{"path":"01-Documentation/Inverters/Lenze/adjuntos/Pasted image 20241021163838.png","text":"12.8.2 ACdrive status word Parameter f sT e ot s [romatn | 0x400C:001 | Process output data: AC Drive status word Mappable status word with bit assignment in compliance with (P593.01) (Process data OUT: AC status word) EtherNet/IP™ AC drive profile. + Read only Fault/Trip active Running forward Network control active Network setpoint active Profile-State bit 0 The drive status is coded as follows: Profilestate bit 1 0: Manufacturer-specific (reserved) 5 10 [ profie s b2 1: Startup (drive initialisation) . 2: Not_Ready (mains voltage switched off) Bit 11| Profile-State bit 3 3: Ready (mains voltage switched on) 4: Enabled (drive has received run command) 5: Stopping (drive has received stop command and is stopped) 6: Fault_Stop (drive is stopped due to a fault) 7: Faulted (faults have occurred) Process controller active Torque mode active Bit 14 | Current limit reached DC braking active","libVersion":"0.3.2","langs":"eng+ita"}