Obsidean_VM/33 - 9.402x - Shibuya/9.402x - Lenze Motors.md

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Set common motor parameters

Calculating ...
Writing parameter values ...
	0x2C01:010	Motor parameters: Motor name	MFEMA063-32	
	0x2C00:000	Motor control mode	V/f control (open loop) [6]	
	0x2C01:006	Motor parameters: Rated power	0,55	kW
	0x2C01:004	Motor parameters: Rated speed	3440	rpm
	0x6080:000	Max. motor speed	5160	rpm
	0x6073:000	Max. current	150,0	%
	0x6075:000	Rated motor current	1,800	A
	0x2C01:005	Motor parameters: Rated frequency	120,0	Hz
	0x2916:000	Maximum frequency	120,0	Hz
	0x2B01:002	V/f shape data: Base frequency	120	Hz
	0x2C01:007	Motor parameters: Rated voltage	345	V
	0x2B01:001	V/f shape data: Base voltage	345	V
	0x2C01:008	Motor parameters: Cosine phi	0,68	
	0x2D46:001	Overcurrent monitoring: Threshold	7,2	A
	0x2D44:001	Overspeed monitoring: Threshold	4500	rpm
	0x2910:001	Inertia settings: Motor moment of inertia	3,70	kg cm²
	0x6076:000	Rated motor torque	1,530	Nm
	0x2C01:002	Motor parameters: Stator resistance	4,8500	Ω
	0x2C02:001	Motor parameter (ASM): Rotor resistance	4,8900	Ω
	0x2C02:002	Motor parameter (ASM): Mutual inductance	205,9	mH
	0x2C01:003	Motor parameters: Stator leakage inductance	12,560	mH
	0x2C02:003	Motor parameter (ASM): Magnetising current	1,15	A

Initialize controller settings

Identifying input parameters ...
Reading parameter values ...
	0x2904:000	Actual speed filter time	2,0	ms
	0x2910:002	Inertia settings: Scaled load inertia	0,00	kg cm²
	0x2910:003	Inertia settings: Coupling	With backlash [2]
Calculating ...
Writing parameter values ...
	0x2942:001	Current controller par.: Gain	22,69	V/A
	0x2942:002	Current controller par.: Reset time	5,03	ms
	0x29C0:001	Field controller settings: Gain	48,56	A/Vs
	0x29C0:002	Field controller settings: Reset time	44,6	ms
	0x29E0:001	Field weakening controller: Gain (ASM)	0,000	Vs/V
	0x29E0:002	Field weakening controller: Reset time (ASM)	3502,2	ms
	0x2B08:001	V/f Imax controller: Gain	1,128	Hz/A
	0x2B08:002	V/f Imax controller: Reset time	2,5	ms
	0x2B0C:000	Override field weakening	-40,0	Hz
	0x2BA1:003	Flying restart circuit: Restart time	8531	ms
	0x2900:001	Speed controller settings: Gain	0,00193	Nm/rpm
	0x2900:002	Speed controller settings: Reset time	80,0	ms
	0x2B40:001	SLVC: Gain	8,4347	Hz/A
	0x2B40:002	SLVC: Reset time	2,5	ms
	0x2B12:001	V/f voltage boost: Fixed boost	2,1	%

Parameterization finished successfully!

Selected device: M23160
	Device description: IOFW55AG7107_05_01_05 - LXD document version, last modified 2024-07-08T06:23:29.0000000
Selected motor: MFEMA063-32 (C86=1579)
	Motor description: 1579_MFEMA06332_NAXS - LXD document version, last modified 2024-09-25T14:50:40.0000000
Motor strategy assembly: 
	Engineering.StrategyLibrary.dll - V1.26.0.29297
Calculation library: 
	Device.i500.Calculations.dll - V1.21.0.0 (File version

Star / Triangle

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Star :

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