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{"path":"01-Documentation/Inverters/Lenze/adjuntos/Pasted image 20241113150646.png","text":"| Dagnoss Sglinos Parameterst Trend <Oscoscopes ] S o ww = Overvon Acivate netwolk contro] [T Notconneeted @ ‘ # network is enabled then th folowing parameters are ionored: = Basic settng Acive controlsource [T Fenble O configuration 0] Startfonvard (CW), Stattreverse CW. Runforard CW). Run reverse (CCW) Siatng/stopping perfornance _ Inverterload characteriste [ EtherNet/IP Rotary coding switch Frequency imis and ramp times Quick stop 1P configuration D seeasP BheNet/Pontchpos [0 Sshapedranpe IPadress aa 7 7 Montorng Functions M 23186 23186 = Motor Cortrol Subret [ zss2ss2850 N AN . e el Gty T T I AL | o otating direction MN MN Switching frequency changeover 1P address [0 EACAR ocB DcB e Subret 285262550 & Optimization of — D sss0 T Gacvay e S frequencies Sip compensation EiherNet/IP communication [1] Noaston/moemor @) Oscilation damping Optimizing the stalina behavior Faultreacton Motorcoto selection Torgque cortrol wilh frequency imt Mapping feldbus data = Fexble /0 confiauration Start / stop motor Fieldbus custom words Setpoint change over Reset eror Aciivating DC bralking manualy Activatina ramo 2 manualy Tiggerng a userdefined faut Corfiguration Frequeney theshold Corfiguration oî digtal inputa Corfiguration of analog inputs ' Corfiguration f digtal outputs - #1 outputs - 8 l Introler Sleep mode and e function = Addtonafunctons o","libVersion":"0.3.2","langs":"eng+ita"} |