Obsidean_VM/31 - 9.3953 - Omega - Mexic.../Reporte/9.3953 - Omega Mexico - Not...

6.7 KiB

Cliente: Omega Packing Destinazione: Mexico Descrizione: Linea 7 Fàbrica de Jabòn la Corona


Motor 0,55KW 0,75 KW Photocell IO m/min a 50hz IP
1 M231 x B51110 IO45440.0 16.8 131
2 M232 x B51120 IO45440.1 16.2 132
3 M233 x B51130 IO45440.2 16.8 133
4 M234 x B51140 IO45440.3 16.8 134
5 M235 x B51150 IO45440.4 16.8 135
6 M236 x B51160 IO45440.5 16.8 136
7 M237 x B51170 IO45440.6 16.2 137
8 M238 x B52110 IO45441.0 16.2 138
9 M239 x B52120 / B52130 IO45441.1 / IO45441.2 16.2 139
1 M271 x B53110 IO45450.0 11.1 171
2 M272 x B53120 IO45450.1 11.1 172
3 M273 x 11.0 173
4 M274 x 11.1 174
5 M275 x B53130 11.1 175
6 M276 x 8.2 176
7 M277 x B53180 11.1 177
8 M278 x 8.3 178
9 M279 x 11.0 179
10 M280 x B53140 11.1 180
11 M281 x B53150 11.1 181
12 M282 x B53160 11.1 182

IPs & Passwords

  • IPs:

    • PLC:
    • HMI:
    • PLC:
    • IM
    • Stratix:
    • Inverters: ... 182xx
  • On HMI Users:

    • Tec: 7777
    • Manager: 8888
    • Operator: 1111
    • Superuser: 82549
  • PanelView Plus Passwords:

    • VNC: 100
    • System: Vetromeccanica24
    • Setup: Vetromeccanica24
  • Web server 1734-AENTR/C: ( )

    • User: admin
    • Password: password


The PLC is divided in 2 sections as TTOP / BCC from motors M231 to M239 and PACK / PCC from M271 to M282.

For the synoptic the all the layout is divided on Left / Right.

!Pasted image 20241009140921.png

!Pasted image 20241014175842.png


All the line has two selection of flows.

  • In the TTOP area, you can select the FLOW to either M238 or M239. Based on this selection, the motors and the machines not involved in the flow will be disabled.
  • The same for the Palletizing area on the M279, can be selected to manual Palletizing or to the M280 flow.

The flow logic work on the P0_Common.R006_Flows programs and force the selection of only one selection for each flow.

!Pasted image 20241014174923.png Then the motor logics used this flags to decide if the motor can run or not.


!Pasted image 20241015114012.png

Motor Logic:

Every motor uses the same basic logic, copying on the Motor[1].I.Pht1 the photocell or photocells used on the motor.


// Ingressi Motore M23160  - Omega
if Motor[1].Presence then
	Motor[1].I.Pht1:=IO45440.0;// 0 Product presence - 1 Empty

!Pasted image 20241014175316.png

Then this photocells are filtered and used on the Enable

!Pasted image 20241014175450.png

!Pasted image 20241014175509.png

Then the timer output is used to run the motor.

To save Data on the Recipe

!Pasted image 20241009141036.png

  • With (4) the data is copied from Motors to PLC_Recipe

!Pasted image 20241009141416.png

  • With (1) the data is copied from PLC_Recipe to HMI_Recipe
  • With (2) the data is copied from HMI_Recipe to Recipe_DataStore

Signals with other machines:

On the P0_Common.R011_ExtMachines there is the main configuration of the tags used for the digital and analog communications.

ExtMachine[KBlower].Presence :=0;
ExtMachine[KUnscrambler].Presence :=0;
ExtMachine[KFiller].Presence :=0;
ExtMachine[KLabeller].Presence :=1;
ExtMachine[KSleever].Presence :=1;
ExtMachine[KShrinkWrapper].Presence :=1;
ExtMachine[KPackInsert].Presence :=0;
ExtMachine[KPallettizer].Presence :=1;
ExtMachine[KPastorizer].Presence :=0;
ExtMachine[KCluster].Presence :=0;
ExtMachine[KDepal].Presence :=0;
ExtMachine[KBalance].Presence :=1;

!Pasted image 20241015114419.png !Pasted image 20241015114433.png

The HMI Texts are:

!Pasted image 20241015114507.png !Pasted image 20241015114526.png

For the especial cases of signals that are generated on different Px can be used the CommonOutputs tags

//uscite ciclo Comune
IO45610.3 := CommonOutputs.0 OR CommonOutputs.1;

!Pasted image 20241015115154.png

PB71 / PB72 - Manual Palletizing

!Pasted image 20241015115326.png

For the manual palletizing the logic works like this:

PB71.Manual PB71.Auto PB71.Stop PB72.Manual PB72.Auto PB72.Stop Function
x any any any -> Stop
any any any x -> Stop
x x -> Manual run
x x -> Manual run
x x -> Auto run with photocell
  • So any stop position stops the M279
  • To run in manual the other key must be in auto o manual
  • To run in auto both keys must be in auto