alarm to the picture. The proposed unit type does not needed to be in the alarm
code Vetro to submit by 23rd of Aprilentire alarms should be done in one structure
à will not be possible. Different lists will be availableSiegfried B. submit a proposal for a generic alarm array
à Vetro will use the orig. proposed structure of alarmsExport file into XML from OPC-UA from Vetro to be send to Siegfried
à once structure is agreedAlarms will be submitted in one big array, Siegfried confirmed in general this procedure;
We are proceeding with structure update including all data.Approx. 1200pictrues would be necessary
à Vetro to submit a proposal for the programming and submit an example which Alpla would test on the note system handheld
à Alpla to discuss internally if this solution really makes sense at this stage
Attached example of std pictures of line 4L40 we have on our HMI. Those pictures ending with “_Generale” are the main picture on the HMI and when you press on a pre-delimited area you get the other pictures showing devices such as
sensors and motors in green (functioning) or red (malfunctioning). Pictures of area between labeler and filler dont show information about functioning since these are only an example in terms of zoom level.Vetro to investigate with Siemens if there is an optimized solution available to visualize the HMI on the handheld
We had a first meeting today at 14:00 and will have another early next week.
Data points from filling lines
SpeedBatch sizeBatch formatEtc.
OEE datas (ejected bottles per ejector)
Ejected bottles of each ejectorBottle counter on each positions where bottles are counted (elevator, lowerator, counter on HITW)
Preventive maintenance datas:
Maintenance message will be availableAre hours meters per motor available?
Data points status sensors, speed of motors, etc. to be shared on the OPC-UA interface
Data points bottle turner to Autefa and via Autefa to the OPC-UA
SKU code to be generated by
Alpla à Alpla/Andre
Procedure to add an SKU to the PLC to be explained by Vetro (e.g. new colour)
à adding of a new SKU can be done on the HMI
Can Vetro receive a list of SKUs through OPC-UA see example list of SKUs attached
We can definitely work with ProdArticled and pass to you and AUTEFA ArticleVariantId or CustomerKey since you need to know the color. The important this is that HENKEL sends to us ProdArticledId plus ArticleVariantId
or CustomerKey so we dont have to process the full list but just pass it throgh. Our recipes on the HMI would show Format associated to ProdArticleId since we do not work with colors. If you can still change the association of ProdArticleId Format as per
attached (sheet recipes# VM) we would not have to change the recipes of the 17 cabinets we have shipped already and shared with AUTEFA as well.
Can Vetro store the list inside the PLC so the list is available also without SCADA system
How would this list be shown on the HMI
How to bring the list of SKUs in relation to the parameter recipe
Vetro to submit a proposal how to administrate the SKUs as requested
Interface description Henkel/Vetro to be shared by Vetro
à confirmation from Henke is missing
confirmation from Henkel in week 20
Best Regards,
Andre Alber
This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be
liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays and the like.
We deliver and order solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in
www.alpla.com/en/gtc-listing/gtc, which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply.
Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den Adressaten bestimmt. Falls Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, verständigen Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie diese Nachricht und alle Anhänge. Danke. Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, schließt ALPLA
jede Haftung für Schäden aus Übertragungsfehlern, Viren, fremden Einflüssen, Verzögerungen und dergleichen aus.
Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf
www.alpla.com/de/gtc-listing/agb zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen
nicht zur Anwendung.
### Adjuntos
- [[AlplaProd_Articles - VM.xlsx]]
+ d01c6e129c9d742ab93c802e1eaec6e9
### R: 9.3040-3074 ALPLA data exchange with HENKEL - line commisioning
- 29-10-2020
Dear Siegfried,
Thank you for your prompt response.
