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{"path":"31 - 9.3953 - Omega - Mexico - (ABradley)/Reporte/adjuntos/Pasted image 20241007145904.png","text":"R Import - Select Items to Import There are differences between the offine project and the device file selected. Choose specific tems to import Difference Import = Powerflex 525 (Port0) - Parameters Import Parameter Project File 33 - Motor OL Current _ 23 A 184 34 MotorNPFLA — 15A 18A 36 - Motor NP RPM __ 1750 RPM 1730 RPM 37- Motor NP Power _ 075 kW 037 W 41~ Accel Time 1 1000 Sec 200 Sec 42 Decel Time 1 1000 Sec 200 Sec 44~ Maximum Freq_ 6000 Hz 10000 Hz 46 - Start Source 1_ Keypad EtherNet/IP 47- Speed Reference1 _Drive Pot EtherNet/IP 62 Dinin TermBlk N9 2AWire WD Not lised - Items that have no selection will retsin their differences. @ tessvetts","libVersion":"0.3.2","langs":"eng+ita"}