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RE: [EXT] Week 8 Trial of Auto Changeover - 02.11.2025

  • 11-02-2025

Thank you John and team.

Bhavik Patel Director of Operations- Liquids Packaging Bowling Green Manufacturing Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 385 Southwood Court Bowling Green, KY 42101 Email- www.Henkel.com

Subject: [EXT] Week 8 Trial of Auto Changeover - 02.11.2025

All, Good Afternoon. John has created and placed the following 4 orders on his planning board for next weeks batching trials (thanks John). The two Snuggle orders are AV 312 (LD04 Pearl Blue), the KS Fresh Scent is AV 274 (Beluga (LD13) Orange), and the KS Free Clear is AV 276 (Beluga (LD13) White).

ALPLA AV Henkel ID (Phantom Number/Bottle IDH) Blank Bottle IDH - Spout/Spigot - Dose Cup (if applicable) Description
274 2802546 2924643-2275367-2697679 Beluga - Orange (RS and FD)
276 2802544 2924645-2275368-2697679 Beluga - White (BS and FD)
312 2752287 2752287-2275368-2752301 LD04 - Pearl Blue (BS and FX)
Week 8/2025 02/17 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 02/22 02/23
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
3L41 Liquid Line 41 06:00 18:00 06:00 18:00 06:00 18:00 06:00 18:00 06:00 18:00 06:00 18:00 06:00 18:00
Order Material
2007698962 2850776 Snuggle 104/188Z FSUBluSprkl Plt Rework order Do not batch 500 CAE 500
2007698967 2854162 KS 2/194z 146ld HD2 Fresh Scent Rework order do not batch 500 CAE 500
2007698970 2854486 KS 2/194z 146ld Free Clear HD2 Rework order Do not batch 1000 CAE 1000
2007698963 2850776 Snuggle 104/188Z FSUBluSprkl Plt Rework order Do not batch 500 CAE 500

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Best regards, William Bucklew Logistics Manager Alpla Inc. 377 Southwood Court Bowling Green, KY 42101 USA T: +1 (270) 400-4897 M: +1 (270) 421-5476


-----Original Appointment-----

lenin.vera@leautomationandcontrol.com; Mirco Magri; Miguel Angel Vera Vetromeccanica; Maximilian Rossi

Subject: Discuss Week 8 Trial of Auto Changeover

When: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 9:30 AM-10:00 AM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).

Where: Microsoft Teams Meeting

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