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{"path":"01-Documentation/Vetromeccanica/adjuntos/Pasted image 20241118145206.png","text":"< oning vizard ILa Defaults of the setpoints/command sources Selection of predefined interconnection ofthe inputsloutputs and, ifrequired, the fieldbus telegram Can be changed later userspecificaliy. @ Application class Select the default ofthe II0 configuration: {12] Standard 10 with analog setpoint - @ setpoint specification DIO: p33300] i: 23 wire control command 1 ’ DI 1: p3331(0] Bl: 23 wire control command 2 @ Open-loopiclosed-loop ... DI2: p3332[0] BI: 213 wire control command 3 p3332[1] Bl: 213 wire control command 3 © Defaults of the setpoi... DO O: 1523 COIBO: Status word 1: Fault present DO 1: 1527 COIBO: Status word 1: Alarm present @ Diive setting Alo: — piO70[0] Ci: Min setpoint e AOO: 121 CO: Actual speed smoothed <<Back Ne> Gancel","libVersion":"0.3.2","langs":"eng+ita"}