``` /interface bridge port set [find] horizon=none /interface wireless set wlan1 default-forwarding=yes /interface wireless set wlan1 multicast-helper=full /interface bridge port set [find interface="wlan1"] hw=no ``` | **Command** | **Explanation** | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | **1. Create a Bridge Interface** | | | `/interface bridge add name=bridge protocol-mode=none` | Creates a bridge named `bridge` with protocol mode set to `none` for transparent bridging. | | **2. Add Interfaces to the Bridge** | | | `/interface bridge port add bridge=bridge interface=ether1` | Adds `ether1` to the bridge. | | `/interface bridge port add bridge=bridge interface=ether2` | Adds `ether2` to the bridge. | | `/interface bridge port add bridge=bridge interface=wlan1` | Adds the Wi-Fi interface `wlan1` to the bridge. | | **3. Configure the Wireless Interface** | | | `/interface wireless set wlan1 mode=ap-bridge` | Sets `wlan1` to access point mode to allow multiple clients. | | `/interface wireless set wlan1 ssid="YourSSID"` | Sets the Wi-Fi network name (replace `"YourSSID"` with your desired SSID). | | `/interface wireless set wlan1 frequency=auto` | Sets the Wi-Fi frequency to automatic selection. | | `/interface wireless set wlan1 wireless-protocol=802.11` | Ensures the standard Wi-Fi protocol is used. | | `/interface wireless set wlan1 default-forwarding=yes` | Allows communication between wireless clients and the LAN. | | `/interface wireless set wlan1 multicast-helper=full` | Enables full multicast forwarding for protocols that require it. | | **4. Assign an IP Address to the Bridge** | | | `/ip address add address= interface=bridge` | Assigns IP `` to the bridge interface (adjust as needed). | | **5. Configure DHCP Server** | | | `/ip pool add name=dhcp_pool ranges=` | Creates a DHCP pool for clients. | | `/ip dhcp-server add name=dhcp1 interface=bridge address-pool=dhcp_pool` | Adds a DHCP server on the bridge interface. | | `/ip dhcp-server network add address= gateway= dns-server=` | Sets DHCP network parameters (adjust gateway and DNS as needed). | | **6. Adjust Bridge Settings** | | | `/interface bridge set bridge protocol-mode=none` | Ensures no protocol-specific filtering on the bridge. | | **7. Disable Hardware Offloading on wlan1** | | | `/interface bridge port set [find interface="wlan1"] hw=no` | Disables hardware offload for `wlan1` to improve multicast handling. | | **8. Ensure ether2 Is Active (Optional)** | | | `/interface enable ether2` | Enables `ether2` if it is disabled. | | **9. Check and Remove Bridge Filters (If Any)** | | | `/interface bridge filter remove [find]` | Removes any bridge filters to allow all Layer 2 traffic. | | **10. Review Firewall Settings** | | | `/ip firewall filter print` | Displays current firewall rules. | | **(If necessary)** | | | `/ip firewall filter remove [find]` | Removes all firewall filter rules (use with caution). | | **11. Update RouterOS and Wireless Firmware (Recommended)** | | | `/system package update check-for-updates` | Checks for RouterOS updates. | | `/system package update install` | Installs available updates. | | `/interface wireless upgrade` | Upgrades wireless interface firmware. | | **12. Reboot the Router** | | | `/system reboot` | Reboots the router to apply changes. | | **13. Verify Wireless Interface Settings** | | | `/interface wireless print detail where name="wlan1"` | Displays detailed settings of `wlan1` for verification. | | **14. Adjust Wireless Data Rates (Optional)** | | | `/interface wireless set wlan1 basic-rates-b=1Mbps basic-rates-a/g=6Mbps` | Sets basic data rates to improve multicast traffic reliability. |