Hereby our feedback:
We confirm we accept fully your SKU structure (see below image) but please specify the number of characters for AV description, we considered
for now 36 and needs to be defined. Waiting for your confirmation of structure and characters.The list as per your request will remain persistent, it means it will remain saved on our supervision PLC even after restart of our superivision
control cabinet or shut down of your SCADA. We underline we will not do any writing on this list, only ALPLA will edit this list through SCADA.Whenever we will receive SKU for new batch from one of 6 HENKEL line supervision PLC we will forward AV to AUTEFA and show on all Vetromeccanica
HMI of that line a pop-up request for new batch. At that point operator will have to confirm manually on all HMIs of that line:
Checked line is clear from bottles - confirm
Change over is started confirm (when operator confirms change over is started the PLC automatically loads recipe corresponding to SKU,
shows AV and AV Desc on that precise HMI and changes guide width) Change over is completed confirm
If you confirm the attached list(no changes from yours) including simplified association between AV Desc and Product family clearly visibile below just for sake of quick overview we will start shipping
control cabinets HMI with correct numbering of recipes avoiding extra work on site (20 control cabinets have been shipeed already with different numbering than below) plus enable visibility of AV and AV Desc on HMI. We have a shipping of 8 control cabinets
next week therefore your soonest confirmation is highly appreciated.
| Beluga | 8 |
| H13 | 9 |
| H14 | 17 |
| H96 | 18 |
| LF04B | 6 |
| LF10B | 7 |
| SP1 | 5 |
| Sp2 | 14 |
| Sp5 | 3 |
| Sp12 | 13 |
| Sp14 | 15 |
| Sp17 | 4 |
| Sp26 | 16 |
For any question please do not hesitate to call me.
Thank you for your cooperation and kind regards,
Maximilian Rossi
Hi Maximilian !
As mentioned, attached you can find the whole SKU List.
For only those Fields are relevant:
AV (must be forwared to Autefa, must be shown on your HMIs)
AV Desc
(must be shown on you HMIs)
Product Family
(must be used by Vetro to select right Recipe)
Customer article Number
(used by Vetro to find matching AV)
Via OPC Ua we would expect form you to provide a Variable with a structure like this:
AvDesc : STRING;
ProductFamily : DINT;
CustomerNumber: DINT;
Finally you define a DB with this Variabel inside:
AlplaSkuList Array[250] of ALPLA_SKU;
Sigi Bereuter
Corporate IT
Head of Software Development
Mockenstraße 34, A-6971 Hard
T: +43 / 5574 / 602-436
F: +43 / 5574 / 62017-139
M: +43 / 664 / 88931443
Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG Allmendstraße 81 A-6971 Hard
Firmenbuchgericht LG Feldkirch, Firmenbuchnummer FN 13422 p
Subject: R: minutes - update data points Vetromeccanica - Bowling Green 2 9.3040-3074
** INFO: External Email **
Do not click links, open attachments or reply, unless you recognize the sender's email address and know the content is safe!
ALPLA Corp-IT Network and Security.
Dear All,
following today short call with Christoph we await to know HENKEL SKUs proposal to evaluate the necessary work on all sides to get batch communication going.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Kind regards,
Maximilian Rossi
Hi CK and Maximilian,
Could you talk to Henkel if they could use the Alpla articlevariantId (double INT) for batch order communication from Henkel to Vetro?
This would make the communication much easier because we could use the same number in the entire system.
At the moment there are two Int numbers for type and colour in your list.
Also we additionally do need a unique batch number from Henkel to each order for traceability.
Best Regards,
Andre Alber
a.attolini@vetromeccanica.it; Bereuter Siegfried <Siegfried.Bereuter@alpla.com>; Greber Samuel <Samuel.Greber@alpla.com>;
Radl Michael <Michael.Radl@alpla.com>; Spathelf Uwe <Uwe.Spathelf@alpla.com>
Betreff: R: minutes - update data points Vetromeccanica - Bowling Green 2
Dear All,
thank you for your time yesterday.
As we all know Vetromeccanica needs to pin down details of data exchange for supervision as soon as possible for two reasons:
We are shipping control cabinets without havingt set up the same SKU you want to use. This is generating extra work on site which hasnt been foreseen.Our supervision cabinet exchanges batch format information with HENKEL, ALPLA and AUTEFA and considering production start on line 4L40 is planned
begin of July we have planned our software technician starting end of May with dry commissioning and signal exchnage testing with HENKEL and AUTEFA. This means we need to complete supervision software in the next weeks which is becoming impossible.
