{"path":"Documentation/Vetromeccanica/Micromeccanica Guides/adjuntos/Release information.pdf","text":"Release Information PROFINET GSD Generator 7250 - PROFINET GSD Generator Application Version 20191219 HMS Industrial Networks AB Page 1 of 7 This release contains: Type File/Subcomponents Label File updated in this release This document - - Yes Application installer HMS PROFINET GSD Generator Tool Setup 7250_1.5.0.0 Yes Package history: Release Update First release – Release Information PROFINET GSD Generator 7250 - PROFINET GSD Generator Application Version 20191219 HMS Industrial Networks AB Page 2 of 7 Reason for release: Maintenance release with several minor updates. Compatibility: Supports the Anybus CompactCom 40 PROFINET IRT. Please note the following requirements: • Web-server must be enabled • Web ADI access must be enabled • Firmware version at least 1.30.01 How to upgrade from previous versions: Run the installer. It is not necessary to uninstall any previous versions. Known limitations: Title Description Issue(s) Release Information PROFINET GSD Generator 7250 - PROFINET GSD Generator Application Version 20191219 HMS Industrial Networks AB Page 3 of 7 Updated in version Title Category Description Issue(s) Updated GSD templates, updated GSD version Improved functionality Updated GSDML version to 2.34. Added section GraphicsList. Corrected Fibre DAP (MAUTypeItems). A7250-27, A7250-31, A7250-39, Module entries not generated for CHAR/OCTET Bug fix Changed so that module entries are not generated for ADI’s of data type CHAR and OCTET as they don’t support process data. A7250-33 2-digit version number Bug fix Corrected so that the version number fields can be composed of more than one digit. A7250-35, A7250-38 Clarified error message Improved functionality Clarified an error message received when the module cannot be scanned (most likely cause is out-of-date firmware). A7250-42 Updated generation of DNS_CompatibleName Improved functionality Changed so that the generated DNS_CompatibleName is actually a compatible DNS_CompatibleName. A7250-47 Faulty GSD file created when an ADI is mapped for both input and output Bug fix Changed so that an ADI with both input and output data generates a correct module entry. A7250-50 Remove pop-up when no image is used Bug fix Removed the pop-up warning given when no image has been selected (this is perfectly valid). A7250-52. Release Information PROFINET GSD Generator 7250 - PROFINET GSD Generator Application Version 20191219 HMS Industrial Networks AB Page 4 of 7 Updated in version Title Category Description Issue(s) Added keyword AddressAssignment Bug fix The GSD-file is created with AddressAssignmet=”DCP” for DAP. 0018678 Removed the requirement for “User Account Control” Improved functionality The tool will not ask for permission to change network settings on the computer when the module is not on the same subnet as the computer. 0018465 ABP_BITS_x Bug fix Added support for ABP_BITS_x modules. 0018446 ABP_PAD8 Bug fix ABP_PAD8 generates an Unsigned 16 module. 0018444 Reorganized user interface Improved functionality The user interface is reorganized, shortcuts, tooltips and captions updated. New aboutbox and error handling. - Module generation New functionality The tool checks the first element of the Description attribute for every ADI. A module is generated if bit 3 (Can be mapped as write process data) and/or 4 (Can be mapped as read process data) is set. If both bits are set; an input and an output module are generated for the ADI. If none of the two bits are set no module will be generated for the ADI. If the Description attribute has elements that are not equal a warning message is shown. - Support for structs New functionality The tool creates modules for application data instances with subelements. 0018450 Release Information PROFINET GSD Generator 7250 - PROFINET GSD Generator Application Version 20191219 HMS Industrial Networks AB Page 5 of 7 Updated in version Title Category Description Issue(s) Conformance Class is selectable New functionality It’s now possible to choose if the GSD file shall be generated as Conformance Class B (RT) or Conformance Class C (IRT) 0017564 Physical medium is selectable New functionality It’s now possible to choose if the GSD file shall be generated with a copper or fiber optic DAP 0017975 Window dissapears Bug fix The main window no longer disappears behind other running programs when the Generate GSD button or Scan button is pressed. 0017567 I&M5 New functionality It’s now possible to choose if the GSD file shall be generated with I&M5 supported for the DAP. Default value is supported. 0017976 Module generation Improved functionality The tool checks the Decription attribute for every ADI. A module is only generated if bit 3 (Can be mapped as write process data) or 4 (Can be mapped as read process data) is set- If both bits are set; an input module is generated for the ADI. If none of the two bits are set no module will be generated for the ADI. 0017569 FSU removed Other change PowerOnToCommReady and DCP_HelloSupported are no longer part of the generated GSD. 0017980 GSD version 2.33 New functionality Generated GSD file is now compatible with GSD version 2.33. 0018022 Asset Management New functionality It’s now possible to choose if the GSD file shall be generated with Asset Management support. 0018023 Bugs that are found in this software release should be reported back to HMS support department. Report product, software version, configuration, how to reproduce behaviour, and the effects of the bug. Release Information PROFINET GSD Generator 7250 - PROFINET GSD Generator Application Version 20191219 HMS Industrial Networks AB Page 6 of 7 Updated in version Title Category Description Issue(s) Obsolete GSD keywords removed Improved functionality RT_CLASS_2 removed from GSD file since this is a obsolete. Removed IM4 as writeable. No need to have IPv6 enabled on network card Improved functionality IPv6 doesn’t have to be enabled on network card to be able to find any Anybus CompactCom modules on the network. Bugs that are found in this software release should be reported back to HMS support department. Report product, software version, configuration, how to reproduce behaviour, and the effects of the bug. Release Information PROFINET GSD Generator 7250 - PROFINET GSD Generator Application Version 20191219 HMS Industrial Networks AB Page 7 of 7","libVersion":"0.2.4","langs":""}