4.6 KiB
4.6 KiB
L23 - Quadro 4
Motors by each PLC
Q1. M31-M38 - M153/M154
Q2. M43-M58
Q3. M63-M75
Q4. M80-M97 - M155/156
1: Testare logica / scalamento encoder ingreso labeler
FC315 - Network 8
Este es un ejemplo de otro proyecto desde el que se tomo el codigo.
Colocar en Increments per unit la cantidad de pulsos contados en un metro de cadena.
2: Fare il homming dello M155 da panello
3: M85 - M86 how it is connected with the another infeed M97 flow. It will be temporary. - Explanined by Mateo - Int 294
L23 - Quadro 1
1: Update the DB6 to accomodate 50 family formats
DB6 - DB_BOTTLE_DATA Array di 30
Controllare che non sia bisogno cambiarlo a 50
2: Update the DB6 and Can be replaced the logic for Bottle_Lenght for the Crash check
Que e usata nella FC5 - Network 1
Controllare in tutti Q1
Nella FC5 Network 1 penso che e meglio fare cosi:
3: May be is need to define the select CASE
Check that this CASE is not used at FC60 (FC HMI ChangeOver) Network 7: we couldnt find any reference where this data is used.
4: missing this nework on the OB1
OB1 - Network 2
"DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_DINT := RT_INFO(MODE := 25, OB := "OB_CYCL_EXC", INFO := "DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_SCAN_TIME);
"DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_SCAN_ms := "DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_SCAN_ms + "DB ScanTime_OB1".SCAN_FROM_LINT;
"DB ScanTime_OB1".SCAN_TIME_ms := "DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_SCAN_ms / 1000000;
"DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_SCAN_ms := "DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_SCAN_ms - ("DB ScanTime_OB1".SCAN_TIME_ms * 1000000);
5: missign this call on the OB1
Network 5:
6: On the L21 was using "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel instead of "ComSV".TL23_WriteToSv.ToHenkel;
FC7 - Seg. 13:
#ToHenkel := "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel;
So in the program all the references to "ComSV".TL23_WriteToSv.ToHenkel must be changed to "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel;
7: Remote Selector #changeover
IF "FormatManagementQE1_D".RemoteSelector THEN
// This disable the RemoteSelector. All this IF must be deleted to enable RemoteSlector
"FormatManagementQE1_D".RemoteSelector := False;
"FormatManagementQE1_D".FormatChangeCycle := #FormatChange_Disabled;
On the FC800 FormatManagementQE1_G - Network 2: This IF prevents the RemoteSelector option to be enabled
8: Check that the DB_HMI.DBW_10..16 are overwritten by this at FC1100
(************************ ORDINE CONTROLLO - Update ************************)
"DB HMI".DBW_10 := "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl."Order number";
"DB HMI".DBW_12 := "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_1;
"DB HMI".DBW_14 := "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_2;
"DB HMI".DBW_16 := "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_3;
So this must be changed:
"Rt_PopUp_RemoteFormatChange"(CLK := "FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.ShowPopUp);
IF "Rt_PopUp_RemoteFormatChange".Q THEN
"DB HMI".DBW_12 := "FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.PageNumber;
"DB HMI".DBW_14 := 0;
"DB HMI".DBW_16 := 0;
"DB HMI".DBW_10 := 51;
"FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.PageNumber := 0;
"FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.ShowPopUp := FALSE;
"FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.Yes := FALSE;
"FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.No := FALSE;
IF ("DB HMI".DBW_2 = "FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.PageNumber) AND
("DB HMI".DBW_10 = 51) THEN
"DB HMI".DBW_10 := 0;
"DB HMI".DBW_12 := 0;
"DB HMI".DBW_14 := 0;
"DB HMI".DBW_16 := 0;
"Rt_LoadRemoteRecipe"(CLK := "FormatManagementQE1_D".IN_EndFormatManagement);
IF "Rt_LoadRemoteRecipe".Q THEN
"DB HMI".DBW_36 := 0;
"DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_1 := 2;
"DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_2 := DINT_TO_INT("FormatManagementQE1_D".NextSku.ProdFamily);
"DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_3 := 0;
"DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl."Order number" := 70;
IF ("DB HMI".DBW_36 = 4) OR ("DB HMI".DBW_36 = 12) AND
("DB HMI".DBW_10 = 70) THEN
"DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl."Order number" := 0;
"DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_1 := 0;
"DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_2 := 0;
"DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_3 := 0;