{"path":"01-Documentation/Vetromeccanica/adjuntos/GlobalProtect_Installation_291019_rev04.pdf","text":"SO_LM_r0_16 Document Rev. Date Name GP Installation 1.0 26/01/18 Reference 1 GP Installation 2.0 06/03/18 Reference 1 GP Installation 3.0 29/10/19 Reference 1 SIPA NEW TELESERVICE Date: 25/06/2018 Revision: 2.2 TITLE DOCUMENT: GLOBAL PROTECT GUIDE ISSUED BY: SIPA I page 2/8 I This document contains proprietary information of SIPA spa. Not disclosable, not reproducible. All rights reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Global Protect Installation ........................................................................................................................................ 3 2 SSL VPN Connection with Global Protect .............................................................................................................. 6 3 Change Password ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 I page 3/8 I This document contains proprietary information of SIPA spa. Not disclosable, not reproducible. All rights reserved. 1 Global Protect Installation Open a browser and type https://teleservice.sipa.it, you will be direct to a web page in which you to insert your account credential as follow: Once you have insert your credential click on “LOG IN” and you will be direct to the following web page: I page 4/8 I This document contains proprietary information of SIPA spa. Not disclosable, not reproducible. All rights reserved. Chose one of three option corresponding to your PC Hardware features (see red arrows), after that a software download will start automatically you just have to allow it, so type on “save file”: Select “OK” And run it I page 5/8 I This document contains proprietary information of SIPA spa. Not disclosable, not reproducible. All rights reserved. After this operation the Global Protect Wizard Will start, just continue to click on “next” Until you will find the message “installation Complete” Now you can close the window because the software is correctly installed. I page 6/8 I This document contains proprietary information of SIPA spa. Not disclosable, not reproducible. All rights reserved. 2 SSL VPN Connection with Global Protect Open the Global Protect Software and in the field Portal type “teleservice.sipa.it” and then click on CONNECT The first time you use it a window appear, here you have to insert your account credential: Once you have enter it click “SIGN IN” and wait until the status became “CONNECTED” as show below: I page 7/8 I This document contains proprietary information of SIPA spa. Not disclosable, not reproducible. All rights reserved. Now you are connected to the Sipa firewall in VPN and you can reach the NATTED IP of the machines. Click on Start icon and type “cmd” and press the “enter” button on the keyboard Now type “ping” and insert the NATTED IP of the machine that you want to reach (we had used as example) if the machine respond, follow the guide related to that type of machine for remote connection. I page 8/8 I This document contains proprietary information of SIPA spa. Not disclosable, not reproducible. All rights reserved. 3 Change Password When the user need to change password, for personal reason or because the old one is expired, it is necessary to connect in VPN via Global Protect (see chapter 2) and open on a browser the following link: The page below will appear: Select “SIPA” as user domain and fill the table with the required information. The new password must respect the security requirements: In the end type on “SUBMIT”, if everything is correct the following icon appear on the right of the web page: Now the password is update and you can enter it with your username when you try to establish the SSL VPN with GlobalProtect (see chapter 2).","libVersion":"0.3.1","langs":""}