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{"path":"01-Documentation/Inverters/Lenze/adjuntos/Pasted image 20241113144544.png","text":"EASY Starter V1.26.0 (EASY Professional - Test license] - i550 protec EtherNet/IP standard 10 60 Hz - - M23160 Controller Application % Import 3 E G 0 B g 4 JS D u 1 M en See EO | Download Upoad Compare Save Resetdevice Blink Login Resetfout M Inhibt W Manual Fie Application Oniine commands - ot Doy dois e et | Dot Sis et T «Oscloseapes Online devices OverdeviPeldbus - = SE |00 eî M23160 (550 protec EtherNetlP stz R < BherNet/1P Search parameters in dabgs a 0 ri x| e Actvate etk contra m_e‘ ¥ retwris enabled then the foloming parameler e g = Basic seting Active control source [0 Netwokil Stat forward (CW), Start reverse (CCW). Run forward (CW), Run reverse (CCW) it oot characietate e votaoe Bheret/1P Quick stop IP configuration [0 soediP Bherliet/Pswichpos. [0 S IP adress ai 7 7 PE D — XY XY = Motor Contrl St Masasmsasso i 1I l 7 A characetsti contrai FC . — Motor rotating direction m _ FE A? FE A? Sutchno frequency changeover IPadress [ sss 5T% o et momoze0 & Optimization of motor contral Subret D sss0 A votage boost Gatenay M S conpensation Eheet/P conmuicston [T] Nosstonmoertn T Y s st ehaver | | a raa e i550 protec EtherNet/IP standarc {4 ressoth 182 1681131 = o oS . Ma3160 Seep mode and inae functon son 7515 = Adtona funciore et FASVTCPIP i ice desciplion:580 protee EiherNeLIP standor Viroes AN OVLAN L","libVersion":"0.3.2","langs":"eng+ita"}