{"path":"04-InLavoro/Matteo/23 - 9.3136 Sipa - Polonia Supervisore/Reporte/adjuntos/Pasted image 20240426100431.png","text":"-8 Diagnostics buffer a- Events 3 ) Display CPU Time Stamps in PGIPC local time e = = i 411912024 12:31:05.005 PM Communication initiated request: WARM RESTART - CPU changes from STARTUP to RUN mode e [~ g 2 /1912024 12:31:03.922 PM Communication initiated request: WARM RESTART - CPU changes from STOP to STARTUP mode o = 3 3 40192024 12:30:58.704 PM Resource overload warning for new system diagnostic information. = 4 411912024 12:30:58.246 PM Resource overload waming for new system diagnostic information =3 I S 41902024 12:24:28.486 PM PLC project backup successfullycreated o E 6 401912024 12:23:44 280 PM PLC project backup via ES started e 3 7 401912024 12:23:44.117 PM Communication initiated request: STOP -CPU changes from RUN to STOP mode =0 2 8 4312024 8:23:24.020 AM Follow-on operating mode change - CPU changes from STARTUP to RUN mode o 9 4312024 8:23:16512AM Follow-on operating mode change - CPU changes from STOP to STARTUP mode 40 v i Freeze display E Details on event: 1 s 168 02:400E | Po | Rack0/Slot 1 CPUinfo: Communication initated request: WARM RESTART B Pending startup inhibit(): -No startup inhibit set J CPU changes from STARTUP to RUN mode piciec - Request for a mode transition by a communications function Note the additional information in the diagnostics buffer entry, particulariy the reaction (mode transition actualiy initiated and newly set startup inhibit condition:). incoming event oK Open in editor Save as. 6} Properties — |*ijinfo | 2] Diagnostics re. %/ Loading completed (errors: 0; warning. I A A = £ ESP . 1002 u © 0 nn & ! 42024 B","libVersion":"0.3.1","langs":"eng+ita"}