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{"path":"01-Documentation/Inverters/Lenze/adjuntos/Pasted image 20241111150832.png","text":"e Enable D 1 a1 W A gl Y D I = Setings View wnload Upload Compare Save Resetdevice | Blink Login Reset fault W Inhibit - a Manual - Application Online commands - cobp9) “| Dagross Setings Parameterist Tend <Oscloscopes ] ew Search parameters n dialogs Qoo . o~ e L] ) € o T __ Parameter dialogs X | B Guided basic commissioning (Online only) : = = Bade seting ¥ onine conecton esists, a \"Basic commisring” wzard s vaiale, Siatina/sopping peomance = Inverter load characteristic sic commissioning e Frequencyints nd ranp tnes T Quek stop = S-shaped ramps % @ .x} Montorng Functions — % — @ = Motor Contral . esble O confiauration VA characteristic control (VFC) Basic setting Motor Control SE Derconane (@) T ri Moiorconrimode [ GHI e e Dommmen Suaching frequeney changeover g = © Motor Protection Operation mode [ Ms:Vebetymode F] Seleci motor. M comartTRUEM = Opmaton ol i Fatcamanevotsge [0 VAR Rated s M0 g Avaeasoksop — I] Ncomesegiol Vi votave boo: — zzz Skip frequencies Actvate network control _ [1] ConstantTRUE T Rated frequency Mmoo Ha Resetfaut [0 Dt 2121 S Confiauina the network. Rated motor curent [0 A Run forward CW) [T Notcomected 0] _ Osclaton damino Optimizing the staling behavior Defaul setpon. .…uem MNetwols] VA characetistic control (VEC) Run reverse CCW) [0 Noetcormected 0] _ Tomumcoi v gyt Cortauna e et Base votage 1] ss v Revene ristonal reI neteormeatea o = Rl /0 corfiuuatoa siatnetoa D a Basefequeno D 20 e Siat / stop motor — . Setpoint change-over Statt at powerup Mot Fxed boost Moo = Acivate preset bit 0) [0 Notcomectedf) T sopmetid D ss st (1) Natoomeaeaioi Activating DC braking manually ; o - Activating ramp 2 manually Preset 200 ‘Trogerng a userdefined faut oo w s Do w i e i fequency . > Configuraion Frequency threshold o T o Confguraton o digtal inputs Maximum frequency Mmoo Ha __ i Configuration of analog inputs = 2 ontine . s the process contraler Confiauration of digtal outputs Accelerationtine 1 Dao Configuing the ntrol Confiauation d analog autputs Decclerioniimo 1 [T] SOME + - Feldbus - Evere P — Seauencsr & Configuing the process controller Quick stop decel.tme _ [T] MO s Addtional functions 1P standarc Sleep mode and rinse function = Adational functons Keypad B Sonsiflow VWarcless LAN WLAN) Seport changeover Acive selport source i I - Setpoint chang","libVersion":"0.3.2","langs":"eng+ita"}