* Use RF1060R * Use MDS D100 * For use RE1060R: need Option_Panel+ * Use Tia V16 for the CompleteDataSIMATIC_HMI_Option_Panel_V3 * Under 3.1 siemens say that there is no warranty and support * Use the GMP: * The first version is for the Tia V13. So it is cover for any version grater Per share: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ap46vAtZDpwSirdkfJHzmQvWA2TMPw?e=RxsGTH ##### RfID used: *** * 2AA47588000104E0 * 5D8F7588000104E0 Maximun quantity of users: https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/mdm/109773506?c=91274388747&lc=en-DE