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{"path":"01-Documentation/VB.NET Scripts VBA/adjuntos/Pasted image 20240924113305.png","text":"- ) @ SR E& 2x = &[5 orkspace status |Action | Workspace file | Access path Name FLC ON0 è =] = B 15163 PNIDP] ° E oes : units £ Defa: blocks . y objects e Configure workspace X 556 PNSTI e 1556 PNI2 HF] Workspace path: OVIGEAR C2IxAVIO] Version Control Addn: czaviol - C2xAV1.0] C2xAV1.0] Import AddAn: CHAVIO] U czaviol Path oficet: I 2AVIOI L E c2vi.0] \" i Workspace language: I czaviol c2vi.0] @ Additional language packages can be installed in the TIA Administrator. C2xAV1.0] e @ C2xAV1.0] CIAVIO] ] C2xAV1.0]","libVersion":"0.3.2","langs":"eng+ita"} |