#siemens #g120c #### If it is needed to move the motor manually bypassing the STO can be done using the Control Panel in online mode: ![[Pasted image 20240402161401.png]] #### Also to save the changes can be done: ![[Pasted image 20240402161457.png]] ## The Comissioning can be made online or offline. But is better online. Tha safety anyway must be done online. ![[1_wizard.png]] ![[2_wizard.png]] ![[3_wizard.png]] ![[4_wizard.png]] ![[5_wizard.png]] ![[6_wizard.png]] ![[7_wizard.png]] ![[8_wizard.png]] ![[9_wizard.png]] ![[10_wizard.png]] ![[11_wizard.png]] ### For feedback control with Switch connected to the inverter: ![[Pasted image 20240701151028.png]] * p2051[2] : => r722 ![[12_Parametri_1.png]] ![[13_Parametri_2_stop di prova.png]] ![[14_Parametri_3_stop di prova 9000h.png]] * Salva in ROM ![[15_Parametri_4_salva in rom si.png]] #### Clear messages: *** ![[16_Debug errori_eliminare errori su cronologia errori premendo il foglio con la x.png]] ## Enable STO Safety: called basic functions ![[Pasted image 20240402161600.png]] Start Safety Integrated Comisioning: ![[Pasted image 20240605181612.png]] Digitare 0: ![[Pasted image 20240605181628.png]] ![[Pasted image 20240605181719.png]] ![[Pasted image 20240911115023.png]] #### End comissioning: ![[Pasted image 20240605181745.png]] ### Save on EEPROM ![[Pasted image 20240605181513.png]] ## Activate auto learn parameters Video: *** ![[Autotune G120C.mkv]] #### Steps: 1. Online 2. Parameters 3. -> Parameter View (Select Comisioning) 4. p10 => [1] 5. p1900 => [2] 6. p3900 => [3] 7. p1900 => [0] ![[Pasted image 20240703102247.png]]