For the reasons above we need to continue the software development without including options you requested for now such as HMI recipes synchronization with SCADA and images for alarm pop up on operator
Iphone or other alternatives.
Underneath in red our answers.
Looking forward to your feedback. Perhaps we can have a conference call about SKUs on Monday to answer your questions?
Thank you and kind regards,
Maximilian Rossi
Hi All,
please find updated minutes below in green.
Best Regards,
Andre Alber
Maximilian Rossi (m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it) <m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>; Bereuter Siegfried <Siegfried.Bereuter@alpla.com>;
Greber Samuel <Samuel.Greber@alpla.com>; Radl Michael <Michael.Radl@alpla.com>; Spathelf Uwe <Uwe.Spathelf@alpla.com>
<a.biasini@vetromeccanica.it>; 'f.maggio@vetromeccanica.it' <f.maggio@vetromeccanica.it>
Betreff: AW: minutes - update data points Vetromeccanica - Bowling Green 2
Hi All,
see below the minutes of our review.
Best Regards,
Andre Alber
Kempter Christoph <Christoph.Kempter@alpla.com>;
a.attolini@vetromeccanica.it; Maximilian Rossi (m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it)
<m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>; Bereuter Siegfried (Siegfried.Bereuter@alpla.com)
<Siegfried.Bereuter@alpla.com>; Greber Samuel <Samuel.Greber@alpla.com>;
Radl Michael <Michael.Radl@alpla.com>; Spathelf Uwe (Uwe.Spathelf@alpla.com)
a.biasini@vetromeccanica.it; 'f.maggio@vetromeccanica.it' <f.maggio@vetromeccanica.it>
Betreff: minutes - update data points Vetromeccanica - Bowling Green 2
Hi All,
please find below the minutes of our review today:
Alarm Massage:
alarm message related to a certain picture with the highlighted part of the equipment
à Vetro to provide example and description
à relation of picture to the alarm is not possible. There is not enough information in the picture name. One possibility is an unique
alarm code for each motor with contains the picture name/number. Vetro to show an example for the motors, jamming B1, Jamming B2, etc. which show how to construct a relation of the alarm to the picture. The proposed unit type does not needed to be in the alarm
code Vetro to submit by 23rd of Aprilentire alarms should be done in one structure
à will not be possible. Different lists will be availableSiegfried B. submit a proposal for a generic alarm array
à Vetro will use the orig. proposed structure of alarmsExport file into XML from OPC-UA from Vetro to be send to Siegfried
à once structure is agreedAlarms will be submitted in one big array, Siegfried confirmed in general this procedure;
We are proceeding with structure update including all data.Approx. 1200pictrues would be necessary
à Vetro to submit a proposal for the programming and submit an example which Alpla would test on the note system handheld
à Alpla to discuss internally if this solution really makes sense at this stage
Attached example of std pictures of line 4L40 we have on our HMI. Those pictures ending with “_Generale” are the main picture on the HMI and when you press on a pre-delimited area you get the other pictures showing devices such as
sensors and motors in green (functioning) or red (malfunctioning). Pictures of area between labeler and filler dont show information about functioning since these are only an example in terms of zoom level.Vetro to investigate with Siemens if there is an optimized solution available to visualize the HMI on the handheld
We had a first meeting today at 14:00 and will have another early next week.
Data points from filling lines
SpeedBatch sizeBatch formatEtc.
OEE datas (ejected bottles per ejector)
Ejected bottles of each ejectorBottle counter on each positions where bottles are counted (elevator, lowerator, counter on HITW)
Preventive maintenance datas:
Maintenance message will be availableAre hours meters per motor available?
