57 lines
1.2 KiB
57 lines
1.2 KiB
### Supervisor:
![[Pasted image 20250203162058.png]]
### Q1:
![[Pasted image 20250203162105.png]]
RAW data received on Q1: "000270561501" EB4176 to EB4187 - di[44]-di[46]
44-46 are swapped byte a byte. => B3=B2, B2=B3, B1=B0, B0=B1
data on Supervisor batchNumber: '002007655110'
on the Q1 the data is copied on the `FromHenkel.PO_NUMBER` from di[44] to di[46] swapped byte a byte
on the supervisor the data is converted using
//Actual Batch Number
Chars_TO_Strg(Chars := #FromHenkel.PO_NUMBER,
pChars := 0,
Cnt := 12,
Strg => "TL23_ToAlplaStatusLine_D".St.BatchActual.BatchNumber);
then this data is copied on: FB2034
Strg_TO_Chars(Strg := "TL23_ToAlplaStatusLine_D".St.BatchActual.BatchNumber,
pChars := 0,
Cnt => #uiCnt,
Chars := "DB2039_COM_VETRO_global_data_L43".TG10_send.DATA.Batch_ID);
# Example II
![[Pasted image 20250211151033.png]]
di7: 876_099_890
di8: 3420981
![[Pasted image 20250211151152.png]]
![[Pasted image 20250211152428.png]]
![[Pasted image 20250211152450.png]]
di[7] := 959_591_480
di[8] := 859_111_476