{"path":"01-Documentation/Inverters/Lenze/adjuntos/Pasted image 20241119161911.png","text":"Monitoring Functions S T T T s T & Motor Cortrl The user may also program the diive to monitorthe analog sional value to trigger condiion inthe dive. . max lam can be used o tigger a faultinthe dive). A charactenisti control (VFC) Motor rotatino direction aa u Suitchino freguency changeover Motor Protection = Ottty coni @ Moo = S frequencies @ axtorgue value [0 1000 % Sip compensation Osclation damping Opiiing h Sl ehavir| % E> Motor control selection Torque corrlwih fregueney it Montonng conditon 1] S30 = = Fexble /0 confiauration Siat / stop motor [I] Netiocerthrestold @) [-) Setpoint change-over Input range Fitertime Montorng threshold @ n frequency value ©) 20070 H E @v Di D o0 = O W G o Activating ramp 2 manually Trggerng a userdefined faut 7 Frequenoy value N Co ion Frequency threshol ‘Setpoint change-over Corfigurton Frequency threshold o Confguraton o digtal inputs [ 1130 H Confiquing the process cortroler ICorfiguration of analog put Configurton of digtal outputs ] Mo = Confiauration of analoo outputs a s @ n PO value I) 0007 Pou Feldbus - BlherNet/1P e & Configuing the process cortroler ! [Mfki @ vexriD e [I] 10000 10wt Sleep mode and rinse function 0 Montoring theshold @ = Additional functions ! o | Process controler value ; . | Wreless LAN (WLAN) DC braking o) 70 e Brake energy managenert umM © Desdband Moo = Load oss detection Current monitoring for overoad o P N","libVersion":"0.3.2","langs":"eng+ita"}