Data points status sensors, speed of motors, etc. to be shared on the OPC-UA interface
Data points bottle turner to Autefa and via Autefa to the OPC-UA
SKU code to be generated by
Alpla à Alpla/Andre
Procedure to add an SKU to the PLC to be explained by Vetro (e.g. new colour)
à adding of a new SKU can be done on the HMI
Can Vetro receive a list of SKUs through OPC-UA see example list of SKUs attached
We can definitely work with ProdArticled and pass to you and AUTEFA ArticleVariantId or CustomerKey since you need to know the color. The important this is that HENKEL sends to us ProdArticledId plus ArticleVariantId
or CustomerKey so we dont have to process the full list but just pass it throgh. Our recipes on the HMI would show Format associated to ProdArticleId since we do not work with colors. If you can still change the association of ProdArticleId Format as per
attached (sheet recipes# VM) we would not have to change the recipes of the 17 cabinets we have shipped already and shared with AUTEFA as well.
Can Vetro store the list inside the PLC so the list is available also without SCADA system
How would this list be shown on the HMI
How to bring the list of SKUs in relation to the parameter recipe
Vetro to submit a proposal how to administrate the SKUs as requested
Interface description Henkel/Vetro to be shared by Vetro
à confirmation from Henke is missing
confirmation from Henkel in week 20
Best Regards,
Andre Alber
This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be
liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays and the like.
We deliver and order solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in
www.alpla.com/en/gtc-listing/gtc, which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply.
Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den Adressaten bestimmt. Falls Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, verständigen Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie diese Nachricht und alle Anhänge. Danke. Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, schließt ALPLA
jede Haftung für Schäden aus Übertragungsfehlern, Viren, fremden Einflüssen, Verzögerungen und dergleichen aus.
Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf
www.alpla.com/de/gtc-listing/agb zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen
nicht zur Anwendung.
### Adjuntos
- [[AlplaProd_Articles - VM.xlsx]]
+ 426b39b4f49078cb1c38f6b115d94c67
### FW: Post Operations Meeting Logistics Update - 10/28/2020
- 28-10-2020
Subject: Post Operations Meeting Logistics Update - 10/28/2020
Good Afternoon. Please find below an update on the current fill plans and production plans. Please note there are two change-overs scheduled for Henkel lines in the next 12 hours.
ALPLA Production Plan
Line7 Running LF04B H All Blue all week.
Line 8 Running SP05 with color change-overs. Currently running White with a change-over to Green expected on Wednesday/Thursday
Line 9 Down waiting on color for Beluga Orange.
Henkel Fill Schedule
Line 25 running 24 hours per day Monday 6:00 AM Saturday 6:00 AM. Expected change-over to All Blue on
Wednesday (10/28/2020)
| Line | | Program | Color | ALPLA AV | Blank Bottle P/N | Desc. | Total | Bottles Per Stack | Total Stacks for Run | Day | Expected Change-over Date and Time |
| 3L25 | | LF04B H | All White | 105 | 2638861 | HDPE LF04B H 40oz All White | 39,126 | 2,464 | 15.88 | Wednesday | 10/28/20 4:01 PM |
| 3L25 | | LF04B H | All Blue | 126 | 2638860 | HDPE LF04B H 40oz All Blue | 403,468 | 2,464 | 163.75 | Tuesday | 11/3/20 12:21 PM |
Line 40 is running Sunday at 8:00 PM Friday at 4:00 PM 20 hours per day. Currently running Pearl Blue with expected change-over to Cuddle Blue on
Wednesday (10/28/2020)
| Line | | Program | Color | ALPLA AV | Blank Bottle P/N | Desc. | Total | Bottles Per Stack | Total Stacks for Run | Day | Expected Change-over Date and Time |
| 3L40 | | SP05 | Pearl Blue | 184 | 2638879 | HDPE SP05 100oz Pearl Blue | 44,000 | 1,260 | 34.92 | Wednesday | 10/28/20 10:40 PM |
| 3L40 | | SP05 | Cuddle Blue | 253 | 2688129 | HDPE SP05 100oz Cuddle Blue | 127,062 | 1,260 | 100.84 | Sunday | 11/1/20 11:01 PM |
| 3L40 | | SP05 | White | 102 | 2638876 | HDPE SP05 100oz White | 72,011 | 1,260 | 55.49 | Tuesday | 11/3/20 1:01 AM |
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Best regards,
William Bucklew
Logistics Manager
Alpla Inc.
