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{"path":"InLavoro/AIR Test Cabinet - Anello Aria - Azionamenti Neumatici/adjuntos/Pasted image 20240130155608.png","text":"ofor conhiguration Wermotordsta __ H Select motor type (lilinductionmotor | Motor connection type Please enter the following motor data: Parameter | Parameter text Value Unit p305[0] Rated motor current 435 Ams p307[0] Rated motor power 220 1w p31100] Rated motor speed 28950 rpm The following motor data i pre-assigned and can be changed ifrequired: Parameter | Parameter text Value Unit p30410] Rated motor voltage 400 Vims p310[0] Rated motor frequency 5000 Hz p335[0] Motor cooling type. [0] Natura. È Temperature sensor:","libVersion":"0.2.4","langs":"eng+ita"}