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{"path":"03-Revised/05-TEKNORS - Presupuesto Ingreso PAL/adjuntos/Pasted image 20240222215939.png","text":"556 Reading and Writing to the Request Interface for the Counter Description To read/write count registers, you can use the job interface. Requirements The last job must be finished (JOB_DONE = TRUE) Procedure 1. Assign the following input parameters: Address | Description Value range (nstance o8) [osreq [sooL las _ [Jobreauestiposiiveedoe) [rrusrase [rase | J0B_ID Job number: * Job without function 00 hex + Write count value 01 hex + Wrie load value 02hex * Write comparison value 04 hex - Wrie hysteresis :‘g : * Wrie puise duration pedini + Read load value o * Read comparison value a h + Read hysteresis 00 hex * Read pulse duration [osva Jowr Js [vanuetorwrtejobs _ farosar i o ] > Call the SER","libVersion":"0.3.1","langs":"eng+ita"} |