377 Southwood Court New Address
Bowling Green, KY 42101 USA
T: +
M: +1 (270) 421-5476
This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Thank you. To the extent permitted by law ALPLA shall in no way be
liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising out of transmission failures, viruses, external influence, delays and the like.
We deliver and order solely on the basis of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery respectively of Purchase set forth in
www.alpla.com/en/gtc-listing/gtc, which both contain a venue clause and an arbitration clause. Contradictory commercial terms and conditions shall not apply.
Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den Adressaten bestimmt. Falls Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, verständigen Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie diese Nachricht und alle Anhänge. Danke. Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, schließt ALPLA
jede Haftung für Schäden aus Übertragungsfehlern, Viren, fremden Einflüssen, Verzögerungen und dergleichen aus.
Wir liefern und bestellen ausschließlich auf Basis unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Verkauf bzw. Einkauf, welche auf
www.alpla.com/de/gtc-listing/agb zu finden sind. Sämtliche Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Gerichtsstand und Schiedsgericht. Widersprüchliche Geschäftsbedingungen kommen
nicht zur Anwendung.
+ e1e4f6c98c9aaecb983df5a69cdda55b
### R: Alpla - Vetro SKU via OPC 9.3040-3074
- 21-05-2020
Dear Siegfried,
Thank you for your prompt response.
Hereby our feedback:
We confirm we accept fully your SKU structure (see below image) but please specify the number of characters for AV description, we considered
for now 36 and needs to be defined. Waiting for your confirmation of structure and characters.The list as per your request will remain persistent, it means it will remain saved on our supervision PLC even after restart of our superivision
control cabinet or shut down of your SCADA. We underline we will not do any writing on this list, only ALPLA will edit this list through SCADA.Whenever we will receive SKU for new batch from one of 6 HENKEL line supervision PLC we will forward AV to AUTEFA and show on all Vetromeccanica
HMI of that line a pop-up request for new batch. At that point operator will have to confirm manually on all HMIs of that line:
Checked line is clear from bottles - confirm
Change over is started confirm (when operator confirms change over is started the PLC automatically loads recipe corresponding to SKU,
shows AV and AV Desc on that precise HMI and changes guide width) Change over is completed confirm
If you confirm the attached list(no changes from yours) including simplified association between AV Desc and Product family clearly visibile below just for sake of quick overview we will start shipping
control cabinets HMI with correct numbering of recipes avoiding extra work on site (20 control cabinets have been shipeed already with different numbering than below) plus enable visibility of AV and AV Desc on HMI. We have a shipping of 8 control cabinets
next week therefore your soonest confirmation is highly appreciated.
| Beluga | 8 |
| H13 | 9 |
| H14 | 17 |
| H96 | 18 |
| LF04B | 6 |
| LF10B | 7 |
| SP1 | 5 |
| Sp2 | 14 |
| Sp5 | 3 |
| Sp12 | 13 |
| Sp14 | 15 |
| Sp17 | 4 |
| Sp26 | 16 |
For any question please do not hesitate to call me.
Thank you for your cooperation and kind regards,
Maximilian Rossi
Hi Maximilian !
As mentioned, attached you can find the whole SKU List.
For only those Fields are relevant:
AV (must be forwared to Autefa, must be shown on your HMIs)
AV Desc
(must be shown on you HMIs)
Product Family
(must be used by Vetro to select right Recipe)
Customer article Number
(used by Vetro to find matching AV)
Via OPC Ua we would expect form you to provide a Variable with a structure like this:
AvDesc : STRING;
ProductFamily : DINT;
CustomerNumber: DINT;
Finally you define a DB with this Variabel inside:
AlplaSkuList Array[250] of ALPLA_SKU;
Sigi Bereuter
Corporate IT
Head of Software Development
Mockenstraße 34, A-6971 Hard
T: +43 / 5574 / 602-436
F: +43 / 5574 / 62017-139
M: +43 / 664 / 88931443
Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG Allmendstraße 81 A-6971 Hard
Firmenbuchgericht LG Feldkirch, Firmenbuchnummer FN 13422 p
Subject: R: minutes - update data points Vetromeccanica - Bowling Green 2 9.3040-3074
** INFO: External Email **
Do not click links, open attachments or reply, unless you recognize the sender's email address and know the content is safe!
