{"path":"03-Revised/05-TEKNORS - Presupuesto Ingreso PAL/Reporte/adjuntos/Pasted image 20240211162001.png","text":"Log 1 |Message Go 2 Date — Time User & v Genersl 21112024 41853 PM > The folloming blocks could not be migrated: 21112024 41853 PM A The start information of some OBs has changed. 21102024 4:18:54 PM €~ me folowing instruction: called in the program are no longer supported by the 57-1500. 21112024 41900 PM ] “COUNT 300C TONR X ? 2oz 41900 P ] PLC migration fom CPU 314C-2 DP to PLC_1 finished with errors 21112024 41900 PM @ - comuni a) A 21112024 41900 PM @ Alemptynetworks are removed A 21112024 41900 PM @ ~ mn(o81) A 21112024 41900 PM @ Nemona, A 21112024 41900 PM o ‘The block callwas converted from a coil to a box P ? 2112024 41900 PM","libVersion":"0.3.1","langs":"eng+ita"}