*** #### Notes on the order: *** • A meeting on site is planned to review/evaluate and define the synchronization of the operation of the two Labelers (existing MCC and new PE). • It will be necessary, before realizing the software, to verify that the MCC's min/nominal/max speeds are in line with those of PE. • The choice of operation (PE / MCC) will be through supervision and not locally. • The transports will indicate to MCC and PE to increase/decrease speed based on the accumulation on the line and the Labelers will confirm the speed to the VM transports. #### To do list: *** Change CPU on Q3 of TL22 : 1515-2 PN for the actual 1513 CPU * Change SD on Q3 * Change SD on supervisor PLC to 32MB. * Change SD on the Backup PLC to 32MB. * Define one bit for the Remote mode selection for the Labeller: * Can be di10.x[6] : if this bit is 0 means LC Enabled - 1: means PE Enabled ![[Pasted image 20231016163249.png]] #### Q3 PLC - Modification --- #### Added Selector Panel ![[Pasted image 20231017093130.png]] page 040 Th FC2101 Network 6 was modified to allow the selection of labelers in local mode or in Remote mode. Was added the `DB Setup Labeller-Loc-Rem` to remembers the selection. ![[Pasted image 20231017094044.png|475]] FC2101-N6 ![[Pasted image 20231017105601.png|500]] FC173-N8 Created two new warning for showing the selection. #### New Formats: ![[Pasted image 20231016092354.png]] We dont know the speed of the new PE Labeller so this info must be updated on site to control the speeds of the merger near M98.