Obsidean_VM/04-InLavoro/HENKEL/93040 - HENKEL - BowlingGreen/TL23-L20/9.3674 - HENKEL - TL23-L20 .../02 - 9.3674 - New Line - Ch...

2.1 KiB

Changes to be done:

1: Call the TL23_BottleTurnerAlarm_G

	FC105 Aggiungere la chiamata a la TL23_BottleTurnerAlarm_G()

!Pasted image 20230919104419.png

	Creare la FC: TL23_BottleTurnerAlarm_G e caricarla

2: If it is needed to change the name of the Line 43 to Line 20

We need to ask the customer if the line will be call 43 or 20 for the line efficiency: FB1100 - Network 6 !Pasted image 20230919112233.png

3: Buttons to access HMIs remotely

On the VB script at the HMI : VB RemAccess_lineDefinition

for the new TLO23 we need to take out the 23 on the case so will go on the Else:

!Pasted image 20230919120450.png

So the line 21,22 and 23 all goes on the Else

4: Bits of BackupTL28ToTL2xx

Check Network 13 from FB2044 / FB2054 / FB2064

!Pasted image 20230919134927.png

instead of using "TL26_ReadData_D".FromQ1.ToSV.STW.QE1.X1xx use "TL28_ReadData_D".FromQ1.ToSV.STW.QE1.BackupTL28ToTL2xx

5: Difference found between the Main and the Backup PLC

Check this diference on the backup PLC

–       TL21_ComAlpa_G [FC79] - Network 2 –       TL22_ComAlpa_G [FC68] - Network 2 –       TL23_ComAlpa_G [FC105] - Network 2 –       TL24_ComAlpa_G [FC94] - Network 3 –       TL25_ComAlpa_G [FC56] - Network 2 –       TL26_ComAlpa_G [FC14] - Network 2 –       TL27_ComAlpa_G [FC22] - Network 2 –       TL28_ComAlpa_G [FC44] - Network 3

6: DB1102 "LineDataFormat" max index is 29. Needed to be updated to 50

The DB1102 internally has an index up to 20 format families. However, in panel Q1 and in other DBs, these arrays go up to 29 or 50. At the moment when we were doing a backup, we saw that the client was working with family 22, so the supervisory PLC was in error due to an out-of-bounds index. To solve the problem, we think that the arrays of DB1102 should be expanded to 29.

There is no control of máximum index overrun so there is no need to change anything else.

!Pasted image 20230920120257.png

This DB are used on the FC1100 DataReport.

!Pasted image 20231004150813.png