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{"path":"01-Documentation/Inverters/Lenze/adjuntos/Pasted image 20241111145014.png","text":"e | i@ | Onine commands - splay device name (device type) v | Diagnosis Settings Parameterlist Trend +Osciloscope+ jevices . 0 Ovrvon P - = - o e B ) & - Scarchparametes n dalbgs a 0 v setorsvcr (1) Gt QI s tesvenve e re a ro = Basic setting Active control source D Newvokti] ‘Start forward (CW). Statt reverse (CCW). Run forward (CW). Run reverse (CCW) veter g chaacersc Mains votage BiherNet/IP Rotary coding switch Questop 1P corfiouration [0 s Brete/Pswichpos. [0 = IP aderess ai 7 7 Montoring Functions D e 23416 23416 = MotorCortrl S M0 i 1) i 7 Motorratatina diection Gateway I r NI I Lo\\ Switching frequency changeover 1P address [0 EACAR ocB ocB e Subnet sss0 E Optimization of motor cortrol D sss0 A votage boost Gateway M e o EtherNet/IP communication [T] No action/no emor 0] - e Optmang the stsling chaver || | IENT Torque control with frequency limit fieldbus data. 550 protec Eheied? sandar FAN My Configuration of analog outputs a 2 FASY TCPIP = Configuring the process controller ion:i550 protec EtherNetP standarc Sleep mode and rinse function = \\Wicless LAN (WLAN O b So-Ps = Controllerinhibit set ) Parameter set changee ia i0 i0 i0 i0 i0","libVersion":"0.3.2","langs":"eng+ita"}