ALPLA Corp-IT Network and Security.
Dear All,
following today short call with Christoph we await to know HENKEL SKUs proposal to evaluate the necessary work on all sides to get batch communication going.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Kind regards,
Maximilian Rossi
Hi CK and Maximilian,
Could you talk to Henkel if they could use the Alpla articlevariantId (double INT) for batch order communication from Henkel to Vetro?
This would make the communication much easier because we could use the same number in the entire system.
At the moment there are two Int numbers for type and colour in your list.
Also we additionally do need a unique batch number from Henkel to each order for traceability.
Best Regards,
Andre Alber
a.attolini@vetromeccanica.it; Bereuter Siegfried <Siegfried.Bereuter@alpla.com>; Greber Samuel <Samuel.Greber@alpla.com>;
Radl Michael <Michael.Radl@alpla.com>; Spathelf Uwe <Uwe.Spathelf@alpla.com>
Betreff: R: minutes - update data points Vetromeccanica - Bowling Green 2
Dear All,
thank you for your time yesterday.
As we all know Vetromeccanica needs to pin down details of data exchange for supervision as soon as possible for two reasons:
We are shipping control cabinets without havingt set up the same SKU you want to use. This is generating extra work on site which hasnt been foreseen.Our supervision cabinet exchanges batch format information with HENKEL, ALPLA and AUTEFA and considering production start on line 4L40 is planned
begin of July we have planned our software technician starting end of May with dry commissioning and signal exchnage testing with HENKEL and AUTEFA. This means we need to complete supervision software in the next weeks which is becoming impossible.
For the reasons above we need to continue the software development without including options you requested for now such as HMI recipes synchronization with SCADA and images for alarm pop up on operator
Iphone or other alternatives.
Underneath in red our answers.
Looking forward to your feedback. Perhaps we can have a conference call about SKUs on Monday to answer your questions?
Thank you and kind regards,
Maximilian Rossi
Hi All,
please find updated minutes below in green.
Best Regards,
Andre Alber
Maximilian Rossi (m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it) <m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>; Bereuter Siegfried <Siegfried.Bereuter@alpla.com>;
Greber Samuel <Samuel.Greber@alpla.com>; Radl Michael <Michael.Radl@alpla.com>; Spathelf Uwe <Uwe.Spathelf@alpla.com>
<a.biasini@vetromeccanica.it>; 'f.maggio@vetromeccanica.it' <f.maggio@vetromeccanica.it>
Betreff: AW: minutes - update data points Vetromeccanica - Bowling Green 2
Hi All,
see below the minutes of our review.
