Obsidean_VM/04-InLavoro/HENKEL/93040 - HENKEL - BowlingGreen/TL27-L40/93744 - HENKEL - TL27-L40 -.../Notes for technician on sit...

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Updated Signals to Henkel

EB Conveyors (Vetro) to LC / PE

!Pasted image 20231006093019.png

EB Conveyors (Vetro) from LC / PE

!Pasted image 20231006152841.png

1-Only Fix on bypass: For LC/PE Labeler the sync speed are disabled if the machine is in bypass:

FC325 - N9 & N10 !Pasted image 20231010092010.png

  • This point must be controlled on site depending if the labeler are going to work as transparent transport or will run at a fixed speed when the Bypass is activated.

2-Motor M60: Updated FC330 ( M60 ) similar to the FC325 ( M55 ) using the new bits asked to Malisko/Henkel/PE.

3-UDT: Updated UDT "FromHenkelv2_U" for the new comments.

!Pasted image 20231010092514.png

4-Speed Signals To Henkel: Added reference speed on FC8-N7..8 for PE Labeler

!Pasted image 20231010093932.png

5-HMI DB: Added FC139/DB139 for signals to new Labeller

      CALL  "FC Signal Labeller_LC"
      CALL  "FC Signal Labeller_PE"

On the Lableler LC it is used the E2.2 for some alarm and M10.0 but its not clear

6-Added button on page 700 on both pannels

!Pasted image 20231011162638.png

6.1 Modified page 126 on both panels

!Pasted image 20231210121938.png

6.2 Change in the motor sellection - Motor 61 permanently disabled

!Pasted image 20231211111511.png

7- GateOpen on bypass: In the case the Labeler are in bypass must be check if the GateOpen signal is needed

FC325 - N4 !Pasted image 20231012111615.png In the case of the older LC Labeler if the machine is in bypass we always go in fix

  • Must be defined with the technicians on site if the Gate Opened will be used when the PC labeler are in in bypass and if the new labeler gives the reference and we can go in Sync.

8-Counters - Need to be added two new photocells for the counting

FC380-N8 an N9 - Dependes on witch labeler is running we count with blocks

This photocells must be connected !Pasted image 20231013103917.png !Pasted image 20231013104226.png Must be added like on the LC Labeler

9- Check Alarm 1369:

FC471 - N3 - The E2.2 is used for the accumulation photocells - seems that there must be some error with the allarm. !Pasted image 20231013112904.png

Supervisor PLC / and Backup PLC

Q2 PLC - FC139-N1 as Reference

// PE in bypass
      U     "FromQ1_D".FromHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[11]
      SPBN  LCcount
// PE Count - LC in Bypass: Send info from PE
      U     "DB Signal Labeller_PE".OUT_DIG_Signal_02
      U     "DB Signal Labeller_PE".CFG_VIS_DOUT_02
      =     "ToQ1_D".STW.QE.BottlesInfeedLabeller_1
      SPA   x001

LCcount : NOP 0
// LC Count - Send info from LC
      U     "DB Signal Labeller".OUT_DIG_Signal_02
      U     "DB Signal Labeller".CFG_VIS_DOUT_02
      =     "ToQ1_D".STW.QE.BottlesInfeedLabeller_1

x001: NOP 0

With this selection we send on "ToQ1_D".STW.QE.BottlesInfeedLabeller_1 the LACK OF BOTTLES from the infeed that is not in Bypass. If both are in bypass we send the count from LC infeed.


// GateOpen on Labeller not in Bypass
// "di10.x"[2] : GateOpen LC Labeller
// "di10.x"[9] : GateOpen PE Labeller
// "di10.x"[5] : LC in Bypass
// "di10.x"[11] : PE in Bypass
#TL_27_LabellerGateOpen := ("TL27_ReadData_D".FromQ1.FromHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[2] AND
    NOT "TL27_ReadData_D".FromQ1.FromHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[5]) OR
    ("TL27_ReadData_D".FromQ1.FromHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[9] AND
    NOT "TL27_ReadData_D".FromQ1.FromHenkel.SignalExchange.Labeller."di10.x"[11]);

2-Supervisore--FC1200 - N6 added - N7 modified

!Pasted image 20231012123648.png

!Pasted image 20231012123720.png

Need to check if the customer need