{"path":"03-Revised/93789 Sipa Italia - Tinny - HSCounters - Piattaforma/adjuntos/Pasted image 20240423165428.png","text":"Network 2: Update Inputs on Exox readed using DPRD_DAT Comment l // Update the Exxx for the Inputs obtaind from the Movigear 2 // This is needed if the Devices has Proccess image set to Nessuno 3 BIF #Add_Pew_Paw <> 0 THEN a POKE (area := #cArea DI, 5 dbliumber := 0, B byteOffset := (#Add Pew Paw + 8), 7 value := INT_TO_WORD(#Motor_IO_Int)); s [EnD_1F;","libVersion":"0.3.1","langs":"eng+ita"}