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{"path":"ClippedEmails/adjuntos/image.png","text":"$3562_93136_PLC_12 » PLC[CPU 15152 PN] » Program blocks » 1 SYS 11t » SIPA SUPERVISION » DB SIPA Supervision [DB5000] —_— = = = VETROMECCANICA d =5 0, B = °7 Kecpactualvalues Ga Snapshot % 8 Copysnapshots tostartvalues @ @ | Load startvalues as actual values B, @i DB SIPA Supervision — — = F_ = APA L = a w |wofrasvm. @ o0 8 a bum_agaress g ome besarizione/Note ) NI Dinti 00 2 ° DB_IOT.USERLEVEL 1 DB5000.DBWO |GV_IOT_PRJ.cmm.i_ver \\Versione ia . N strirbis1] 40 superuse]' =] DE_IOTUSERNAME 10T ¢ L [Versione __ - 2 DB5000.DBW2. |-$8_10T.USERLEVEL |GV_IOT_PRJ.cmm.i_user_level 5a = N strirbis1] 880 o4LPetabid.. L5 18Ppm. [ DE_IOTNOME_RICETTA I 10T | L user | i_ 3 pBsoco.pBDa — |.}B_1OT.USERNAME [GVIOT_PRI.cmm.struser name s a \" n int 1720 0 ° =] DE_IOTNEXT_MAINT_CYCLES I 10T | - user 1 L 4 Jomwoomowe || |ov.ioT PRicmm.diprdt oml Produzione Nominale 7a s N str 1740 =] DE_IOTNEXT_MAINTITEN 10T | i [Produzione Nominale __ 5 Joewoomoso L lov.ioT PRicmmdi mac oye sec Cpu Scan Time in secondi s a = e a1 3lofReal 12080 =] DE_IOTELECTRIC VOLTAGE_PHASE_D P E I ERT I ec o {Couscan Time insecondl___— re a o = =l - g Tloere T EE O AT e SR e e e R I = o 00 o = POTT e 5 [peso00.D8D350 .B 10T NEXT MANT ez OV 10T PRy cmm st next mat ftemz Lo - e = = RE 5 Jossoco.peneca — |.}B 101.NEXT_ MAINT e G_10T PRI.cmm.str_next_mnt_item3 — - w1 e TN o0 o a II 10 {oBs000.0BDssE | §B.10T NEXT_MAINT TEM4 oV 10T PRI.cmm.str_next_mnt_itema = 2 S CRI OA AE EA | Cambis e s s e Ha - ot S 5 5] T 1 Jomooomouss 1| [ov.ioT PRucmmudi.eteh Jost frame wa = N Dint| 12520 0 o =] DB_IOTALLARME_FERMO 13 DB5000.0BD1226 |dpnscrito |GV_IOT_PRI.cmm.r_elct volt phs a - - ot = 5 5] T e 1o omoooooise — [rbnseritto Jov 10T prommr elet amp phs — Ha - B = : a EAO 15 [pasoco.Dap1274 — rn seritto Jov_ioT PRl.ammar elct pwr [ wla - n it 12620 2 2 =] D8 I0TMODO_OPERATVO (Prod,Simula.Man, ¢ 16 omoooosons s Jov 10T prommr elet pwr_fert ma 6 o o o 8 D0 1OTALARM STOP NO 17 [oasooo.papizs0” Trbnaie — ov or prvenmr el purn i o 12650 g oa_orcoures 16 Jossomosoizss Trboseite Gv loT smirelacpwrvar Da s “upfsrasv secto. 12520 8 a ® @ g PO Sedion sa = n pin 13520 0 ° =] DB_IOTSTATO_MACGHINA 0 = Machine stopped by alarm aa - o 13560 0 o 0 D8 OTALLARNE _FERVO 1 - Machine in production sla = n oint 13600 0 o g DB_IOTWARNING_ATTIVO (che compromette p 2 = Machine in automatic mode, no production H = B : re 2 = Machine n automatiemo 7a = N int 13660 0 0 DB_IOTMODO_OPERATIVO (Prod,Simula Nan, ¢ 14 = Machine in production 0% aa = Ne oint 13680 0 o =] DB_IOTALARMLSTOP_NO Q - N e 12720 a e ro 20 _ |bB5000.pBD1206 B_IOT.STATO_MACCHINA_SECT1 |GV_IOT_PRJ.cmm.dw_mac_stw_sectl 15 = Machine in production with reduced speed a. > s “uolsipa sv sectio.. 1456.0 a a a a @ bit 0 = Machine stopped by internal alarm s51l@ = » secw “UDYsIPA SV Sectio... 1560.0 (=) a a a a bit 1= Machine in stand by aa « » SECIS “uosiPA Sv Sectio.. 16640 ] a a @ a bit 2 = Machine in production 100% bit 3 =Tailback","libVersion":"0.3.1","langs":"eng+ita"}