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{"path":"04-InLavoro/22 - 9.3841 - Sidel - Tilting/Software/adjuntos/Pasted image 20241031124420.png","text":"| [ decheepamets [ swches I Tilter Slot size 114.00 mm _ |Enable Infeed Selector v I Chain Speed b/h at 100hz 63500 b/h |Enable Energy Saving | Doser Speed b/h at 100hz 63500 b/h IEnabIe Auto Empting | Belt Speed b/h a 100hz 63500 b/h W | Speed to fill with no min Accumulation 8000 b/h |Disb|e Slow Refilling v [ Number of Slots on Main Chain 155 ; Cld T T T = alald","libVersion":"0.3.2","langs":"eng+ita"}