{"path":"31 - 9.3953 - Omega - Mexico - (ABradley)/Reporte/adjuntos/Pasted image 20241007145917.png","text":"X Import - Select Items to Import ——————— There are differences between the offine project and the device file selected. Choose specific tems to import Difference Import S - E _ 47- Speed Referencel _Drive Pot EtherNet/P - 62 - Dighn TermBlk 02 2-Wire FWD Not Used 63 - Digin TermBIk 03 2Wire REV. Not Used 65 - Digin TermBlk 05 Preset Freq Not Used 66 - Digin TermBlk 06 — Preset Freq Not Used 67 Digin TermBIk 07 Spd + Strt 2 Not Used 68 - Dighn TermBIk 08__Jog Forward Not Used Communication Settings Import Property Project File IP Address 0000 10130.101 ‘Subnet Address 0000 2552552550 ‘Address Source. Boot? Parameters - Items that have no selection will retsin their differences. © tessDetals","libVersion":"0.3.2","langs":"eng+ita"}