the next code is taken from Q3 TL22 Henkel software: ##### Bit to selects CH1/2: ```pascal CH1: %DB[DIV HMI CFG\DB DIV CFG].DBX52.1 CH2: %DB[DIV HMI CFG\DB DIV CFG].DBX52.2 ``` On the HMI can be changed on 2520 or on 2920 pages On the FC2101 ( FC Divider 1 CFG ) it is all the Setup for the DBs on the HMI : ```pascal L 2115 T "DB Divider 1 HMI".DBW_70 L 2100 T "DB Divider 1 HMI".DBW_72 L 2150 T "DB Divider 1 HMI".DBW_74 L 2170 T "DB Divider 1 HMI".DBW_76 L 2151 T "DB Divider 1 HMI".DBW_78 L 2171 T "DB Divider 1 HMI".DBW_80 L 2172 T "DB Divider 1 HMI".DBW_82 L 2155 T "DB Divider 1 HMI".DBW_84 L 2156 T "DB Divider 1 HMI".DBW_86 //************************************************************\\ // Configure the divider type // 0 = Following divider // 1 = Divider with only the Y axis and having a bottle lock SET R "DB Divider 1 CFG".CFG_HW_Div_Type //************************************************************\\ CALL "COPY DBW" Source_DB :=15 Source_WORD :=0 Dest_DB :="DB Divider 1 HMI".DBW_70 Dest_WORD :=0 n_WORD :=20 Ret_Val :=#RetVal ``` ![[Pasted image 20231016111035.png]] The Copy copies the Plant Name ![[Pasted image 20231016111515.png]] On the Main page is set the `DIV HMI CFG\DB DIV HMI=2110` The `DB Divider 1 HMI` is the 2110 so from this DB the panel get all the other DBs `DIV HMI CFG\DB DIV CFG = %DB[DIV HMI CFG\DB DIV HMI].DBW72` `DIV HMI CFG\DB DIV CFG = 2100`