Obsidean_VM/03-Revised/93660 - Supervisione Sipa/Reporte/Solution.md

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If it is needed to use the PLC the script can be like this:

		' v 0.1 ABiasini 
	' v 0.2 MVera 31-10-23
	Const TagsBase = "XData\Rcp\Air\"
	Const MaxNumDeRiccete = 20
	Const NumRecipe = 1  '1:Air 2:TTOP 3:PAck
	Dim n 
	For n = 1 To MaxNumDeRiccete
		'Prendo il Nome del formato n
		GetDataRecordName NumRecipe, n, "XData\Rcp\NomeReceta", "XData\Rcp\NomeSetDati" ,"XData\Rcp\STATUS_NomeSetDati"
		'Attendo il Risultato del Formato n
		Do Until (SmartTags("XData\Rcp\STATUS_NomeSetDati") = 4 Or (SmartTags("XData\Rcp\STATUS_NomeSetDati")) = 12)
		SmartTags(TagsBase & "NomeSetDati "& CStr(n)) = SmartTags("XData\Rcp\NomeSetDati")
		SmartTags(TagsBase & "STATUS_NomeSetDati "& CStr(n))= SmartTags("XData\Rcp\STATUS_NomeSetDati")	
	SmartTags(TagsBase & "NomeFormato") = SmartTags("XData\Rcp\NomeReceta")

For the creation of the txt file without using the PLC:

We need this internal tags:

!Pasted image 20231030135511.png

	' v 0.1 ABiasini
	' v 0.2 MVera 31-10-23
    ' This script works with the PC and WinCE filesystem
    ' Need to change the TypeOfPanel constant
    ' The logic of this script is to read all names of the Recipe "NumRecipe"
    ' and creates a TXT file with the number and the name
    'Define variable of script
    Dim FolderPath, fileObj, fileSysObj, Row
    Dim n, TagNomeSetDati, Spaces

    Const MaxNumDeRiccete = 25
    Const TagsBase = "XData\Rcp\Air\"
    Const NumRecipe = 1  '1:Air 2:TTOP 3:PAck
    Const FileName = "Air_RCP_Name.txt"
    Const TypeOfPanel = "WinCE" '"WindowsPC" 
    Const TruncFormatNotExistent = 0  ' Not write the formats not existent

    'Reset Status of operation (Warning)
    SmartTags(TagsBase & "STATUS_Operation") = False

    'Define Folder Address
     On Error Resume Next

    If TypeOfPanel = "WinCE" Then

        '          WINCE
        Const fModeAppend = 8
        FolderPath = "\Storage Card SD\FLASH"
        Set fileSysObj = CreateObject("FileCtl.FileSystem")
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
			ShowSystemAlarm "1. " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
		End If
  		If fileSysObj.Dir(FolderPath)="" Then	
	        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
				ShowSystemAlarm "2. " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
			End If
			fileSysObj.Kill FolderPath & "\" & FileName
		End If
		fileSysObj = Nothing
        Set fileObj = CreateObject ("FileCtl.File")
        fileObj.Open FolderPath & "\" & FileName, fModeAppend 
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
			ShowSystemAlarm "4. " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
			ShowSystemAlarm ("Error Opening file: " & FolderPath & "\" & FileName)
		End If

        fileObj.LinePrint("Format Nr ; Format Name")
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
			ShowSystemAlarm "5. " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
		End If

        For n = 1 To MaxNumDeRiccete

            'Prendo il Nome del formato n
            GetDataRecordName NumRecipe, n, "XData\Rcp\NomeReceta", "XData\Rcp\NomeSetDati", "XData\Rcp\STATUS_NomeSetDati"

            'Attendo il Risultato del Formato n
            Do Until (SmartTags("XData\Rcp\STATUS_NomeSetDati") = 4 Or (SmartTags("XData\Rcp\STATUS_NomeSetDati")) = 12)

			If n<=9 Then Spaces = "         ; "
			If n>9 Then  Spaces = "        ; "
			If n>99 Then Spaces = "       ; "
            If SmartTags("XData\Rcp\STATUS_NomeSetDati") = 4 Or Not TruncFormatNotExistent Then 
				fileObj.LinePrint(CStr(n) & Spaces & SmartTags("XData\Rcp\NomeSetDati"))
				If Err.Number = 0 Then 
					ShowSystemAlarm (SmartTags("XData\Rcp\NomeSetDati") & " format added.")
					ShowSystemAlarm "62 " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
				End If
			End If
		ShowSystemAlarm (FileName & " written succesfully.")
        'Reset Status of operation (Warning)
        SmartTags(TagsBase & "STATUS_Operation") = True

        '          WINDOWS PC

        FolderPath = "C:\FLASH"
        Set fileSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

		If Not fileSysObj.FolderExists(FolderPath) Then
            fileSysObj.CreateFolder FolderPath
        End If
        Set Row = fileSysObj.CreateTextFile(FolderPath & "\" & FileName,True)

        Row.WriteLine "Format Nr ; Format Name"

        For n = 1 To MaxNumDeRiccete

            'Prendo il Nome del formato n
            GetDataRecordName NumRecipe, n, "XData\Rcp\NomeReceta", "XData\Rcp\NomeSetDati", "XData\Rcp\STATUS_NomeSetDati"

            'Attendo il Risultato del Formato n
            Do Until (SmartTags("XData\Rcp\STATUS_NomeSetDati") = 4 Or (SmartTags("XData\Rcp\STATUS_NomeSetDati")) = 12)
			If n<=9 Then Spaces = "         ; "
			If n>9 Then  Spaces = "        ; "
			If n>99 Then Spaces = "       ; "
            If SmartTags("XData\Rcp\STATUS_NomeSetDati") = 4 Or Not TruncFormatNotExistent Then Row.WriteLine(CStr(n) & Spaces & SmartTags("XData\Rcp\NomeSetDati"))


        'Reset Status of operation (Warning)
        SmartTags(TagsBase & "STATUS_Operation") = True

    End If

With this script the HMI reads all recipes and creates the file.txt with the desired format. Also if the number of recipes increment is very easy to change.

There is completely different to use the file system on WinCE or in Windows.