Obsidean_VM/04-InLavoro/HENKEL/93040 - HENKEL - BowlingGreen/TL23-L20/9.3674 - HENKEL - TL23-L20 .../00 - Roadmap.md

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Layout New Line - TLO23-L20:


Reporte Folder InLavoro

Events 2023:

  • 20 Sept : Comisioning at VM with Wilbert:

  • 23 Oct: Prepare Integrator logic for M86 Integrator logic M86 - before labeler

  • 8 Dec : Wilbert asked for some problems - I think they started to work

  • 15 Dec : Meting with Henkel people:

    • @Brandon B Miller to share IP address to put line on the network through Prosoft in Q1 within Wednesday December 20th
    • @Brandon B Miller to schedule a bit exchange test for L20 within Wednesday December 20th before Wilbert and Lenin departure from site on Thursday 21st
    • @bettega_roberto@yahoo.it can you install encoder on PE motor before labeler before end of year ( if needed we can manufacture necessary bracket and ship in January), please let us know if you are having any issues with this request

    !Pasted image 20231217141730.png

    • @bettega_roberto@yahoo.it can you share actual distances between lowerator and PE  and PE and SERAC filler on L20 so we can update layout (Vetromeccanica motorgear between lowerator and labeler has been removed )

    !Pasted image 20231217141802.png

    • @Miguel Vera to share list of possible data exchange on L20 @Brandon B Miller to confirm

    • L20 is always running bottles through uncaser

    • L20 key data exchange test on February 5th

    • L40 test with PE done, now running in bypass

    • L40 more advanced test for data exchange on January 29th , 30.000 bph (4-5 h), Vetromeccanica resources to be shared with L20 to avoid additional traveling

    • L25 test with PE maybe today or next week

    • L25 more advanced test for data exchange on January 29th , 30.000 bph (4-5 h), Vetromeccanica resources to be shared with L20 to avoid additional traveling:

    • Verify line status signals when running PE only

    • Verify line status signals when running MMC only

    I ==propose to schedule another meeting mid of January== to realign on signals exchange for L20 and plan key functioning tests on January 29th   (L40+L25)  and February 5th (L20).

  • Brandom answers:

    • Max, we wont be able to test anything between Henkel and line 20 until we ==return in Jan 2024==.  This just will need to happen whenever Lenin and Wilbert return.
    • Secondly, the IP address of the Prosoft port connected to your PLC needs to come from you since I do not have visibility to your program. We will configure it,  I just need access to it to download the configuration file and the IP address you are assigning it in your program.
    • Attached is the OEM messaging map that we had discussed a few months ago for Line 40.  The ones that youre interested in are the first two tabs with the Eb Convey tab names.  For line 20 some of the information you will not need (ex. data from two labelers).  My ask would be if Miguel could update the first two tabs if there are specific signals that Vetro needs from Henkel that is different than line 20.  Everything from Vetro to Henkel should be consistent with what we already do on other lines.
    • OEM MES Messaging Map.xlsx


IP address of Prosoft Q1-TLO23:

!Pasted image 20231217154824.png ==Q1 TLO23 PLC==: 93066_PLC_HMI_REG_TL23_Q1_18.ap16

Encoder before PE status?

Need to find who worked on the signal exchange for the TLO23 line. To create the signals needed for this line.

Seems that the info needed is:

  • One Labeller
  • General Info for the formats

M61 y M62