Obsidean_VM/04-InLavoro/26 - 9.3944 Orientatore L20.../9.3944 Bottle Turner - L20-...

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New Layout:

!Pasted image 20240718095021.png

New Inverters:

!Pasted image 20240718114748.png

SEW Motor for the Bottle Turner:

!Pasted image 20240709110318.png

Line (Black) motors on the line:

!Pasted image 20240628134455.png

Bottle turner logic:

  • Speed follow up linked to the Lowerator Encoder: !Pasted image 20240718095147.png

  • This must be calibrated with the Labeler speed. Adjusting the "DB BT Logic M130".RCP.ProductionVel to the maximun speed that corresponds to the 68.42 m/min of the encoder.

  • This can be done for each format on the BT Setup Page: !Pasted image 20240718105627.png

  • The Minimal speed it is used to limit the minimal speed that the machine can run with low friction. Normaly this is 30 bottles/min in mm/sec ( 100 mm/sec aprox)


The BT runs the endless screws with the M130 SEW motor using belts. The screws are mounted over linear bearing to admit jams in case of bottle entered on the wrong side o turned. The two screws are pushed together with a pneumatic piston. The piston works with 2 different pressures. The high pressure when the screws are ramping up and the normal pressure when the screws are in normal production speed. On test the high pressure was set to 6 bar and the run pressure to 2,5 bar. The piston has a sensor to indicate a jam, if the sensor not read the machine must stop. Also there is a Torque control on the inverter to also stop if the torque is more than a HMI value.

The BT operates endless screws using the M130 SEW motor and belts. These screws, situated over a linear bearing, can sense jams if a bottle is incorrectly positioned or turned. A pneumatic piston pushes the two screws together, functioning at two pressure levels: high pressure during ramp-up, and normal pressure during regular production. During testing, high pressure was set at 6 bar and run pressure at 2.5 bar.

The piston has a sensor to detect jams. If the sensor fails to read the piston at the back, the machine must stop. Additionally, a Torque control on the inverter halts the operation if the torque exceeds a certain HMI value. Normally on the test the torque range from 1 to 2 but on the startup can reach 2,6. So all the test was set to 3. Normally the machine stops before for the torque control that the sensor on the piston.

!Pasted image 20240718101000.png!Pasted image 20240718101411.png

On the PLC the protocol FC Mot Manage Movigear ADV_DPRDAT (FC528) was added to run the Movigear inverter for M130. To add this protocol we need to make small changes on the UDT Motor.

On the FC380 is call the logic (FB BT Logic FB227) for the BT on net 20. The FB needs:

  • Minimun accumulation to allow the BT to run
  • Maximun accumulation to stop
  • Safety_Driver : Sensor to detect jams
  • Door1 / Door2.
  • Pilz ok: To set the alarm if the safety is not reset.
  • Start / Stop / Reset : Buttons to handle Automatic logic.
  • The Motor used to run the BT. From the motor it gets the speed and torque.

The FB BT Logic handles the recipe data and the Automatic state of the machine. Also output the lights states for the buttons, and the enable for the M130: !Pasted image 20240718102310.png

The timers TON / TOFF for the minimal / max accumulation are handled inside the FB. This times can be changed on the HMI.

On the FB logic the ramp check to activate the High pressure are calculated like this:

// Finish pulse when the motor reachs the velocity and is not more in ramp
#TON_HighPressure.S := ( ( #Motor.OUT_VFD_REQ_Speed_Hz - #Motor.STATUS_VFD_ACT_Speed_Hz ) / 1000.0) < 0.1;
#Status."High Pressure Step" := NOT #TON_HighPressure.Q;

#TON_HighPressure.TW := 40; // 4sec

So 0.1 means 10% of change in the speed.

To enable the M130 to run:

#Status."Drive Enable" := #Status.Auto AND #Status.Enable_MinAccum AND #Status.Enable_Outfeed OR
						#Status.Manual AND #Status.Enable_Outfeed;

EMD: Created 2 new zones as described on the electrical diagram

To manage the 12 zones, was needed to add a new EMD page because the maximun of zones are 10 for each page/ DB. Created new DB 224.

