*** #AllenBradley From Tody: *** ``` Hmi PVP_A45140 Desktop system passwords Administrator : 82549 Runtime factory talk Pass RunTime: L82549m/ Domanda sicurezza: In quale azienda lavori? Risposta: vetromeccanica Pass VNC 100 ``` ### 1-The first startup we need to calibrate the Touch and set the panel password: password: Vetromeccanica24 After this we set the IP ### 2-Set the IP on the PLC: ![[Pasted image 20240930103200.png]] Press Disable BOOTP to save the IP on the EPPROM: ![[Pasted image 20240930141113.png]] Best way is to only connect to the device you want to set the ip. Then we Add Relation on the Boot DHCP Tool from Rockwell. ### 3-Then we need to start the Firmware client on the PanelView ==For selecting the firmware we need to check our software version. == If we have a FactoryTalk v13 the maximun firmaware version will be 13.7. This can be checked in the Rockwell Software, under the "Software" tab and then selecting "Version Information". ![[Pasted image 20240930113049.png]] ### 4-Then we update the firmware of the PLC using the ControlFLASH Plus: 1. After give the IP to the panel 2. ==Need to Start the Firmware update from the panel== 3. Start the update on the ControlFLASH Plus ![[Pasted image 20240930112757.png]] ![[Pasted image 20240930114604.png]] ### Desktop Access Password *** ![[Pasted image 20240930115247.png|625]] Vetromeccanica24 Vetromeccanica24 Vetromeccanica Vetromeccanica24