#Alfredo #SercaPolonia Recipe change with the line running not working correctly on the TON TOFF timers of the Dinamic table. ![[Pasted image 20240308175756.png|325]] ![[Pasted image 20240308175809.png|325]] The problem is that the Dinamic Table logic uses the Upload/Download pushbutton to adapt the timers but the Upload/Download logic for the recipe uses another bits to do the Upload/Download. To resolve this problem the most simple way is to create 2 tags and then use this tags to call the logic of the Dinamic Table ![[Pasted image 20240308175849.png]] ### Pero lo ideale sarebbe fare: su Dynamic_Table Addon *** ![[Pasted image 20240528110408.png]] ![[Pasted image 20240528110417.png]]