Obsidean_VM/01-Documentation/Vetromeccanica/GEO - Master UP/GEO - Master UP.md

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GEO Synchronization System - Component Overview

Master Machine Section
[Product Input] -> [Master Bottle Block] -> [Castle & FC Sensor]
                                        Controls bottle flow
Sync Zone Section                              v
[Synchronized Belts (120Hz)] <- [Speed Control System]
[ISQ3 Sensor] -> Monitors accumulation
[Encoder Pulses] -> Measures distances/timing
[Jam Point] -> Maintains bottle contact

Slave Machine Section
[Slave Bottle Block] <- [Sync Control] <- [Downstream Permission]

Key Control Parameters:
- Bottle diameter
- Max bottles count
- Accumulation threshold
- Startup threshold
- Min/Max speeds
- Slip correction %
- Recovery belt speed
- K Correction (1-6)

Operation Flow:
Input -> Master Block -> Castle -> Sync Belts -> Slave Block -> Output
      |                    |           |             |
      |                    |           |             |
      v                    v           v             v
   Controls          Monitors     Maintains      Controls
   Input Flow        Flow        Speed/Sync      Output Flow

Filling Phase:

At an empty plant, the master machine waits for incoming product. When the product arrives at the entrance, the bottle block of the master machine is requested to open. If the synchronization zone is automatic, filling is initiated, and the bottle block opening is authorized by the sync. Once opened, the master machine speeds up to quickly move bottles to the castle. Upon detecting the first bottle, the master machine slows down, and filling continues at a reduced speed. Bottles then accumulate at the entrance of the slave machine until FC detects them under the castle. FC then starts a count using encoder pulses and a setpoint from the operator panel to delay the opening of the bottle block on the slave machine. If the slave machine does not open in time, filling uses another counter with the encoder. Finally, the bottle block of the master machine is closed, and the machine stops in phase.

Production Phase:

After filling, the slave machine opens the bottle lock upon receiving a signal from the sync and permission from downstream. The belts, in sync with the master machine, start moving. Conveyors adjust their speed to keep bottles under the bridge and maintain a constant jam point. Initially, without the synchronized machine signal from the slave, the master adjusts its speed to maintain flow. Once the slave signals synchronization, the master can increase speed based on product presence upstream and downstream. The slave then matches the master's speed. The castle monitors bottle flow, adjusting the slave's and conveyors' speeds to ensure smooth operation.

Interruption Phases:

Here are the updated procedures for the client's operation:

  • Production Phase: If the slave machine stops for any reason, such as closing the bottle lock or losing the machine in motion signal, the filling phase continues without stopping the synchronization alarm.

  • Master Machine Interruption: If the master machine stops for any reason, it signals the slave machine to immediately close the bottle lock and halt the synchronization belts, pausing operations until the master machine resumes.

Emptying Phase:

When production concludes, the synchronization is emptied using the appropriate button on the synchronization operator panel.

Synchronization System Parameters: In the following administrative settings page, the speed of the synchronization belts must be set to 120Hz. In the MAX MASTER parameter, the maximum production speed of the master machine must be set. In the ramp parameters, values must be set for a correct speed change operation (ramp) during the production phase with the master machine's bottle lock open, as well as during operation with the master machine's bottle lock closed.

These parameters will allow for a smooth or immediate operation of the tracking system.

!Pasted image 20250204163823.png

On the following page, you can view and/or modify the parameters for the correct operation of the synchronization system.

  • Set the bottle diameter, an important parameter as it will affect the operation and calculation of speeds.
  • Jam point indicates the contact position after the bridge (during the production phase) of the bottles; this parameter allows you to vary this point for proper operation based on the product's behavior.
  • Maximum number of bottles indicates the limit number of products that would be missing from the differential count of the synchronization. Once this value is exceeded, the synchronization system will immediately jump to the filling phase.
  • Accumulation OK, indicates the number of pulses with bottles accumulated under the castle such that at the end of the count, the end of filling is requested.
  • Startup OK, indicates the number of pulses with bottles accumulated under the castle such that at the end of the count, the authorization to open the bottle lock at the slave machine from synchronization is requested.

ATTENTION: the value of the parameter STARTUP OK must be lower than the parameter ACCUMULATION OK.

!Pasted image 20250204163835.png

  • Minimum speed, indicates the minimum speed of the transport system in synchronism.
  • Master stop, indicates the minimum speed of the master machine.
  • Loading, indicates the loading speed during the filling phase of the transports.
  • ISQ3 Clogged, indicate the number of encoder pulses such that when the ISQ3 photocell detects the accumulation of bottles, it starts a count using this value as the set point, and at the end of the count, stop the bottle output from the master machine.
  • ISQ3 Slows down, indicate the number of encoder pulses such that when the ISQ3 photocell detects the accumulation of bottles, it starts a count using this value as the set point, and at the end of the count, request a slowdown from the master machine.
  • Start Slip, indicate the number of pulses such that when the FC photocell detects the accumulation of bottles, it starts a count using this value as the set point, and at the end of the count, enable the slip phase.
  • Stop Slip, indicate the number of pulses such that when the FC photocell does not detect the accumulation of bottles (having the previous state of SLIP ACTIVE), it starts a count using this value as the set point, and at the end of the count, disable the slip phase.
  • Slip Correction, indicate the percentage number to modify the speed of the slave machine.

The slip speed must be such to allow the condition where the speed of the transports and the bottle are equal, thus avoiding the slip state of the bottles and allowing the recovery of the contact point after the castle and resuming the count of the differential counter.

!Pasted image 20250204163848.png

VREC Current, indicate the percentage value for the correct speed of the recovery belt.

K Correction Intervention, indicate a number from 1 (soft operation) to 6 (nervous operation) such that the system must react to speed changes.

!Pasted image 20250204163900.png