2.0 KiB
- IPs:
- PLC:
- HMI:
- IM
- Inverters: .. 108
On HMI Users:
- Tec: 7777
- Manager: 8888
- Operator: 1111
- Superuser:
PanelView Plus Passwords:
- VNC: 100
- System: Vetromeccanica23
- Setup: 100
Web server 1734-AENTR/C: ( )
- User: admin
- Password: password
Pagina di TEST
Creato una pagina per test ( 47 ) che disabilita logica di scambio di segnali e facilita il cambio di velocita di referenza per testare con il Depal:
This page (47) and the reference to TestOptions.Enable
must be removed after testing.
Nel codigo e da verificare tutti punti dove se trova il tag ForTesting
Flow selection:
This inliner can operate with two lines, L1 and L2. The desired line to work with must be selected on this page. Simply altering the manual deflector will not suffice. The sensors on the Deflector serve solely as an alarm system. If you adjust the deflector and thereafter set both Flows to false, the system logic will autonomously choose the flow based on the sensor inputs.
Each downstream line communicates with the inliner (Depal_Conveyor) using Ethernet Produced/Consumed tags. This is described in ==another PDF==.
The communication passes the reference speed in percentage. Normally, 50% should be the contractual speed of the line.
From M20360 to M20860, all are in sync with the ReferenceSpeed.
The M20260 has 1 fixed and 2 sync settings. The fixed setting is used for starting and for emptying when both S50030/40 sensors are off. When these sensors are activated, it operates with sync 1 if only one sensor is activated, and sync 2 if both are activated.
Jam detection and Basket Full
This condition only halts the M20460 to M20260 and does not affect the M20560. The intention is to continue running while the operators resolve the issue.