Obsidean_VM/01-Documentation/Inverters/Siemens/Feedback sezzionatori - Con...

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From: https://support.industry.siemens.com/forum/it/en/posts/read-di-and-write-do-of-g120-cu240e-2-pn/131005

!Pasted image 20240629164005.png

!Pasted image 20240629162542.png

This parameter is the setup for the 3 WORD on the telegram. In this way is copied all DIs to the PZD3. On the PLC must be selected as extended with 2 + 2 like this: !Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-06-29 a las 12.24.32_63702572.jpg

The this bit is takenout like this:

FC525 - Seg 1

      L PEW [ AR1 , P#4.0 ]      //Read Digital Input
      T     #DigitalInput

!Pasted image 20240629163127.png

!Pasted image 20240629163205.png


!Pasted image 20240629163340.png

   U     #Mot_DB.CFG_SW_CTR_Single
      U     #SW_Alarm
      S     #Mot_DB.Alarm_04
      SPA   NOVM
VM:   NOP 0
      U     #Mot_DB.CFG_SW_CTR_Single
      U     #SW_Alarm
      =     #Mot_DB.Alarm_04

On the Motors DB:

!Pasted image 20240629163535.png

   L     %DB326.DBB291
      T     %DB371.DBB56

      L     %DB327.DBB291
      T     %DB371.DBB57

      L     %DB328.DBB291
      T     %DB371.DBB58

      L     %DB329.DBB291
      T     %DB371.DBB59

all motors are copied on the DB371 that then is used on the HMI

!Pasted image 20240629163812.png