### Layout: *** ![[Pasted image 20240408155616.png]] #### Added photocells: *** ![[Pasted image 20240408151720.png|425]] ### The flow now is: *** 1. Neumatic Divider M90: 1. Left: go to M90 - M91 - M92 - M98 - M99 1. Dosser: M161 (minimotor Guide) - M157/M158 ( sinamics G120 one inverter two motors ) 2. Elevator: M93 - M94/M122 3. Pneumatic Ejector 4. M100 - M101 5. ==Labeler== 6. M102 7. Combiner M103 : S1-M103 8. ~~M107~~ : infeed Filler 9. ==Filler== 2. Right: 1. M95 - M96 - M97 2. ~~M104 - M105~~ 3. Combiner M106 : S1-M106 4. ~~M107~~ : infeed Filler 5. ==Filler== ### Synoptic changes: *** ![[Pasted image 20240311170450.png]] * Added Zone 7 and updated Zone 4,5 and 6. #### Used Logic "FC TTOP AUTEFA 2 PH" *** * This logic uses 4 fix speed * 3 Sensors: * NxSA : Next motor SA photocell -> Timer 04 / 05-06 Jam * NxSB: Next motor SB photocell -> Timer 06 Jam * SA : actual motor SA photocell -> Timer 03 / 05 Jam * SA : Timer 01: SA * SB : Timer 02: SB * FIX1: ( empty ) * By default * FIX2: only 1 photocell accumulation * NxSA e non SA e SB * FIX3: 2 photocells accumulation * No SA + SB + NxSA o SA + SB NO NxSA : Two photocells but not 3 * FIX4: 3 photocells ( Full ) * All 3 photocells #### Doser M157/M158 with thermal sensor *** * Added sensor signals on E47.5 / E47.6 * Added Allarm "DB Warnings".W173_01_7 ### Added Minimotor logic for Guide changer *** * Added Minimotor Logic FC1155 for the M161 on the PLC * Called from FC380 * Added 595 page on both HMI to setup the formats and allow manuals. ![[Pasted image 20240311121916.png]] * Diametro Bottiglia and Tolleranza Diametro are ==saved on the Recipe== as an array. * Add popup for homing * ![[Pasted image 20240403112756.png]] * On this popup the user must put the length that is currently between the rubber conveyors. ![[Pasted image 20240403113511.png|425]] #### Added Motors to FC371: ```pascal L %DB319.DBB291 // Motor M98 T %DB371.DBB49 L %DB320.DBB291 // Motor M99 T %DB371.DBB50 L %DB321.DBB291 // Motor M100 T %DB371.DBB51 L %DB322.DBB291 // Motor M101 T %DB371.DBB52 L %DB323.DBB291 // Motor M102 T %DB371.DBB53 L %DB324.DBB291 // Motor M103 T %DB371.DBB54 L %DB325.DBB291 // Motor M157/158 T %DB371.DBB55 ``` #### Added logic for Q1 on FC372 *** ![[Pasted image 20240312154910.png]] ### Added signals from and to Henkel *** ##### TO HENKEL: *** ![[Pasted image 20240313122842.png]] DB34: ![[Pasted image 20240313122638.png]] ##### FROM HENKEL: *** ![[Pasted image 20240313122858.png]] DB33: ![[Pasted image 20240313122722.png]]![[Pasted image 20240313122746.png]] #### Added new Group of EMD for the Q5 line *** * DB224 ![[Pasted image 20240321151155.png|475]] #### Flow selection Check: *** ![[Pasted image 20240408123359.png]] This page helps the operator to ensure all flows are ok. ##### Added Alarms: * 173/02/0 General - GUIDE M103 NOT OK FOR THE FLOW SELECTED * 173/02/1 General - DIVIDER M90 NOT OK FOR THE FLOW SELECTED * 173/02/2 General - DIVIDER LINE FLOW NOT OK FOR THE FLOW SELECTED * 173/02/3 General - HENKEL SUPERVISION FLOW NOT CORRECT #### Selectors Page: *** ![[Pasted image 20240408123502.png]] ##### Pause lowerator infeed: - With this selector the lowerator can be emptied to prevent damaging the bottles ##### Added Alarm: * `"DB Warnings".W173_06_1` : 173/06/1 General - Stop bottle flow on lowerator ##### Flow: - On this page can be selected the Flow requested. Based on this selection the selected flow motor will be enabled and the other will be disabled. #### PE Labeler Counting *** * Added 3 photocells: * Reset signal from Henkel from Q1 * "FromQ1_D".FromHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller.di14[2] * This signal must be connected with "FromQ1_D".FromHenkel.STW."di0.x"[1] from Q3 * On Q1 with "ToQ3_D".FromHenkel.STW."di0.x"[1] * On FC9 segm 10 ##### On Q4: *** | | Q4->Q1 | Q1->Q4 | | ----- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | Count | "ToQ1_D".ToHenkel.Counter.DischargeLabeller | | | Reset | | "FromQ1_D".FromHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller.di14[2] | ##### On Q1 PLC: *** FC32 - Net 10: ```pascal // Labeller counter Reset "ToQ4_D".FromHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller.di14[2] := "ToQ3_D".FromHenkel.STW."di0.x"[1]; ``` FC32 - N8: ```pascal "ToQ4_D".FromHenkel := "ComHenkel_D".FromHenkel_L23; "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."AlplaGate_L23/L24" := "FromQ4_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."AlplaGate_L23/L24"; "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Filler := "FromQ4_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Filler; "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[8] := "FromQ4_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[8]; "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[9] := "FromQ4_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[9]; "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller.di13 := "FromQ4_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller.SpeedReference; ``` FC9: - N10: ```pascal "ToQ3_D".FromHenkel := "ComHenkel_D".FromHenkel_L23; "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[0] := "FromQ3_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[0]; "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[1] := "FromQ3_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[1]; "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller.SpeedReference := "FromQ3_D".ToHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller.SpeedReference; ``` FC26 - Net 7: This counters depends on which Labeler is in production: | `"ToQ4_D".FromHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[3] = 0` | => MCC in production | | -------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- | | `"ToQ4_D".FromHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[10] = 0` | => PE in production | | | | ![[Pasted image 20240408151045.png|475]] FC6 - Net 3 : ![[Pasted image 20240403145852.png]] #### The Q4/Q5 now will only work with L24 signals: *** Depends how Henkel will manage this change. FC32: ![[Pasted image 20240408144625.png]] In the future this will be only L24 so may be HENKEL decide to transfer all info on the L24 Prosoft. So we need to change to: ``` "ToQ4_D".FromHenkel := "ComHenkel_D".FromHenkel_L24; ```