Added 2 alarms.

New Alarms:

Alarm Description IO involved
371/02/4 TableTop - M130 - ThermoMagnetic Swich Tripped Current protection shitch turn off E2.0
371/50/0 TableTop - M99 - ThermoMagnetic Swich Tripped Current protection shitch turn off
371/50/1 TableTop - M99 - Trip VFD Inverter stopped and in alarm
371/50/2 TableTop - M99 - DP Alarm Fieldbus conecction error
371/50/3 TableTop - M99 - Disconnector Switch Open Motor shitch disconected
371/50/4 TableTop - M99 - Manual Mode Motor in manual mode
371/50/5 TableTop - M99 - Power OFF Motor in stop mode
371/51/0 TableTop - M100 - ThermoMagnetic Swich Tripped Current protection shitch turn off
371/51/1 TableTop - M100 - Trip VFD Inverter stopped and in alarm
371/51/2 TableTop - M100 - DP Alarm Fieldbus conecction error
371/51/3 TableTop - M100 - Disconnector Switch Open Motor shitch disconected
371/51/4 TableTop - M100 - Manual Mode Motor in manual mode
371/51/5 TableTop - M100 - Power OFF Motor in stop mode
371/52/0 TableTop - M101 - ThermoMagnetic Swich Tripped Current protection shitch turn off
371/52/1 TableTop - M101 - Trip VFD Inverter stopped and in alarm
371/52/2 TableTop - M101 - DP Alarm Fieldbus conecction error
371/52/3 TableTop - M101 - Disconnector Switch Open Motor shitch disconected
371/52/4 TableTop - M101 - Manual Mode Motor in manual mode
371/52/5 TableTop - M101 - Power OFF Motor in stop mode
371/53/0 TableTop - M102 - ThermoMagnetic Swich Tripped Current protection shitch turn off
371/53/1 TableTop - M102 - Trip VFD Inverter stopped and in alarm
371/53/2 TableTop - M102 - DP Alarm Fieldbus conecction error
371/53/3 TableTop - M102 - Disconnector Switch Open Motor shitch disconected
371/53/4 TableTop - M102 - Manual Mode Motor in manual mode
371/53/5 TableTop - M102 - Power OFF Motor in stop mode
371/54/0 TableTop - M130 - ThermoMagnetic Swich Tripped Current protection shitch turn off
371/54/1 TableTop - M130 - Trip VFD Inverter stopped and in alarm
371/54/2 TableTop - M130 - DP Alarm Fieldbus conecction error
371/54/3 TableTop - M130 - Disconnector Switch Open Motor shitch disconected
371/54/4 TableTop - M130 - Manual Mode Motor in manual mode
371/54/5 TableTop - M130 - Power OFF Motor in stop mode
371/14/0 TableTop - Bottle Turner - Jam Bottle turner safety sensor open. This sensor detects that the screws were opened. May indicate jam inside the bottle turner. E103.0 - S3-M130
371/14/1 TableTop - Bottle Turner - Door 1 Door 1 open E3.5
371/14/2 TableTop - Bottle Turner - Door 2 Door 2 open E3.6
371/14/3 TableTop - Bottle Turner - No min. Accumulation There is not minimun accumulation to start the bottle turner. E103.2 - B3-M130
371/14/4 TableTop - Bottle Turner - Outfeed Full The outfeed photocell indicates the conveyor are full E103.3 - B3 -M130
371/14/5 TableTop - Bottle Turner - Pilz Not Ready The safety pilz is in alarm e2.7
371/14/6 TableTop - Bottle Turner - Not started Bottle turner need to be started
371/14/7 TableTop - Bottle Turner - Max Torque reached Bottle turner reached the maximun torque allowed on the HMI
371/18/0 TableTop - Bassa Pressione P1-M93 Pressure low to run the EMD E5.2
371/18/1 TableTop - Bassa Pressione P1-M102 Pressure low to run the EMD E5.3