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{"path":"EXTRA/MUTTI MONTECHIARUGOLO/DEPAL/adjuntos/Pasted image 20241213145410.png","text":"l ¥ Goonline ¥ Gooffline g2 2 i X Sei ect-_| M64774 _RobotKuadro_v46_04 } Ungrouped devices } P1204 [Danfoss FC PN] @ | d& [Pi204 Danfoss FCPN] -) & & (G R 4 Device overview A| 2] [Module o[~ a v pi204 o ) interface = & |~ PPO 5 o o < i n Parameter Access | | n DATA ° — - o L ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ® ” ° ° G ° ° ° © |/ cenerat ~ General ° o | . Cstsloo information ° ” Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) - General V| Ethemetaddresses © et P address in the project ” Advanced options IPaddress: [ 192 168 .0 . 40 Interface options a Subnetmask: [ 255 _ 255 . 254 .0 ) Real time settings [V] synchronize router settings with 10 controller » Port 1 [x1 PI R] ' D use router ) Port2[x1P2R] (O IP address i set directiy at the device PROFINET","libVersion":"0.3.2","langs":"eng+ita"}