Best Regards,
Andre Alber
Kempter Christoph <Christoph.Kempter@alpla.com>;
a.attolini@vetromeccanica.it; Maximilian Rossi (m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it)
<m.rossi@vetromeccanica.it>; Bereuter Siegfried (Siegfried.Bereuter@alpla.com)
<Siegfried.Bereuter@alpla.com>; Greber Samuel <Samuel.Greber@alpla.com>;
Radl Michael <Michael.Radl@alpla.com>; Spathelf Uwe (Uwe.Spathelf@alpla.com)
a.biasini@vetromeccanica.it; 'f.maggio@vetromeccanica.it' <f.maggio@vetromeccanica.it>
Betreff: minutes - update data points Vetromeccanica - Bowling Green 2
Hi All,
please find below the minutes of our review today:
Alarm Massage:
alarm message related to a certain picture with the highlighted part of the equipment
à Vetro to provide example and description
à relation of picture to the alarm is not possible. There is not enough information in the picture name. One possibility is an unique
alarm code for each motor with contains the picture name/number. Vetro to show an example for the motors, jamming B1, Jamming B2, etc. which show how to construct a relation of the alarm to the picture. The proposed unit type does not needed to be in the alarm
code Vetro to submit by 23rd of Aprilentire alarms should be done in one structure
à will not be possible. Different lists will be availableSiegfried B. submit a proposal for a generic alarm array
à Vetro will use the orig. proposed structure of alarmsExport file into XML from OPC-UA from Vetro to be send to Siegfried
à once structure is agreedAlarms will be submitted in one big array, Siegfried confirmed in general this procedure;
We are proceeding with structure update including all data.Approx. 1200pictrues would be necessary
à Vetro to submit a proposal for the programming and submit an example which Alpla would test on the note system handheld
à Alpla to discuss internally if this solution really makes sense at this stage
Attached example of std pictures of line 4L40 we have on our HMI. Those pictures ending with “_Generale” are the main picture on the HMI and when you press on a pre-delimited area you get the other pictures showing devices such as
sensors and motors in green (functioning) or red (malfunctioning). Pictures of area between labeler and filler dont show information about functioning since these are only an example in terms of zoom level.Vetro to investigate with Siemens if there is an optimized solution available to visualize the HMI on the handheld
We had a first meeting today at 14:00 and will have another early next week.
Data points from filling lines
SpeedBatch sizeBatch formatEtc.
OEE datas (ejected bottles per ejector)
Ejected bottles of each ejectorBottle counter on each positions where bottles are counted (elevator, lowerator, counter on HITW)
Preventive maintenance datas:
Maintenance message will be availableAre hours meters per motor available?
Data points status sensors, speed of motors, etc. to be shared on the OPC-UA interface
Data points bottle turner to Autefa and via Autefa to the OPC-UA
SKU code to be generated by
Alpla à Alpla/Andre
Procedure to add an SKU to the PLC to be explained by Vetro (e.g. new colour)
à adding of a new SKU can be done on the HMI
Can Vetro receive a list of SKUs through OPC-UA see example list of SKUs attached
We can definitely work with ProdArticled and pass to you and AUTEFA ArticleVariantId or CustomerKey since you need to know the color. The important this is that HENKEL sends to us ProdArticledId plus ArticleVariantId
or CustomerKey so we dont have to process the full list but just pass it throgh. Our recipes on the HMI would show Format associated to ProdArticleId since we do not work with colors. If you can still change the association of ProdArticleId Format as per
attached (sheet recipes# VM) we would not have to change the recipes of the 17 cabinets we have shipped already and shared with AUTEFA as well.
Can Vetro store the list inside the PLC so the list is available also without SCADA system
How would this list be shown on the HMI
How to bring the list of SKUs in relation to the parameter recipe
Vetro to submit a proposal how to administrate the SKUs as requested
Interface description Henkel/Vetro to be shared by Vetro
à confirmation from Henke is missing
confirmation from Henkel in week 20
Best Regards,
Andre Alber
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### Adjuntos
- [[AlplaProd_Articles - VM.xlsx]]
+ ced079dd654ff7fc7104943e29379205
### Alpla BG: updated telegram description
- 24-02-2020
Hi Max,
please find enclosed updated documents for batch handling.
Following was updated
bottle code definitions (see chapter /
export line added (line 24)
Export line will be handled as production machine.
Vetro to send batches similar to filling lines.
In case export is active, TLO24 cannot be assigned to filling line 1-3.
Feel free to get in contact with me, if you have any questions.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
i.V. Ulrich Osswald
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Head of Control Systems & Service
Business Unit Automation
T: +49 (0)821 2608267
F: +49 (0)821 2608299
M: +49 (0)170 795 0983
Managing Director
Christian Egger (CEO)
Yanwu Liu
Amtsgericht Augsburg HRB 26374
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### Adjuntos
- [[Vetro AUTEFA Communication Alpla BG IBSS_V3.pptx]]
- [[Vetro_communication_v0.2.docx]]