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{"path":"InLavoro/HENKEL/93744 - HENKEL - TL27-L40 - Inserimento Etichettatrice/adjuntos/Pasted image 20231006094431.png","text":"| Data To EoConvey(1016 | Machine Bypass:1=Machine in Bypass Mode, 0 =Machine in ProductionMode __ | B | | Existing Labeller, New Signal | _Data to Ebconveyli0]7 | spare e ] | DataTo EoConvey(10]8 | Machine Readyl =Machine Ready W/O Alarm /0 =Machine NotReadyToproduce | &1 | | New Labeller | Data_To Eoconvey(10]9 | Discharge: 1= Discharge Conveyors Running W/O Alarm / 0 = Discharge Conveyors NotReady Toproduce | BT | | New Labeller | Data To EbConvey(10030 | 7 iabelerinfeedGateScrewisRunning | et | | New Labeller | DataTo EbConveyiiofr | lifeBitCommunicationsignal [ er | ] New Labeller | DataTo EbconveyliO]l 12 [ spare _ ] a | ] New Labeller New Labeller","libVersion":"0.2.4","langs":"eng+ita"}