Obsidean_VM/04-InLavoro/HENKEL/93040 - HENKEL - BowlingGreen/TL23-L20/9.3674 - HENKEL - TL23-L20 .../9.3674 - New Line - Changes...

4.6 KiB

L23 - Quadro 4

Motors by each PLC

	Q1. M31-M38 - M153/M154
	Q2. M43-M58
	Q3. M63-M75
	Q4. M80-M97 - M155/156

1: Testare logica / scalamento encoder ingreso labeler

FC315 - Network 8

!Pasted image 20230919172554.png Este es un ejemplo de otro proyecto desde el que se tomo el codigo.

Colocar en Increments per unit la cantidad de pulsos contados en un metro de cadena.

2: Fare il homming dello M155 da panello

3: M85 - M86 how it is connected with the another infeed M97 flow. It will be temporary. - Explanined by Mateo - Int 294

!Pasted image 20230921112125.png

L23 - Quadro 1

1: Update the DB6 to accomodate 50 family formats

DB6 - DB_BOTTLE_DATA Array di 30

!Pasted image 20230920165022.png

Controllare che non sia bisogno cambiarlo a 50

2: Update the DB6 and Can be replaced the logic for Bottle_Lenght for the Crash check

!Pasted image 20230920170022.png Que e usata nella FC5 - Network 1

Controllare in tutti Q1

Nella FC5 Network 1 penso che e meglio fare cosi:

!Pasted image 20230921102036.png

3: May be is need to define the select CASE

Check that this CASE is not used at FC60 (FC HMI ChangeOver) Network 7: we couldnt find any reference where this data is used.

!Pasted image 20230920175619.png

4: missing this nework on the OB1

OB1 - Network 2

    "DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_DINT := RT_INFO(MODE := 25, OB := "OB_CYCL_EXC", INFO := "DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_SCAN_TIME);
    "DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_SCAN_ms := "DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_SCAN_ms + "DB ScanTime_OB1".SCAN_FROM_LINT;
    "DB ScanTime_OB1".SCAN_TIME_ms := "DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_SCAN_ms / 1000000;
    "DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_SCAN_ms := "DB ScanTime_OB1".AUX_SCAN_ms - ("DB ScanTime_OB1".SCAN_TIME_ms * 1000000);

5: missign this call on the OB1

Network 5:


6: On the L21 was using "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel instead of "ComSV".TL23_WriteToSv.ToHenkel;

FC7 - Seg. 13:


#ToHenkel := "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel;


So in the program all the references to "ComSV".TL23_WriteToSv.ToHenkel must be changed to "ComHenkel_D".ToHenkel;

7: Remote Selector #changeover

IF "FormatManagementQE1_D".RemoteSelector THEN

    // This disable the RemoteSelector. All this IF must be deleted to enable RemoteSlector
    "FormatManagementQE1_D".RemoteSelector := False;
    "FormatManagementQE1_D".FormatChangeCycle := #FormatChange_Disabled;

On the FC800 FormatManagementQE1_G - Network 2: This IF prevents the RemoteSelector option to be enabled

8: Check that the DB_HMI.DBW_10..16 are overwritten by this at FC1100

(************************ ORDINE CONTROLLO - Update ************************)

"DB HMI".DBW_10 := "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl."Order number";
"DB HMI".DBW_12 := "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_1;
"DB HMI".DBW_14 := "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_2;
"DB HMI".DBW_16 := "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_3;

So this must be changed:

"Rt_PopUp_RemoteFormatChange"(CLK := "FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.ShowPopUp);

IF "Rt_PopUp_RemoteFormatChange".Q THEN
    "DB HMI".DBW_12 := "FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.PageNumber;
    "DB HMI".DBW_14 := 0;
    "DB HMI".DBW_16 := 0;
    "DB HMI".DBW_10 := 51;
    "FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.PageNumber := 0;
    "FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.ShowPopUp  := FALSE;
    "FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.Yes        := FALSE;
    "FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.No         := FALSE;

IF ("DB HMI".DBW_2 = "FormatManagementQE1_D".HMI_PopUp.PageNumber) AND
    ("DB HMI".DBW_10 = 51) THEN
    "DB HMI".DBW_10 := 0;
    "DB HMI".DBW_12 := 0;
    "DB HMI".DBW_14 := 0;
    "DB HMI".DBW_16 := 0;


"Rt_LoadRemoteRecipe"(CLK := "FormatManagementQE1_D".IN_EndFormatManagement);

IF "Rt_LoadRemoteRecipe".Q THEN
    "DB HMI".DBW_36 := 0;
    "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_1 := 2;
    "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_2 := DINT_TO_INT("FormatManagementQE1_D".NextSku.ProdFamily);
    "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_3 := 0;
    "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl."Order number" := 70;

IF ("DB HMI".DBW_36 = 4) OR ("DB HMI".DBW_36 = 12) AND
    ("DB HMI".DBW_10 = 70) THEN
    "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl."Order number" := 0;
    "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_1 := 0;
    "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_2 := 0;
    "DB Collegamento HMI".OrderControl.OC_Parameter_3 := 0;