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2025-03-01 09:37:31 -03:00
' Module: MainModule
' Description: Main entry points for the application
Public Sub ShowMenu()
' Display the main menu form
End Sub
Public Sub ProcessLogs()
' Update logs and refresh data
End Sub
Public Sub GenerateInvoice()
' Generate invoice by showing date selection form
End Sub
Public Sub ExportCommessaSheet()
' Export Comesse sheet to Excel
End Sub
' Helper function to display date selection form
Private Sub ShowDateSelectionForm()
Dim wsHoras As Worksheet
Dim fechaDesde As Date, fechaHasta As Date
Dim rangoSeleccionado As Range
' Set reference to Horas sheet
Set wsHoras = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SHEET_HORAS)
' Check if there's a selected range in Horas sheet and column E
If Not Application.Selection Is Nothing Then
Set rangoSeleccionado = Application.Selection
If rangoSeleccionado.Worksheet.Name = SHEET_HORAS And _
rangoSeleccionado.EntireColumn.Address = wsHoras.Columns("E").Address Then
' Use dates from selected range
fechaDesde = rangoSeleccionado.Cells(1, 1).Value2
fechaHasta = rangoSeleccionado.Cells(rangoSeleccionado.Rows.Count, 1).Value2
End If
End If
' If no appropriate selection, use default date calculation
If fechaDesde = 0 Or fechaHasta = 0 Then
fechaHasta = GetDefaultEndDate()
fechaDesde = GetDefaultStartDate(fechaHasta)
End If
' Set default values in the form
ConsultarFechas.t_hasta.Value = Format(fechaHasta, "dd/mm/yyyy")
ConsultarFechas.t_desde.Value = Format(fechaDesde, "dd/mm/yyyy")
' Set invoice number
ConsultarFechas.frm_factnro.Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SHEET_NOTA).Cells(6, 3).Value
' Show form
End Sub
Public Sub RunDiagnostic()
' Run a diagnostic test
Debug.Print "System Diagnostics:"
Debug.Print "-------------------"
Debug.Print "Python Path: " & PYTHON_EXE_PATH
Debug.Print "Script Path: " & SCRIPT_PATH
Debug.Print "Log Path: " & LOG_FILE_PATH
Debug.Print "Excel Log Path: " & LOG_EXCEL_PATH
Dim testResult As Double
testResult = SumarPorMes(Sheets(SHEET_HORAS).Range("E3:E367"), Month(Date), Sheets(SHEET_HORAS).Range("O3:O367"))
Debug.Print "Test sum for current month: " & testResult
End Sub